
November 11, 2010

Late Night Corset Top - Strapless by Gelydh

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. This is awesome. Thank you Gelydh, for putting the work into this.

  2. It's always nice to have another option.

    Saying that I wish someone would make a version of the LN lingerie without the suspenders.

  3. Its almost a pity this isn't a default replacement. But I like it anyway.

    @Vixen, I'd be happy with some stockings that matched up better with the suspenders. Haven't found any yet however. They're all too tall, too short, or have suspenders of their own that don't line up.

  4. this looks hot! thanks :D

  5. I like this a lot. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for sharing your work on the top, Gelydh. Much appreciated.

    Okay, did I miss another hair style? I don't remember seeing that one any where, would love to know if it's available?

  7. I would look absolutely look smexy in this dashing corset.

  8. ^"Little edit"? Way to condescend. As has already been posted here, Gelydh had to completely remesh the shirt.

    Talk about not appreciating things...

  9. Is it just me, or does this top (not this mesh edit) squish anyone's else's sims' breasts? It looks painful! More painful than a corset should be...

  10. Madame Nhu said...
    Its almost a pity this isn't a default replacement. But I like it anyway.

    @Vixen, I'd be happy with some stockings that matched up better with the suspenders. Haven't found any yet however. They're all too tall, too short, or have suspenders of their own that don't line up.

    I have a few in my game that match up really well. some from liana, and some from i don't know off the top of my head

  11. ^"Little edit"? Way to condescend. As has already been posted here, Gelydh had to completely remesh the shirt.

    Yes, 'little edit'. I dont think she/he had to do anything like reasigning all vertices or much anything big with the mesh than just a bit changing like EA. so yea apparently you have no idea what is little edit and what is actucal tough 3d work. :P

  12. where is the hair from on the model?

  13. The hair is by Raonjena Sims, Hair 18. :)

  14. Is it just me, or does this top (not this mesh edit) squish anyone's else's sims' breasts? It looks painful! More painful than a corset should be...

    I have this issue with a lot of the new shirts that EA made. It doesn't look comfortable.

  15. I wouldn't mind squishing a couple of breasts right now.

  16. @Andrea: It's not just you,I think it too. Itlooks weird,specially if the sim has really small breast,it looks almost pointy and squished.

    On the other note, I really love this edit. So thanks a lot, Gelydh! EA always manage to destroy something that would be good.

    Also, I would love to see more EA mesh edits, specially some of the male outfits that came with Ambitions. Those full outfits with apron and scissors and stuff. They would look really nice clothes but with those add-ons EA insisted in putting they are pretty much useless. But looking at the clothes from the back (of the sim) we can really see it had a potential.

  17. Okay let's remember if you don't like it you don't have to download it. It was Aikea's request to have this done in the first place, and it was nice of Gelydh to share it with us all. Especially when she said on her own site that it turned out to be a new mesh....Another thing that's awesome about this corset is it doesn't have the painted on look like 95% of other creator's do.

    If you can do better than go do it. We're lucky to have people that even want to share with us still. Especially after the harsh, rude comments that are left on here most of the time...... I'm just saying.

  18. Must have item! Love it! Thanks!

  19. ^
    ^People love critisinsing - no matter what they always find something bad to say about something. So dont telling them to stop etc, wont really help, sadly

  20. WOW,if Anubis had done this the thread would be filled with,"OMG want! Nubie you're the best!"


  21. I absolutely love it, it's what I like about EA clothes--they look 3D and like they really belong on a Sim. Plus it's not a replacement, which means 2 for the price of 1. Thanks Gelydh!!

  22. I love this! If only I had late night :(

  23. "Yes, 'little edit' yea apparently you have no idea what is little edit and what is actucal tough 3d work. :P"

    Apparently, you don't either, or you wouldn't be posting anonymously, and would instead be linking us to all your meshing experience. There's no need to patronize others' work just because you don't happen to like it.

  24. "Apparently, you don't either, or you wouldn't be posting anonymously, and would instead be linking us to all your meshing experience."

    I doubt saying that would make the poster think "RIGHT, now I need to prove to an angry anonymous poster that I know what I'm talking about." If you expected that, you are stupid. Also, the poster DOES like, it if you bothered to read it, they said "anyhow this little edit is cool". Now I don't know about you, but saying something is cool implies that the poster likes it. Deleting straps is NOT very complex when it comes to meshes. Hell, deleting parts of hair from a SIMGEOM file is pretty easy, so deleting a line of verticies DEFINITELY is. Before you start telling me not to be ungrateful, I DO like this download and I will use it, but regardless of what programs were used deleting parts of a mesh isn't ridiculously hard, compared to meshing a hair from scratch it's only a little edit.

  25. ^And creating a new mesh is not what I call little edit.

  26. ^ Nice try. Also, does it really bother you that much, that I'm only trying to make you a slightly less ignorant person?

  27. ^ Nice try. Also, does it really bother you that much, that I'm only trying to make you a slightly less ignorant person?

  28. would use if my game STILL wasn't glitched to shit.

  29. "Katsu stop talking to yourself and take your meds!"

    Since it's hard to hear sarcasm on the internet, I'm going to assume you were serious and point out that they are, in fact, two different people. One is a troll, obviously.

    /carry on

  30. "And creating a new mesh is not what I call little edit."

    This is a game mesh extracted and edited then put back into the game as a mesh the game doesn't already have. It is new in that respect, but a 10 year old could delete the straps with a tutorial. It's not a massively confusing edit, it is a little edit. A good tastefully done edit, but still little.

  31. This is a game mesh extracted and edited then put back into the game as a mesh the game doesn't already have. It is new in that respect, but a 10 year old could delete the straps with a tutorial. It's not a massively confusing edit, it is a little edit. A good tastefully done edit, but still little.

    Then prove it you pathetic bitch! Show us how easy it is for you to do the same top & remove the straps. Do it as well as what was posted on Club Crimsyn. I'd love to see you do it without any glitches or mesh problems.

    It is apparent you don't know jack about fixing another person's faulty stuff. In the end they created an item that they put more work into than the original.

    It is always obvious that EA, Peggy, & Rose rush through stuff rather than being concerned with it being glitch free That is why so many people end up with a game that is totally borked.

  32. Yup as it was said this little edit for the top is cool - actucally I think that it's awesome, since I even put it for my avatar ;) So thanks Gelydh, you're work is really appreciated

  33. it's nice, but made by EA
