
October 23, 2010

Raon Male Hair 01 ~ Fixed and Pooklet'd by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name:

Raonjena's version here


  1. Feel like I've seen this cc hair remade 30 different times now... but at least this one is well-done and usable. :)

  2. Raon has a couple hairs that look like this and there's also a newsea one, a lot of male hairs start to blend togethor after a while... I agree though at least this one is well done and not broken!

  3. Nubie, you're the best! I think I wanna have your baby! =D

  4. great more gay hair. when the meshers will learn?

  5. ^you mean like the gay ethinic hair of ugandans currently being persecuted for sexuality or short gay hair of DADT soldiers or more like the uptight conservative do of pastors like, say, ted haggard? feel free to look through our great gay manual of hairdos.

  6. I've never liked this hair as it sits too high on the head. But still, good work on fixing it Anubis.

  7. @Madame Nhu: Mine it's not high, I fixed that too :)

  8. "^you mean like the gay ethinic hair of ugandans currently being persecuted for sexuality or short gay hair of DADT soldiers or more like the uptight conservative do of pastors like, say, ted haggard? feel free to look through our great gay manual of hairdos."

    A+ comment.

  9. ^ Nah... way too serious. It's a video game blog for christ's sake. Lighten up.

  10. Oh, I'll have to check it out in game then. Thank you.

  11. Nicely made, as usual, but I have several other styles in my game already that are nearly identical to this one.

  12. "Nah... way too serious. It's a video game blog for christ's sake. Lighten up."

    So... You're saying that we should not care about bigotry? Bigotry is wrong no matter who you are or where you are.

  13. ^Exactly. Don't use the "it's just a video game!" excuse to allow prejudice to pass.

  14. I already have an old converted version of this hair in my game, got it from an real old link here i think, anyone know the file name so i can delete and try this this new one? Thanks

  15. Nope. But if you remember the creator who did the hair, or where you got it from that's a start.

  16. Oh, sweet. I've always liked this hair, and it really needed fixing. Thanks, Anubis!

  17. It's so sad how stupid some people are.

  18. Little Miss Epic is a whoreOctober 24, 2010 at 1:22 AM

    Of course, I only get a handful myself. Other than that, I see a couple of times where someone thinks I am doing what I am not doing. It can be a bit painful to watch, but I must cut their throats and kill them...

  19. HA HA HA! I totally agree!

  20. "feel free to look through our great gay manual of hairdos."

    I LOL'd. Hi-larious.
