
October 22, 2010

Raon 19 Hair for Females

Download at Raonjena Sims - Donation


  1. Wow! I love this hair<3 cute!
    Thanks Raon!

  2. This looks beautiful!

  3. There's something about the bangs that doesn't quite go with the rest of the hair. Maybe it's just that they are really flattened out looking to me?

    Overall a decent hairstyle, though. :)

  4. Cute, but I wish it wasn't donation...

    Ill have to wait for it to be re-textured.

  5. The Cave's been pretty slow with Raon updates, I guess nobody is subscribing :?

  6. Roan hair always looks so flat and unrealistic to me...

  7. Looks more realistic than peggy hair. And I like that its 'flatter' than most hairs we are getting. Not everyone uses a load of hairspray.

  8. >< Another beautiful hair, but as usual. You have to pay. Raon, I love what you do, but not everyone can pay!

    Wel.. >< Heck!

  9. -.- This is freaking gorgeous. times 10. unfortunately, sites seem to be slow at updating Raon due to i think lack of donators. It's times like this that make me wish i had the money to donate x]

  10. I love the hairstyle, but there's something weird with the way the bangs are textured. I'll wait for a retexture I think.

  11. "This is freaking gorgeous. times 10. unfortunately, sites seem to be slow at updating Raon due to i think lack of donators."

    This is Raon's fault and stupidity. With a site like hers that is mostly only hair, it is just stupid to push out several donation items in the same week and expect to make a decent profit off it. Even Newsea and Peggy generally only do like one donation hair per week and their hairs are more popular than Raon's. Then again, no one ever said pay creators were smart.

    In order to push out several pay items in a short period of time and get several donators, you have to be a huge site like TSR and have a variety of different pay items. Raon fits neither qualification.

  12. "This is freaking gorgeous. times 10. unfortunately, sites seem to be slow at updating Raon due to i think lack of donators."

    This is Raon's fault and stupidity. With a site like hers that is mostly only hair, it is just stupid to push out several donation items in the same week and expect to make a decent profit off it. Even Newsea and Peggy generally only do like one donation hair per week and their hairs are more popular than Raon's. Then again, no one ever said pay creators were smart.

    In order to push out several pay items in a short period of time and get several donators, you have to be a huge site like TSR and have a variety of different pay items. Raon fits neither qualification."

    Ah, yes yes, good point. Definitely see where that leads, and why she isnt as profitable :D But considering we're still pretty early on in the legacy that is TS3, she might go crazy and do a bunch of cc in all categories :D

    We can only be hopeful :D

  13. Now that I think about it, though, maybe Raon is doing this on purpose. Perhaps she knows that pushing out lots of donation items within a short period of time will lead to a decrease in people sharing her hairs or at least slow down the sharing significantly.

    Who knows.

  14. I think it's because Raon has the least items out of any donation site (Well Rose may be close but she updates more frequently) and she doesn't update very regularly, she got into the S3 game pretty late, she'll update with a couple hairs then disappear for weeks. Lately she's been on fire with all her conversions. I don't think it has anything to do with popularity, there are plently of people who like her work.

  15. "I don't think it has anything to do with popularity, there are plently of people who like her work."

    That's not what I meant. I meant that unless Raon is doing this on purpose to make sure there is a decrease in the sharing of her donation hairs, if you are not as popular as larger creators or sites like TSR, you are not going to make a profit pushing out several donation items in a very short span of time. That's probably why the Raon hairs are sparse right now on the Cave.

  16. The problem is, you could end up paying for a month that Raon puts out nothing. So you gave him/her money and got jack shit out of it. And then there might be a time like this where you paid for the month and struck it big. That's likely why people aren't donating. They don't want to pay for months of nothing. The donors are the ones that lose a lot of money and get nothing out of it. Not a way to run a business and expect to keep your customers returning.

    As for this hairstyle, I think it'd like it better if it had a matching hair gathering on the other side of the head. Making it a semi-pig tail type thing. They're not too poofy, so it wouldn't look like big poodle or cocker spaniel ears. I think that'd make the bangs look a bit better as well. But, just my opinion :)

  17. I think it´s pretty.

  18. this is soooooooooooo cute I love it<3 it will be worth the wait:)

  19. There are plenty of people who like her work, but most people (including myself) don't want to pay for a month-long membership when there's no guarantee she'll have consistent downloads. I can just imagine buying a membership, right as she disappears again for another month.

    I like how Rose handles her donations; buy whatever individual hair you want, that's it.

  20. "I like how Rose handles her donations; buy whatever individual hair you want, that's it."

    This is why I've donated for Rose hairs in the past to share, but why I will never donate to sites like Raon.

  21. Love it! Can't wait to get it, I adore ponytails. Anyway, I know I'll have fix it, since all her hairs have missing LOD's, horrible bone assignments, eye-sliders issues, and permanent dark mesh (you won't get good blondes unless you fix the mesh)

  22. "eye-sliders issues"

    Seriously, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for pay creators to be so sloppy.


    Please someone convert and retexture for ladies? Thanks :)

  24. Anubis did that way back :)

  25. I adore this but BLARGH whydoesithavetobepay

  26. This is much better than Raon's normal stuff, I'm loving the textures. I kinda wish 'nubis would only fix the hair. :P Oh wells, I'll just copy the orginal textures over to Anubis' fix when it comes outt. <3

  27. "And I like that its 'flatter' than most hairs we are getting. Not everyone uses a load of hairspray."

    I use no hairspray, mousse, gel anything. The top of my hair is nowhere near this flat. I don't think the massive pufftops are MORE realistic, but I don't think flat top is realistic either, at least when using my own hair as reference. The bangs DO look flatter than the rest of it, IMO.

    Still, pretty good hair.

  28. This hair is pretty simalar to my hair, if I had bangs,I have lots of hair, but its thin if you singel out one, and if i take it in a ponytail it looks petty much glued to my scalp. So its a pretty accurate hair if I use my hair as model. The hair on the sides goes like my hair goes when last time had bangs. Only the bang it self on my would be "rounder" going more out in hump. Hard to explain.
