
October 18, 2010

The Love Shop Paintings by Lou Ellen

Download at Canary Yellow


  1. I really wish someone would make a bunch of posters like this in Simlish. They would look so cool. Especially if that person managed to work the Simlish in fonts like those used in the posters.

  2. ^ Exactly; I would immediately adore the creator.

  3. I think it would kind of ruin the point to have these in Simlish, because it could say ANYTHING in Simlish and all you Simlish lemmings would just eat it up.

    I'm not really big on posters with a bunch of text in my game, they look more like they should be bumper stickers or something.

  4. ^^ I agree. Like any of you people can actually read simlish. What would be the point?

  5. The people who repeatedly nag about things being in simlish are very ignorant dorks. Not everyone wants things in simlish, I personally think it looks stupid. To the creator, thanks, these are great.


  7. I love oysters. Does this mean I'm the destroyer of worlds?

  8. only if your eating the pearls

  9. ^ oops that should be you're

  10. One of these days, I'm going to make a poster for the game that says "I'm a stupid, Simlish-obsessed douche." In Simlish, of course. Then, watch all the Simlish trolls gush about it.

  11. I prefer them not to be in Simlish. Thank you!

  12. I hope Simlish doesn't become the new "Klingon",LOL,personally I also prefer English in my game,oh well.

    Oh,and to go completely off topic,why does this blog even post a link to The InSiminator? They mostly update with Sims 2 items only,and according to them The Sims 3 is the worst game ever.

    Most of the mods/forum peeps over there also keep holding out hope for a new Sims 2 EP,and if you say anything critical to The Sims 2 they will threaten you with a ban.

  13. I can read Simlish. It's not that difficult.

    Anyhow, I find non-simlish text in my game to be jarring. The same goes for pictures of real people or things.

  14. ^Exactly. People complain all the time about things such as photoskinning and certain textures to be out of place and too realistic for the game, but they are willing to accept English, which is also out of place, because it happens to be what they like.

    Keep in mind that this is a worldwide game and not everyone speaks English, too. That's one reason they decided to go with Simlish. I don't want posters of real people in my game for the same reason I don't want English.

  15. No one's saying never create in English for you folks who are less meticulous about what is in their game theme-wise, only that we'd really like some doggone Simlish - the language our Sims speak - in the game.
    Anyone who doesn't get that IS an ignorant dork. It's no skin off your back, so get over it. And ffs learn what a troll is.

  16. Um... then those of you that are so well versed in a completely made up language why don't you get off your ass amd make it yourself? Paintings are the easiest thing to make for the game so quit whining.

  17. Agreed with the last Anon - make it yourselves.

  18. Why? Why not let someone who likes making things know something that interests us?
    Don't go to a restaurant, make it yourself.
    Don't buy clothes, make them yourself.
    Don't buy music, make it yourself.
    Don't ever do anything you can do yourself.
    Grow your own food, perform your own veterinary procedures, build your own car.

    Seriously, that's a stupid argument. I can and do sew clothes and repair them, but that doesn't mean if there's a place to put an opinion about store bought clothes, and I have an opinion, I won't post it.

    You want us to stop letting creators know what we'd like to see, YOU make it.

  19. Not everyone wants things in smallish, I personally think it looks stupid. To the creator, thanks, these are great.

  20. Thank GOD it's not Simlish.

  21. I agree with Fender. The "do it yourself" argument is old and pathetic.

    However, there are plenty of creators who don't like Simlish. If they didn't make it in Simlish, they probably don't WANT to make it in Simlish. People who comment just to whine really ought to consider saying something a little more helpful along with their demands.
