
November 11, 2010

New Mods at Mod The Sims

Late Night Plant Fix by Robodl95 - I love all of LN's objects, the problem was that 2/3 plants that EA gave us were categorized as misc. decor! Considering that 1) The misc. decor section is quite large and 2) They are very obviously plants! it just annoyed me so here ya go.

Pregnant Sims Can Use HotTubs! by Mimi52861 - I thought it rather silly that pregnant sims can go swimming in pools, yet were not allowed to use the new hot tubs in Late Night, so I whipped up this simple tuning mod. It allows pregnant sims to get in hot tubs (in bathing suits only) & use as normal sims can. It DOES NOT allow pregnant sims to skinny dip, anywhere.

Tiny Texture Replacers Combined by HystericalParoxysm - This is a combined version of all my currently-available tiny texture replacing mods. I have put all the resources into a single .package file, for increased performance (the more packages you have, the more lag you can get) and for ease of downloading.

Hot Coffee! - more beverages for your Sim's coffee machine by channTL - This mod adds hundreds (thousands?) more possible drink recipe combinations to the game's "hot beverage maker".


  1. Using a hot tub while pregnant can easily harm the baby. The baby has no way to regulate it's body temperature and overheating can quickly lead to braindamage and death.

    Now skinny dipping is perfectly fine. Too bad the mod doesn't allow that!

  2. Can you imagine the jets blasting the pregnant belly? That sounds like a terrible idea :(

  3. IT'S A GAME. Seriously, people. Some of you have a really hard time separating this game from real life. Using a hot tub is going to have absolutely NO effect on a pregnant SIM, which is what this mod is for--a Sim, not a real life pregnant woman.

  4. Actually...I wouldn't mind the possibility of getting a retarded...erm, mentally disabled baby...

  5. Maybe EA thought if they let pregnant women naturally use the hottub in the game that their pregnant players might think it's okay in real life...? You can call it dumb, but hey, people are dumb, so one less waste-of-time lawsuit. Who knows? :P

  6. At least EA didn't restrict what foods pregnant sims can eat. Nowadays, with all the cautions on what pregnant women shouldn't eat, practically nothing is safe! I wonder how we survived as a species all these years.

  7. ^nothing is safe because we ruin everything. with our pollution, pesticides, and genetically engineered foods. bleh

  8. and all the added hormones that are causing girls to start their periods so early too

  9. yeahhhh and wheat the heck happened to the dancing mod like they had in sims 2 are the working on it ??

  10. These all are the new moods at mod the Sims is very nice. As I have little knowledge about that but now got enough information about them.
