
November 29, 2010

Jacob’s House: A FLW Usonian by Peacemaker ic

Download at Simsational Designs


  1. beautiful house!!! loving the yellow!

  2. It's amazing to me how many of these houses look very 1950's (a style I love) if you change the patterns and furnishings.

    Anyway, "must have". :)

  3. ^And then I read his description... ROTFLMAO

  4. lol yes it is a retro house design. due to the lack of awesims items in game retro interior design tends to be impossible with existing furniture. its easy to change though :)

  5. It's amazing to me how many of these houses look very 1950's (a style I love) if you change the patterns and furnishings. But just incase you're wondering, you all smell like a big fat, juicy, greasy, wet, sloppy FART. Oh and lol yes it is a retro house design. due to the lack of awesims items in game retro interior design tends to be impossible with existing furniture. its easy to change though :)

  6. What is with the fart comments?

  7. ^Because trolls can't come up with more intelligent comments than using excrements or something along those lines these days. -_-;

    Jacob has a nice house! Other than the yellow, this is my dream house. I prefer the color green or purple!

  8. This is outstanding work!! I love all your houses, please keep it up.

  9. lol @ the troll. i guess they have nothing better to do.

    thankyou to everyone else. i hope you enjoy :)

  10. Okay, the first two comments were by moi and I'm baaaaack!

    Um, what is with all these houses which won't fit into the same size lot when I'm in Edit Town?

    And, the furnishings had to go, way too like, squaresville man. I used the "midcentury" sets by Awesims instead. And the donation kitchen set by simsincredible but the counters and fridge are giving me fits. Awesims needs to make a kitchen set...

    Anyway, GREAT HOUSE, seriously very appreciated!!

  11. oh I meant the second and third comments were by me. sorry.

  12. Amazing work! All of your homes are top notch! Don't pay attention to the trolls. If you feed them they will never go away!
