
October 23, 2010

Ye Olde Grandfather Clock by Ambular

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I LOVE grandfather clocks and this is quite nice, but I'm holding-off until we can get one with a moving pendulum at least.

  2. I grabbed this at MATY the other day, but I haven't checked it in game. I knew it couldn't be wound, but I thought they said it was properly animated otherwise.

  3. Hi, that's my clock. :) The hands move and keep the correct time, but I couldn't find anything in the game with an appropriate animation for the pendulum (only one other clock in the game has one, and it doesn't move either.) :( If we get a clock in a later expansion with a moving pendulum I'll most likely update this one.

  4. Oops...sorry, meant to leave my name on the previous post but I had to enable a script.

  5. Guess we still can't animate clocks yet eh? Shame.

  6. Thanks Ambular. I love the clock face on this set. I had one that was out earlier, but the face looked odd and I took it out. I really want this.

  7. B: (After Googling) Oh, I see...that's the same mesh. I didn't realize anyone else had converted it. Look like they left the clock face unaltered (painted-on reflections and all) and the hands stationary, among other little things. Nice to know people have another option, though.

  8. Little Miss Epic is a whoreOctober 24, 2010 at 1:17 AM

    Of course, I only get a handful myself. Other than that, I see a couple of times where someone thinks I am doing what I am not doing. It can be a bit painful to watch, but I must cut their throats and kill them...
