
October 10, 2010

Shirtless Rocker Jacket by Astraea Nevermore

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Shivar is gonna be excited about this top!

  2. Anyone know where the hair in the top right pic is from?

    Dig the vest.

  3. Is anyone else having problems with this? When I try to make sims wear it in CAS, their arms and torso disappear.

  4. ^ Wow, really? I haven't tried it yet, but I really like this.

    The hair comes with a registered Ambitions game. That bonus package for registering.

  5. That hair comes with registering Ambitions, iirc. Or from MATY.

  6. Others are having problems and reporting on the site.


  7. Hi, I'm the creator of the jacket! After receiving some feedback saying that the jacket wasn't working I did some more testing to fix the problem. Now everything should work correctly, I updated the download file. For all of those who were experiencing problems before, please re-download! =)

    ...Sorry for the inconvenience, I hadn't really noticed the problems before :(

  8. Okay, thanks. Will try it out.

  9. I will probably never use this, but... nice?

  10. ^ Why would you awkwardly put a question mark after a comment like that? Nobody is forcing you to comment if you're unsure of what you think about an item... weirdo. XD

    Anyway, thanks to those mentioning where that hair is from; was driving me nuts.

  11. She is questioning the people who said nice to the jacket, its like, are you sure it's really nice?

  12. This would be convenient for some of my more arrogant rocker sims. Hope it's working now cuz I'm going to give it a try.

  13. "Thanks for fixing it, but I dont believe you didnt notice it first. you obvously didnt take time to test it. your a lazy fucking creator, it is indeed inconvenient, you think its other ppls job to test your work."

    Thanks for being such a paranoid, non-trusting poster, who feels more powerful and free to offend when hiding behind an ANONYMOUS comment.
    I didn't really notice the bug, that's the pure truth. When I tested the file, I forgot to clean up the cache in my game, so that the vest was showing up for me. I DID put the file up for testing, but, since no-one downloaded it and tested it before the upload, I decided to just trust the testing I did on my own and uploaded it on MTS. Downloaders made me notice that something was wrong and so I remembered the cache thing and tested the file again, to discover that it actually didn't work as I thought. Fixed the whole thing and updated the download file, sent more than 50 personal messages to all the people who downloaded the previous version and said I was sorry for the mistake infinite times, what the fuck do you want me to do again? Kneel down to Her Majesty The Anonymous Poster and ask to have my sins forgiven?
    Also, if you actually read my post on MTS, you would know that it was my first mesh, so I'm still quite a bit of a newbie at this and... hey, guess what? EVERYONE CAN MAKE MISTAKES, EVEN YOU.
    Modding can cause some unexpected results, meshing is still very experimental and making new stuff can be a risk for both the creator and the downloader. Even when you think that everything is perfect and tested, there could still be something borked.

    But I guess I'm just wasting words. Obviously, you prefer to ANONYMOUSLY bash people who spend time and effort to give you FREE creations. Good on you.

    -Sorry for the rant, ya'll, things that need to be said actually need to be said.-
