
November 18, 2010

Exclusive The Sims 3 Store Set Sneak Peek

The official The Sims 3 Facebook Page has reached over 1.9 Million Likes. As promised, we’ve posted up an exclusive image of an upcoming Store Set! Thank you for supporting our page and for helping us reach this number. As an added bonus, we are asking you to help us come up with the name for this new set.

The Sims 3

You can help name the new set by voting at Facebook

Here are the choices below...

The Grid Factor
Electronique Eloquence
Infinity Interiors


  1. I loved this set when it was for Sims 2.

    I wonder why EA left out the Facebook voting option for "we totally stole this from Parsimonius"?

  2. I no like it, looks like a space station kitchen. *hopes its not a hint to the next EP*

  3. I didn't see anything close to this at Parsimonious.

  4. It sort of looks like the ultra lounge kitchen set in a way.

  5. Meh.

    Call it Tron. You'll be set.

  6. Eww not to my taste at all. Nice of them to set up a naming competition though. That will be good fun for kids.

  7. Don't like this set at all.. Suburbia + space kitchen = weird combo.

  8. This looks like the kitchen of some futurist spaceship, no thanks.

  9. Fierce/Fun/Fresh/Amazing!

  10. I hope to god they aren't planning on making the blue lights un-CAStable as they are so fond of doing.

    That always ruins these things to a point where they become unusable in most of my home designs.

  11. ^ I like how they had the lights customizable on the bars and such in late night using CASt. Hopefully it'll be something similar to that.

  12. ^ Agreed! That's why I don't like this set, at least til I find out if the lights are CASt enabled.

    The set may have potential.

  13. I also don't see anything like this on Parsiminous,geesh,it's not like that site holds the patent on Sci fi/fantasy themed CC.

  14. sorry guys -
    how generous, EA one more time I am out of words confronted with your showy generosity! how thankful we all should be, what an honour YOU let US decide, which name this horrible set should have!
    thank you thank you.
    thank you one more time for nothing.

  15. I kind of like this. But we would need furniture for the rest of the home that matched this. Otherwise it would be useless.

  16. Tron... Tron's kitchen XD lol... it's totally pointless.

  17. I think we will get a space EP/stuff pack in the future :(

  18. I was just going to make a crack about Parsimonious, but I was too late! LOL This is totally their style.

  19. ^ Parsimonious hasn't created a single decent thing for the sims 3 since the day of it's release. Only basic as fuck lots. Any tit with half a brain can accomplish that.

  20. I kinda like this set, only thing bothering me is that the sink doesn't fit the rest of the kitchen.

  21. Maybe kungfuhousewife was talking about the Oxygen Set?

    That's the only set remotely similar I was able to find, and it certainly doesn't look like EA's preview at all.

  22. May be good for a space-themed restaurant/bar where simbots and inventors can go hang out

  23. Parsimonious hasn't created like they did for 1 and 2 yet, but they do have some good clothes and shoes, and patterns. That's hardly not one "single decent thing".

    FWIW, I like this set. Perfect for building a Mass Effect-y neighborhood or theme house.

  24. Parsimonious has made items for the Sims and the Sims 2 in this style. That's why people are saying this looks like something from Parsimonious. We're only joking about how this looks like something Parsimonious would do for Sims 3, if Parsimonious were making Sims 3 objects.

    Don't be so literal.

  25. ^^EA left out the Facebook voting option for "we totally stole this from Parsimonius"

    If you don't want people to be so literal then maybe people should not phrase it like it was really stolen.

  26. It's more like a cross between this:

    --and this_--

    Although I would swear that there used to be some kitchen pieces that went with the dining table.

    Mostly I was joking about EA stealing it (not that I wouldn't put it past them), but that set just very much reminds me of Parsimonious' Sims 2 styles.

  27. This reminds me of a lot of Sims 1 CC, really ridiculous design and colors and shapes, with a "future" theme to it.

    I think this is the first Sims concept art I've ever seen. I wish they had a development blog like some games/cartoons (A good example is Adventure Time, they release character design sheets and backgrounds and storyboards all the time), I'd love to see some other sets and concepts all drawn out like this!

  28. WOW,the comments on this thread are amazing,wow.

  29. Totally OT, but if you have private elevators in your Sim's penthouse instead of stairs (I can't fit in the space the stairs take up because of the way I redesigned the penthouse), will Sims you invite over use them inside the residence? For instance, if you had your Sim go upstairs where the patio is and then invite a guest to play a game, get in the hot tub, or swim, would they use the private elevator in your home?

  30. No npc sims won't use your private elevator. I did the exact same thing. It functions exactly like a door. The only time non-household sims will use that elevator is if you invited them over.

  31. Thanks for answering! So if Sims you invite over will use the elevator, does that mean that maids, repairmen, babysitters, firefighters, etc. will use the private elevators inside your residence as well (if they need to fix something on the upper floors) since you are technically "inviting" them inside your residence to perform a service?

  32. I only hope the blue neon part/thing will be castable, then i'll find a use for it. Otherwise won't bother with this set. Only maybe, the plants..

  33. I think this is the first Sims concept art I've ever seen. I wish they had a development blog like some games/cartoons (A good example is Adventure Time, they release character design sheets and backgrounds and storyboards all the time), I'd love to see some other sets and concepts all drawn out like this!

    omg, me too!

  34. hmm...the decepticons are not blending in very well

  35. Parsimonious has some AWESOME shoes!

    But anyway, I hate this latest set from EA, tis extremely ugly.

  36. So we're getting proper reflective floors?

  37. ^I really hope we get reflective floors soon!

  38. Those choices suck. I want a write in to call it Commander Shepard's kitchen.

  39. The reflective floor pieces look like reflective rugs which will clip furniture at the bottom instead of just creating a nice gleaming floor. Maybe we can get the code for it though and make something that is flatter. EA so rarely copies any user-made content correctly. The rest of the set looks ugly IMO. It's hard to imagine what you could do with it unless you were making a space station theme. And I agree with whoever said the sink doesn't match. It looks like it should be sitting next to a urinal...not sharing a room with a refrigerator.

  40. Looks HORRID.

    Also, all these name choices are... same as above. PASS.

  41. Does this remind anyone else of the 'vaults' in Fallout3?

  42. Today I was complaining to a friend about Late Night bugs and she was like "Yeah, I hope they're gonna patch that out..." and I replied with "No, I bet they're busy making shitty Tron-themed furniture or something".


  43. I like parts of it, but the fridge and the blue lights aren't really exciting me.
