
October 02, 2010

SIMcredible's 7th Anniversary - Celebration Set

Set includes:  balloons, banner, candy tray, candy, pile of hats, lamps, table, bowls, candies, chair, cupcakes and paper cups.

Download at Simcredible Designs


  1. Very cute, I like the little table with the short table cloth very much.

  2. Congrats guys! The set is lovely

  3. OMG love it so much :DD


    Check out our site xx

  4. LOVE IT! I love the hanging balloons and the party table. this is soooo great

  5. this is wonderful!!! thank you so so so so so so much!!!

  6. this is wonderful!!! thank you so so so so so so much!!!

  7. Squeeee! It's adorable!

  8. Very cute! I always have birthday parties.

  9. New Sim by Ariz :

  10. hey do you think there's any cocaine in those balloons??????? guys i'm desperate, you have no idea..i'm jonesing like a mother!!!!!

  11. As gorgeous as this set is, I don't think I'll use it because whenever I have birthday parties in the game, I just cringe and hope the cake doesn't catch fire. Nothing kills a party faster than a burning house. Sim birthdays are very stressful for me!

  12. Happy Anniversary SimCredible!

  13. Fake Lindsay Lohan:
    You're not funny.

  14. Wow! This is gorgeous!

  15. Anonymous said...

    As gorgeous as this set is, I don't think I'll use it because whenever I have birthday parties in the game, I just cringe and hope the cake doesn't catch fire. Nothing kills a party faster than a burning house. Sim birthdays are very stressful for me!

    How about a meteorite strike at an outdoor wedding? Yet the party was a success? Huh?

    Loving this set! Happy anniversary Simcredible! Those ceiling balloons are adorable, and the cupcakes are going to put me in a diabetic coma. :) Yum!

  16. I love this set. It's really cute but until they add Collections back, I can't be bothered to spend 30 minutes looking through my Misc Decorations to find all of these objects individually.

  17. This set is simply adorable!
    This is something EA should've made a long time ago. Simply great!

    Congratulations for your 7 years of great creations Simcredible!

  18. "OMG love it so much :DD


    Check out our site xx"

    You know what, continuing to spam MULTIPLE ENTRIES with your stupid website is a great way for people NOT to check out your site. And if they do, it's a surefire way for people to ridicule it and tell you that everything on it is shit.

    MS3B added a "Your Updates here" section for a reason. So why do you think you're so fucking special that the updates section is not enough for you and that your site warrants spamming every entry with this shit? Get over yourself.

  19. Happy 7th Anniversary, SimCredible! These surely look very nice, and will look great in the game. Thanks:)

  20. ^ TY for that bc spamming the comments section is idiotic.

    Anyway, congrats on ur anniversary:)
    Very cute set

  21. Anonymous said...
    As gorgeous as this set is, I don't think I'll use it because whenever I have birthday parties in the game, I just cringe and hope the cake doesn't catch fire. Nothing kills a party faster than a burning house. Sim birthdays are very stressful for me!

    I didn't know that the birthday cakes can catch on do you do that? I have never seen that before...

  22. ^ It happened the first time I had a birthday cake. Didn't try it for a long time after that.

    Seems like downloads on the website aren't working currently, wish I bothered to download 'em all yesterday... oh dear oh dear oh dear

  23. Looks great! I want to download it, but the downloads don't seem to be working. :(

  24. How do I find/download this?
    I can't find anything on the site itself. Someone help? ;\
