
October 07, 2010

Longer Tee Shirts by Jillie

Download at Jillies Sims 3 Blog


  1. Not gonna lie, I kinda creamed when I saw this post. Seriously, fucking wow. This is probably the best CC clothing I've seen on this site in quite a while. The attention to detail is spot on and the designs are fashionable for everyday wear. More CC creators need to take notes from this girl because she's systematically rewriting the books in how to create truly high quality CC. Not even lemonqueef or anoobis could match this.

  2. ^You're joking, right?

    I wouldn't consider someone the shining example of how to make custom content if they can't even be arsed to do shirts in Simlish.

  3. ^You be trolling, we see you.

  4. I can't read simlish, can you?

  5. Who cares if stuff is in Simlish or not. It's not like the Sims read what's on their shirts and interact with it anyway.

  6. ^Because not everyone who plays this game speaks English. Simlish is 1. the official language of the game and 2. universal to all players because of that fact.

    It's funny how people complain all the time about photoskinning because it looks out of place in the game, but they accept English text which is just as stupid and out of place.

  7. I was going to download these, but I went to the site and the close-ups looked really blurry. It might just be the picture quality or because they were zoomed in, but I'm a bit reluctant now. Otherwise I like them, but I certainly wouldn't say they are the best creations ever. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  8. That's true, forgot not everyone who plays TS3 plays the game in English. My bad.

  9. ^Still opening your butthole for fat sweaty old men who promised to love you like your father never did?

  10. I would love a plain version of the longer tee.

  11. no one wants to hear about your dirty sexual experiences, the shawn. STFU

  12. I hate Simlish. I wouldn't call these a shining example of CC, but they are nice.

  13. Anyone else having trouble, getting these to show up in-game? :/

  14. "but they accept English text which is just as stupid and out of place."

    I see what you mean, but I personally play in English so it is not out of place at all in my game. I think Simlish is ugly so I prefer English. There is nothing wrong with that.
