
October 18, 2010

TumTum's Anto Hair 52 ~ Pooklet'd by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name:

TumTum's version here


  1. Ugh. I wish people would stop using the Pooklet texture for S3 hairs, it was fine on Sims 2 hairs, but just looks so flat in S3.

  2. ^
    This. I don't get why people think pooklet's textures look good in the sims 3. They look so matte

  3. I like how they look. And others like them too, if not I wouldn't be here retexturing hairs in first place :P
    It's a matter of tastes, for example, other people like shiny hairs or photoskinned clothes (nicely or poorly done), but me and other people don't :)

  4. I just always figured if people want flat non-shiny textures, why not just keep the basegame one? To my eyes, this doesn't look any different.

    Just my opinion, though.

  5. ^and your opinion sucks :P Nobody is forcing you to download this version. But Nubie is simply offering it for those who do want it. and yeah there are LOTS of people who do want it!

  6. sort of want.

    rl hair has a matte finish to it, and i like his textures the most for that reason.

  7. lol. Put the word pooklet'd on something, and everybody thinks it's the best thing evah. They like it because it's fashionable.

    People are sheep.

  8. FRIDAY said...

    sort of want.

    rl hair has a matte finish to it, and i like his textures the most for that reason.

    My rl hair is shiny. Try some conditioner.

  9. I really wish that people would let this whole pooklet/anubis/shiny/not shiny debate go! People like different things okay! Stop trying to shove opinions down each others throats! Just because you don't like something you don't have to insult the people who do like it or the creator who does it. Obviously lots of people like Peggy's textures (or Tum or whoever) and lots of other people like Anubis's! People play the sims in different styles, some like glossy sims and others like maxis matchish but not quite (still blending with the style of the game but improved upon EA's terrible textures)

    Thanks Anubis, I hate this hair but the textures are much improved!

  10. ^i use conditioner, thanks. maybe it's not ultra shiny because i'm not some sort of guido. ):

  11. ^^
    Um...real hair isn't suppose to be really super shiny. Even if you use a conditioner. Depending on the type of hair, shiny could mean that it's greasy.

  12. Like plastic shiney hair is so great. Anyway, whoever wants plasticky shiney hair should get it, and whoever wants matte hair should get it. Tastes differ.

  13. I think it's great that we have more alternatives on textures.
    And as Anubis said, it's a matter of taste, even though someone don't like there will be always someone who does.

  14. I like both versions. Thanks for giving us options. This is very nice.

  15. Thanks Anubis, I love your controls alot.

  16. It's beautiful! The blonde and the brown especially, they really do look fantastic :D

  17. "I really wish that people would let this whole pooklet/anubis/shiny/not shiny debate go! People like different things okay! Stop trying to shove opinions down each others throats! Just because you don't like something you don't have to insult the people who do like it or the creator who does it. Obviously lots of people like Peggy's textures (or Tum or whoever) and lots of other people like Anubis's! People play the sims in different styles, some like glossy sims and others like maxis matchish but not quite (still blending with the style of the game but improved upon EA's terrible textures)"

    I completely agree with you, Rob. I enjoy seeing versions from all different creators :) I love Anubis' versions because they are always so soft and colour nicely, but I have to say that I prefer Tum's because of the way Tum masters shine :)

  18. "Thanks Anubis, I hate this hair but the textures are much improved!"

    This is what I hate about you Robodl and I know other people hate this about you as well.

    You are forever making these "I'm really a massive bitch but I'm going to cover it up with a compliment to make it seem like I'm innocent" statements.

    Why didn't you comment to Tum Tum that you hated this hair when he/she first converted it? All Anubis did is retexture it and you throw out your snide little comments.

    Just get over the fact that you will never be as good as Anubis, never as good as Tum Tum, never as good as Newsea, never as good as Anto.

    Hell, you won't even be as good as Peggy.

    So stop being a snotty little bitch.

  19. "This is what I hate about you Robodl and I know other people hate this about you as well.

    You are forever making these "I'm really a massive bitch but I'm going to cover it up with a compliment to make it seem like I'm innocent" statements.

    Why didn't you comment to Tum Tum that you hated this hair when he/she first converted it? All Anubis did is retexture it and you throw out your snide little comments.

    Just get over the fact that you will never be as good as Anubis, never as good as Tum Tum, never as good as Newsea, never as good as Anto.

    Hell, you won't even be as good as Peggy.

    So stop being a snotty little bitch."

    Why do you have to be so mean to Rob? It just makes you look bad. Do you really think it's appropriate to try and hurt someone's feelings?

  20. "Why do you have to be so mean to Rob? It just makes you look bad. Do you really think it's appropriate to try and hurt someone's feelings?"

    Because Robby boy is passively mean to everyone else.

    But because he coats it with "nice" compliments, everyone thinks he is a "nice" person.

    For such a "nice" person, he makes an awful lot of negative comments.

    And he needs to be called out.

  21. "And he needs to be called out."

    And why is that exactly? Why can't you just leave him alone? I don't understand why people have to make it their mission to hurt someone. There is no need for that anywhere in the world, it is called bullying.

  22. "And why is that exactly? Why can't you just leave him alone? I don't understand why people have to make it their mission to hurt someone. There is no need for that anywhere in the world, it is called bullying."

    Oh silly anon. I am calling him out for bullying. Like I have said he is constantly leaving negative comments about EVERYTHING that isn't his, but then is following it with a sugary sweet comment that makes it seem like he's all innocent.

    It's like punching someone in the face and then complimenting them on their shoes. Just because you ended with something nice doesn't make it ok.

    And that is why I just can't leave him alone. Until he stops with his negative comments and I refuse to stop reminding people how awful he really is.

  23. "It's like punching someone in the face and then complimenting them on their shoes. Just because you ended with something nice doesn't make it ok."

    I don't mean to offend you but this is just silly. Making negative comments about someone's work isn't bullying, it is critiquing. Going out of your way to attack Rob as a person is bullying. Just calm down. These creators need to be critiqued, even if it just negative, in order to develop. I can see that you are a good person just trying to do the right thing, but the way you are going about it is very negative. Instead, perhaps try speaking to Rob yourself and say: You know, sometimes the things you say are really negative and hurt peoples' feelings.
    Trying to make him look bad like this doesn't solve anything. Rob isn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings, he's just being himself. If you use kind words to let him know he is being too negative then you have a much better chance of reaching him.

  24. What's the point of commenting just to say that you don't care for something, It's not tum's fault that I don't like this hair. All I said was that I thought Anubis improved it, I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of nothing, I'm sorry that it came off negatively.

  25. You always do that Robdol. Always. And anon above, how is "I hate this hair" constructive?

  26. "You always do that Robdol. Always. And anon above, how is "I hate this hair" constructive?"

    It isn't. But I just don't want you to waste your time trying to bring someone down. It is not a nice thing to do and it makes you less of a person.

    And Rob, perhaps there is some merit in what the anon says. As much as a I love as part of the Sims 3 community and as a creator, maybe you should try and pay attention to what you are saying. You can't make everyone happy, but perhaps this particular anon would feel better and would leave you alone if you accepted that they have a point and you will work towards being more constructive? I personally have never noticed your comments as negative, but my advice is to reach out to this anon and try and reassure them.
    And he has tried to apologize, anon. Please accept his apology and move on. We all make mistakes, especially on the internet, as you cannot hear tone or expression, only see text.

  27. The little hairs on top are bothering me. e_e

  28. Anubis likes the Sim look and his hair has that cartoony look that he has always favored. Look at his Sims 2 styles and you will understand. I prefer some of the hairstyles in his textures but I have to admit that some of the hair does look flat with the pookleted textures. So I have a mix in my game. I love that I can have that choice. Fortunately, if you scroll down a wee bit in the hair section of this blog, you can find the same exact hair with a different texture. Just takes a little work for that finger.
