
October 08, 2010

New Late Night Screenshot and 5 New CAS Screens

Thanks to SimFans


  1. So we get a new necklace category? AWESOME

    And some of those clothes look really nice =)

  2. That sim is THICK!

  3. a new necklace catergory? don't we already have necklaces.not alot but there is atleast 1 or 2. from WA? or am I crazy?

  4. Anonymous said...

    So we get a new necklace category? AWESOME

    Yes! I agree, and hope the males have it too.

    I like the lingerie. Some of the other clothes are interesting.

  5. We have a necklace category since WA, not anyone USES IT.

    I like the underwear but EA already sold me LN before these screenshoots, it just gets better and better.

  6. ^ yeah um hi. I always use the necklace option. So does my friend subaxi, maybe you know her?

  7. I wish the screens are bigger. The girl's boobs look a bit oddly shaped, but maybe it's just my eyes, the screens, or the clothes(some of the shirts look odd around them).

    I wonder if the other slider hacks for boobs will still work after this? I sort of prefer those right now based on these screens.

  8. Hehehe nice lingerie! And I also like that hair with the hairband. The clothes are really cute, and yay for the necklace category! ^-^

  9. Can't wait, can't wait, can't WAIT!!!

  10. The second hair (dark red) looks like a Peggy hair looool.

    So exited. :) :) :) :)

  11. Looks great. Ive said that all along about this one though. (:

  12. Late Night= The Best EP so far.

    If there is a necklace category already, then why do those who make necklaces categorise them for glasses of earrings? Its annoying.

  13. ^ I dunno, but can we use the CTU to change necklaces in the wrong category to the necklace category? I have WA, I had no idea there was a necklace category.

  14. Don't care for EA's hair, as usual, but some of these clothes are cute...the second lingerie set, a couple of dresses and tops.... Looking forward to this EP.

  15. is this decent EA clothes I see before me O_O

  16. wow im loving that female hair

  17. If there is a necklace category already, then why do those who make necklaces categorise them for glasses of earrings? Its annoying.

    Lots of creators use the CTU. Delphy is stupid and lazy, so CTU is a worthless piece of shit that, guess what? Does not have the necklace category.

  18. Whoah! Sexy lingerie! This game's not for kids anymore, folks. LOL. I'm kidding.

    I love that first screenshot. EEEEE! Vampire rampaging around the city!

  19. I reallly like some of this stuff. And I hope we get cute stockings that match the lingerie.

  20. Also, if you want to see bigger screenshots, all the ones from this website are here.

  21. ^Although I suspect that person was Claeric, they do have a point.

    Delphy should update his tools. I am tired of having so many necklaces taking up space in glove, sock, earring, etc categories because people cannot choose "necklace" with his CTU.

    Does anyone know if TSR Workshop has the necklace category in the latest version or is it equally stupid?

    I know that not everyone has World Adventures but having a necklace category in CTU could allow creators to make a version in the necklace category as well as another one (for those who don't have WA) or could allow the downloaders to change the category ourselves.

  22. loving the new clothing & necklaces!

  23. With this ep, I can get rid of a lot of cc and mods. To make room for hair.

    I'm so glad my female sims will finally look like real women and not like 10 year old boys in drag.

    I'm sure the patch for the Late Night will goatf*** the game as usual, but looking at these screenies it's going to be worth it.

    Good on you EA. Thank you for the Tig Ole Bitties, not making the vampires sparkle like those fake 'things' in Twilight, and sexy clothes.

    Your hair still suck flaming gonads of fury, though.

  24. I think that most of these clothes make the Sims look like prostitutes. I understand the theme is clubwear, but I'm not going to pee myself with excitement over some dresses and tops that only the Kardashian sisters and Snookie would wear. It's vulgar.

  25. "I think that most of these clothes make the Sims look like prostitutes. I understand the theme is clubwear, but I'm not going to pee myself with excitement over some dresses and tops that only the Kardashian sisters and Snookie would wear. It's vulgar."

    Are you fucking serious? Most of these shirts hardly even show cleavage and just some skin on the side.

    I echo the others. You're a prude to the nth degree. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto virtual dolls.

    Maybe if you can get off the Amish farm and go into the big city one day, you will see that these outfits are TAME for what you will see in most big-city clubs.

  26. I think that most of these clothes make the Sims look like prostitutes. I understand the theme is clubwear, but I'm not going to pee myself with excitement over some dresses and tops that only the Kardashian sisters and Snookie would wear. It's vulgar.

    Might I ask what part of Amish Country you grew up in?

  27. Maybe they're Muslim. After all, they claimed women dressing indecently caused earthquakes. xP

  28. It's not prudery, some of these really fall into that category. But we should understand that it has to satisfy not only one kind of customers.
    What I can't bear is the quality of hairs, and look at that bra of the 1st lingerie.. I guess a newbie creator could do something more real anytime. Disturbingly stupid. And I still don't like that a lot of tops go wiiide around the hips.

  29. its obvious the prude doesnt know what's trendy. geez open a people magazine will ya

  30. It looks like EA breast slider increases the boobs proportionally, well I guess will stick with our custom ones.
    The clothes are quite nice, and the lingeries, well, I am surprised that EA made something like this.

    Btw, that blonde hair looks just like Dr. Pepper's last hair, but just inverted. Weird.

  31. I really do think that late night will be one of the best EP's for the sims 3.

    I wonder if there will be a sims 4

  32. "I think that most of these clothes make the Sims look like prostitutes. I understand the theme is clubwear, but I'm not going to pee myself with excitement over some dresses and tops that only the Kardashian sisters and Snookie would wear. It's vulgar."

    Damn, what's next? Women shouldn't vote. Join the military. Choose? Say 'No'?

    These are Sims. They can look as hooker-rific or prudish as YOU want them to look.

    You can also pass on this game and save that whole 'Femi-Nazi' drama for your class paper.

  33. Women can dress however they want, but this isn't my taste. It's trashy. I'll still get this EP, though, for the vampires.

    It's too bad EA never makes anything really fashion forward. Their idea of style is so D-List reality show celebrity.

  34. Personally I like the clothes and find them to be something I would go to a club in. They really even as bad as the stuff most people wear at clubs. The person bitching about them looking like prostitutes, why because they like feeling good about their bodies and wear short dresses? Not everyone is fat and insecure.

  35. these clothes and hair are uglay. taking up a lot of much needed space w/ ugly clothes and hair additions

  36. ^^What makes you think they are fat and insecure? Not everyone thinks showing lots of skin is classy or sexy, whether they are physically attractive or not. I do agree that calling them prostitutes is a bit of a jump, but still.

    Oh, wait. Troll. Right.

  37. "Your hair still suck flaming gonads of fury, though."

    Thank you for making my night, lmao.

  38. I'm not really impressed with the clothes I see but the new female hairstyles look cute and versatile.

  39. Personally,I like the fact that EA is finally making some slutty clothing choices,not all of us play with "good"Sims.

    That's my problem with most of The Sims Store clothing,too good girl and safe.

  40. I think the lingerie is cute. I don't see anything here that is trashy. They do have the models breasts fairly large, but hey big boobs exist. Besides EA seems to be in love with their new sliders.

    This stuff looks quite awesome, and now I'm dying for Late Night. Must have!

  41. I'm so glad I pre ordered this now.

  42. Woah, looks like EA is finally starting to step up their game.

  43. Like it. But as usual it doesn't really pertain to a large array of clubbing. Which is surprising since raves and goth clubs are a huge part of the clubbing scene. And we have vampires!

    Oh well.
