
November 14, 2010

5 Snow & Ice Terrains by Christine

Download at CC4Sims


  1. Awww love this.

    Please vote for my dog. I entered her into a contest, she only has a few monthes to live, and I would like her to win. That would mean so much to my family. So please help me vote for her and thank you for reading and sorry if this is spamming. :'(

    Thanks- WinterAngel

    Sorry again if this seems like spam, I'm really not trying to, I just need help because a cheater on the website gained 153 votes in less than 4 hours, and I need to beat him. So please support my sick dog and to win this contest.


  2. That is really really realistic. It looks wonderful, fabulous!

  3. That is some quality terrain! Love it! <3

  4. Ugh... the "I have an almost dead dog" troll reeeeally needs to stop. And yes, it IS trolling if you're told multiple times that you're spamming, yet you keep doing it.

  5. "Ugh... the "I have an almost dead dog" troll reeeeally needs to stop. And yes, it IS trolling if you're told multiple times that you're spamming, yet you keep doing it."
    Trolling? Nah, I don't think so dude...

  6. I love the snow and so much!
    @Anonymous, She is not trolling, her dog is really dieing; she has a blog and everything, idiot.

  7. Yes! Snow, this set is really good. Kudos to the maker!
    I voted, sweet looking dog. :)

  8. This is epic!
    @Anonymous, umm only one person said anything about it, and that was that it could be considered spam... So read before you start using hyperboles left and right..


  9. It is spam. Its on nearly every damn post and has nothing to do with the content being featured.

  10. Awesome terrain


    I voted.Amazing breed.I have one :)

  11. This is awesome! Great for this holiday :)

  12. Love the snow!


    It's too bad your stupid dog is going to die a long horrible death, but it's a rubbish breed, and no I won't vote for it. :)

  13. ^ ROFL. Harsh words, but she IS spamming MS3B to death (and the dog's kinda ugly), so it needs to be said.

  14. Sarah, I have voted for you. I know it means a lot to you, but please stop spamming.

  15. So she wants to win a camera and a trip to Aruba because her dog is dying?


    Now stop spamming ffs.

  16. lol@ trying to win 'best expresion' when the dog has a blank face.

  17. @Sarah - I've voted. Sarah has every right to be upset and want to win this for her dog. I don't believe in "dog shows" on the whole but this is only photos and you're all acting like it's the end of the world. Besides, it's an adorable dog. Surely if more people vote for the dog then Sarah will have enough votes to stop "spamming" here?
    Though word of advice; I'd write a liiil bit more about each item if I were going to ask a favour in my post.

    About the item:
    Awesome snow! If you look from the right angle it actually looks 3D and everything. I've lost all my terrains and these will certainly do until I can redecide which I like best.

  18. lmao @ the dudes insulting her dog I swear everytime I see a postwhich has alot of comments and I think ooo this might be really good download look at all the feedback lol. When I look at the comments its always arguments or a topic totally unrelated to the content itself lol

  19. haha didn't comment on the terrains lmao these are great real detailed
