
October 05, 2010

Ken Carson: 1961 by daluved1

Download at Mod The Sims

The updated Barbie is here


  1. Wow, the original Ken was a creepy little freak.

  2. Kind of like you.

  3. Holy Xenu, does Ken have....... nipples?

  4. Fun fact: the original Barbie and Ken (not the dolls, the children of the woman who invented the dolls, and who the dolls are named after) were brother and sister.

  5. Wow, looks exactly like him!

  6. Exactly as creepy as him!

  7. Fun fact: the original Barbie and Ken (not the dolls, the children of the woman who invented the dolls, and who the dolls are named after) were brother and sister.

    So incest is wincest?

  8. I always thought the brother/sister thing was weird!

    And I agree, the original Ken is. Little awkward. I'm not really a fan.

  9. ROTFLOL this totally made my day xDxDxD

  10. I wonder why the doll's face is darker than his body. Fail tanning?

  11. easy, he didn't take his clothes off.

  12. ^So yeah, fail tanning if he was intending to tan like a Jersey shore guy does, and regular ol' "the sun doesn't go away just because I'm not trying to get skin cancer" tanning if he know, outside with his clothes on. Like most people are every day of their lives.

    Yes, he's very creepy. Also pretty accurate to the original doll. No download for me because creepiness outweighs accuracy in this case.

  13. ^Pshaw, who wears clothes when they go outside?

  14. But you can really appreciate the effort that got into this work.

  15. ^Oh ho ho, my dear. You truly are deluded.

    How is making a cartoon doll look slightly like a real doll evidence of "quality?" I thought the same thing about her Barbie, though. It's cute, it's thematic, but it's not exactly something that takes a great deal of skill. If this took her more than twenty minutes, I would be shocked.

    I'm not saying it's not well-done, btw. I just don't think it's all that impressive, technique-wise, to take inhuman, easily reproduceable features from a DOLL and mimic them know, a PIXEL doll.

    At least she stuck to the source...

  16. ^Agreed. It looks nice, but saying that someone is stupid just for not fawning over this is ridiculous. It's not so impressive that it's destined to be a universally loved item, you know. In fact, it's not so impressive that it will be remembered for more than a couple of days to anyone but Barbie fanatics.

  17. She did a good job being true to the doll.

  18. WTH did Barbie and the Penguin have a daughter!?!?!?!!!!

  19. "I just don't think it's all that impressive, technique-wise, to take inhuman, easily reproduceable features from a DOLL and mimic them know, a PIXEL doll."


    It's a good likeness and I think some people will like him. It's just not evidence of a great deal of skill. Doesn't mean the creator doesn't HAVE skill (whether I think she does or not is a moot point), this just doesn't showcase it.

  20. "It's cute, it's thematic, but it's not exactly something that takes a great deal of skill. If this took her more than twenty minutes, I would be shocked."

    So your saying you could do this in less than 20 minutes, knowing you would be shocked if it took her more?

    Let's see you make a ken doll then. and don't just make one that has already been made, for all I know you just copied it. Make a ken doll thats not been made before, lets see how people would comment.

  21. Barbie looks like she had waaaay too much to drink.

  22. So your saying you could do this in less than 20 minutes, knowing you would be shocked if it took her more?

    Let's see you make a ken doll then. and don't just make one that has already been made, for all I know you just copied it. Make a ken doll thats not been made before, lets see how people would comment.

    Troll harder, sweet cheeks.

  23. Hahahahaha omg I love them! And yes Ken does look a tad creepy doesn't he!

  24. "So your saying you could do this in less than 20 minutes, knowing you would be shocked if it took her more?

    Let's see you make a ken doll then. and don't just make one that has already been made, for all I know you just copied it. Make a ken doll thats not been made before, lets see how people would comment."

    Yes, I could. And no, I won't. I have nothing to prove to you.

  25. you dont have anything to prove because you cant make anything at all. its a surprise if all your sims are pretty much look the same. you're just afraid your sim wont get praise. so dont say yes you could, because i know you never will. you cant even make something as simple (according to you) as a ken doll.

  26. ^I'm sure it's a troll. Nobody gets that angry over such a simple comment unless they are a butthurt creator or a complete moron.

  27. They look a bit like Barbie and Ken to me. Creepy but then look at the old dolls.

  28. LoL this Ken looks like a super gaylord, wonder why the creator made this abomination 8[

  29. BTW, I'm not the same anon as above, but the features aren't completely the same. The nose is too low and the eyebrows are just wrong. I think a couple more tweaks would make it perfect, but atm it's only close to. :3
