
October 15, 2010

New Mods at Mod The Sims

The MultiOwnersdoor, Version 2 is here! by Flyby - In the "Set Owner" menu choose any Sim from a list containing all Sims currently staying at your (active) lot (exception : service Sims that are currently doing services at the lot!).

Gurra's Longer/Shorter Days Mod by Gurra09 - Are you tired of having sunrise at 6AM and sunset at 6PM, and want longer, or shorter, days for your sims? Then you might be interested in this.

No More Psychic Burglar Wakeup! by severedsolo - Ever noticed how your Sim's seem to know about a burglar on the lot even when fast asleep and the music hasn't even started yet?

1 comment:

  1. The MultiOwner door kind of seems like a good thing to help make apartments or some type of rental.
