
October 22, 2010

The Xclusion Door by Flyby

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. This don't work for me,i used it sims 2 and everybody go inside my house.

  2. A) Sounds like tight pants to me. That's not the fault of the mod.

    B) Just because you couldn't get a different item to work in an entirely different game, you say this doesn't work? It's a little like saying, "I once wore a red dress that was too small. All red dresses are too small." Try commenting on THIS content.

    If you DID try this content and your post was just poorly worded, my mistake.

    As for the doors themselves, I like the idea. I don't know if I need them, but they could be useful.

  3. Am I the only one who loves the model Sim in the second picture? He's cute!

  4. Am I the only one who loves the model Sim in the second picture? He's cute!

  5. this chart just confused the hell out of me!

  6. ^Yeah it's kinda confusing, the description in mts is actually more clear than that.
