
October 18, 2010

New German Late Night Video

The video is over seven minutes long and I captured a few shots.  I really can't wait for this.

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. skeet skeet! It just keeps getting BETTER and BETTER with every new update! 8 more days!

  2. wow, interesting screenshots. Thank you for it. Going to be interesting when it comes to add-on "Late Night":)

  3. I understood some of the German, but I'm not a fluent speaker. By my basic understanding it didn't really give away anything that the video didn't explain.

    Could somebody with a better knowledge of German please tell me if there was anything not made obvious from the movie?

  4. Holy crap, that curved pool is, like...super curved. I was expecting just corners like in The Sims 2, but that one is such a surreal shape it almost looks out of place!

  5. I'm really looking forward to this!!

  6. "Could somebody with a better knowledge of German please tell me if there was anything not made obvious from the movie?"

    not really, i think the video alone gave away enough.

  7. Great video! Thanks!

    I can't wait!

  8. I don't want to watch the video, I think it'll lessen the experience of playing hte game the first time.

    But apparently shortly into it, they show pool skinny dipping :O

  9. OK. This has got me convinced. Looks like it has much more content than AMB & WA combined. At least, content that I'll actually use frequently.

  10. OMG. Arcade machines! I really missed those.

  11. The city looks amazing! ._.
    That mountain! OMG! The water effects looks great!

    And yay for skinny dipping!
    Can't wait to throw a crazy rave to my simmies! :D

  12. t-they are bringing back my two favourite sims 2 objects: arcade and bubble bong. ;_____;

  13. Even though I hate this vampire thing, they bite you in the wrist? Meh.

  14. Love the shape of that swimming pool! So excited!

  15. aWT Grant said it would depend on your relationship with the sim being bitten, how they bite them.

    I really hate how they change into vamps, i think it looks really corny and unimpressive :/
    And the tits look weird... Think i prefer Jonha's sliders....

    Meh, i hope i like it when it comes out!

  16. I caved and am watching the video.

    Thinks to make note of:

    -The scene where it reveals he's in a penthouse was amazing
    -There are little baby plumbobs floating around the normal one for groups!
    -Hip hop hat with doo rag
    -Clubs appear locked off with velvet rope "Gates"!
    -At least SIX movie sets, though they're likely all decorative. Still cool.
    -I think the Butler has a monocle
    -Vamprized sims transform with a flurry of bats and light bursting out of their eyes. The video seems to imply it happens at night and during the day they're normal? I don't know for sure though.
    -Vampires skill faster, which is shown with a bat futtering around the skill bar- like the leaves during Fall in Seasons.
    -Vampire kids have the eyes, but not the susceptibility to daylight.
    -Digital Dartboard
    -6 Kinds of half walls

    When the limo went over the bridge at the end surrounded by all the lights towards the big city buildings, I got goosebumps like crazy. It's such a big first for the series to have a city like this.

  17. The pregnant lady... Why is she using the oxygen bar?

  18. RABBIT HOLES!!! Please not too many. D: But the buildings are gorgeous! I'm so excited for this to come out!! :>

  19. ^^Because Justine Keaton knows what little unborn baby Keaton wants ;)

  20. Copied from doodlesam over at the official forum:

    0.16: Glowing background decoration. Similar to the City backdrop in TwinBrook. Perhaps another hint?

    0.23: New Dance by male sim(At the back)

    I've also noticed there are in fact two types of dart boards. An old fasioned wooden one, as well as an electronic one(That can be seen near the end of the video)

    0.27: Skinny dipping in regular pool.

    0.37: New theatre rabbit hole. Looks epic.

    0.53: We are getting two new TVs.

    1.07: New rabbithole. Could be Hospital, or new Bistro.

    1.39: Looks like the new bookstore rabbithole. Could be a mall I suppose(Grocery + Book combined)

    3.35: New curtains as well as rug.

    4.07: Butler.

    4.21: New doors.

    5.19: New vampire speed power. Doesn't look that fast compared to the speed sims normally run.

    6.07: Elevators. Can be found in regular build mode under 'Stairs' in their own section.

    6.12: New lights, as well as obviously curved pool.

    6.14: New community objects under build mode tab.

    7.14: New dance.

  21. Oh yeah, ready for this! I could care less about vampires, but ready to see my sims party the night away. Disappointed the children are not playing the piano. Why EA? I guess we can tell which vamp kid has the trait.

    Too excited for more fun things for sims to do, dart boards, video arcade, etc. Goodness knows they need it. Yeah, I can haz fun!

  22. Oh about the rabbitholes, I read some preview that rabbitholes can be combined, just set them in "edit town" mode. I hope that's true, then I will continue playing Sunset Valley. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to add any of the clubs or special lots.

  23. This ep is so exciting!

    I really hope they release an NYC type world in the store to accompany it.

  24. Did anyone else notice the tattoo on the vampies neck?
    Are we getting Tattoos update? :D

  25. ^ Yeah, noticed that tattoo also. I hope we get that, it looks cool.

  26. YAY! Nude swimming! This whole EP looks so cool.

  27. Was this something the EA put together? The video looks like one long official trailer, which I love

  28. "Was this something the EA put together? The video looks like one long official trailer, which I love"

    It does, doesn't it? Certainly looks professionally made. I hope there is one in English soon because before I saw this video, I was thinking, "We've only had one official trailer for Late Night and it comes out next week. So when is the next?"

  29. GREAT previews... totally drooling

  30. Where the guy or whoever was playing being a bartener in that club, it looked so empty. I'm begining to think the clubs are not gonna be as crowded as shown in the videos and that'd be kinda lame.

  31. 1. I don't think that's a pregnant sim at the bubble blower. I think it's a fat sim with a smaller chest.

    2. I like the shape of these breasts better than any of the slider hacks out there right now. They seem slightly more natural.

  32. Thank god I pre-ordered mine a week ago although I DON'T GET THIS TILL THE 29TH I hate UK release dates :|

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. boobs look better somehow...than previous screenshots?

    i didn't see any new dances. my sims dance a lot and they've done all of those...

    anyway, awesome video!

  35. Is it just me or is that limo moving slower than cars do now?

  36. Love the bright city lights! Bridgeport looks like a fun place to live, overall. More exciting than Sunset Valley...

  37. They finally got rid of that annoying line that ran along the top edge of pools, huh???

  38. can't wait for a Let's Play of this :)

  39. Aww, man... :( Crap attack!!!! :( Dumb video! :(

  40. Very glad to see all the activities that will be included. With the base game (and even Ambitions, and WA) there's only so much you can do, and its all so.. money making oriented.

    My sims have enough ways to make money. I hope this EP gives them plenty of things to SPEND money on. Cars are not enough.

  41. I didn't watch the movie (or read all the comments, maybe I should have), but is that toddler a vampire toddler? o.O Just out of curiosity since her mom is apparently a vampire (based on other screens of her) and she has creepy pink eyes (or maybe they just felt like giving her pink eyes).

  42. ^ why should we read your comment if you're not reading ours? huh? huh?

  43. ^ You don't have to, but you already did anyway. I was just taking a minute to browse while taking a break from writing a paper. No time to read all the comments.

  44. "When the limo went over the bridge at the end surrounded by all the lights towards the big city buildings, I got goosebumps like crazy"

    Get a life.

  45. ^ oh, stop pretending you didn't like that scene.

  46. this ep sells itself, they could've given us only the title of Late Night and we would have been all over it. lol

    btw the video freezes for me when it comes to the vampire

    any one else have this issue

    and it looks like the video is from EA in Germany (Deutschland)

  47. ok nvm the video played fully when i refreshed it


  48. I need this game inside my computer.

  49. ^ sexual innuendo :D

  50. Wow. I'm actually really anticipating this. Watching this 1) reminds that I really don't get that close to my Sims as far as camera angles. I'm always like way above them with the camera turned almost perpendicular so they look like little dolls and 2) this really makes me wanna get rid of all the CC I have; I'm up to more than 6GB's and I experience a bit of lag when moving my camera and 3) dems boobs still look really weird; I can't put my finger on it (heeee heeee) but something about them look breast-implantish instead of like naturally huge jugs.

  51. I hate the breast sliders. I agree, they don't look natural.

    The bottom picture, with the girl with her tits set on max (which, btw, is so tame) are kinda saggy, idk. I know boobs jut out, but they have a natural flow to them... these are like, pop-outs on her chest. I can't describe it.

    No me gusta tho :(

  52. Looooovvvve everything I'm seeing here... EXCEPT for the muscle slider. It looked bad enough in the pics, and here in the vid it looks even worse. At higher levels, it like the person who was childishly slopped together with playdoh.

    But the lovely shuffleboard almost makes up for it. :)

  53. Id rather have the breast sliders than one at all. The way the breasts look in the game is dreadful lol

  54. i know, the breasts in the game right now are about even with the rib cage at a a man. ridiculous!

  55. ^ Don't make fun of us women that have no boobs D:

    The breast/muscle sliders probably look odd, but I'm sure someone will probably figure out a way to change them and make them look more realistic. At least for muscle, since there are already custom breast sliders. Perhaps someone will find a way to put a custom breast slider as a replacement for the official.

  56. ^ hey, i don't have any boobs either, and i'm a female! lol but they aren't even with my ribs like in the game.

  57. I like how all the roads aren't square and flat.

  58. Grumpy Butthurt Old ManOctober 18, 2010 at 10:59 PM

    The big-boobed bouncer chick in black's boobs look a little weird, but I've seen women who do look like that.

  59. is that an escalator i see at 2:37?

  60. hmmmm, so many sims in this video are sunset valley sims

  61. i see a new dance now...but it's a chick

  62. I agree with the larger breasts having an unnatural look. Unless you've got a really good bra, they won't stay that perky. Oh, well. We can always use Delphy's breast sliders to mess around with them.

  63. why wouldn't you want your sim to have a good bra?

  64. is that an escalator i see at 2:37?

    Yes, but it's inside a rabbit hole.

  65. Watching that video really makes me wish I would've shelled out the extra bucks for the expidited shipping. :(

  66. SQUEEEE! Looks like EA is doing things right for once

  67. I had to check out the video one more time, someone pointed out the infant had hair on another site.

    Hmm, is that only for vampire infants?

  68. omg I'd love it if babies were actually born with some hair. :O

  69. LMAO it has balding old man hair!

    Of all the places to add new hair, they gave some to the BABIES? haha

  70. Twilight vampires.
    it had to be said

  71. interview w/ the vamps! One more week to go.

  72. Personally, the stuff the narrator said pretty much annoyed me xD Like I don't have eyes ^^'
    If someone wants me to I could write down what is said? But like I said, it's all pretty self-explanatory.

  73. Damn, Wish i could play this. But my bloody gaming laptop died after 1 year. AH!!!

  74. I'm german and he tells about the facts .. nothing new ^^
    sry my english isn't good ^^ xD

  75. For those of you who are claiming that the breasts don't look natural because they're sagging, get a clue! Natural breasts are subject to gravity. The larger they are, the heavier they are. They'll sag.

    The breast sliders I've seen around the community have all seemed much too round and high. It's rare that women have large, round, non-sagging natural breasts. The EA slider breasts look like naturally large breasts in a decently supportive bra.

    Also, breasts come in all different shapes and sizes. EA can't really accommodate such variety. No 2 pairs of natural breasts are alike. Don't believe me? Check out the 007b website's galleries(NSFW).

  76. ^ Yes but with CC sliders we have much more control on how they looks.
    You can control how high/low it is with Delphy's and it looks great, EA's is a one-way slider, and I will still stick with CC ones.

    Plus, this is a game, not supossed to be realistic, we all know that the bigger the boob the heavier it is, it's obvious. But in The Sims world, gravity is something non-existent.

  77. its weird that vampire bite at the wrist.

  78. vampier sims bist stupid!

  79. The vampire bite on the wrist is way too damn fast. For future modders PLEASE make something that would slow that action down. I will be forever grateful if u do.

  80. 2 anons above:

    you are stupid. In german "bist" means "is/are" informal singular like "Du bist dumm". "sind" would have been the correct form cuz its plural.

  81. "The breast sliders I've seen around the community have all seemed much too round and high. It's rare that women have large, round, non-sagging natural breasts. The EA slider breasts look like naturally large breasts in a decently supportive bra."

    Actually, how the breasts look depend on both the sliders and the skintone used.

    For instance, Lady Frontbum's busty skintone makes the breasts seem too round and high, which is why I don't use hers.

    If you are using Jonha's sliders, then the breasts are not going to look as natural as there is only one breast slider that goes one particular way.

    But Delphy's sliders give you complete control over just about every aspect of the bust. With his, you can adjust five aspects instead of just one: depth, distance, fullness, scale and vertical (which controls how high or low they are).

    So if you can't get a natural looking bust with his, then you're not using them properly or you're purposely aiming for a certain type of look or like I said, you are using a skintone that makes the boobs look unnatural and too round/high.

  82. I use Jonha's AND Delphy's for maximum control. Why not have the best of both worlds? :)

  83. i hope this fixed where you can't visit ppl's houses after 10pm and also made apartment building possible

  84. I like how the under boob looks on the maxis ones, I could never get the under boob to be rounded and a fold with the current sliders. it always seems to jut out unnaturally down there.

  85. "Holy crap, that curved pool is, like...super curved. I was expecting just corners like in The Sims 2, but that one is such a surreal shape it almost looks out of place!"

    I like this a lot better. Just a matter of personal preference.
