
November 27, 2010

The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff

Looks like it's official!  The Sims 3 Outdoor Living was listed on US Amazon and it is the next stuff pack. According to Amazon, it will be released February 1, 2011.
  • Build the perfect al fresco setting for your Sims with stylish furnishings, outdoor electronics, and cozy fire pits and fireplaces.
  • Give your Sims several uniquely styled hot tubs where they can relax with friends or get romantic with someone special.
  • Turn up the heat with an all-new built-in countertop grill as part of your Sims’ outdoor kitchen and take their cooking to a whole new level.
  • Choose from two new styles. ?Garden Terrace? features elegant wrought-iron pieces, while ?Sunset on the Veranda? embraces the warmth of outdoors.
  • Dress your Sims in an array of chic but casual attire for a great day in the sun or a relaxing evening under the stars.
More at Sim Programs and SimCookie

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. You know, I've never bought a stuff pack before but I think this may be my first one!

    Love the idea of the countertop grill and new hot tubs!

  2. they better add a shitload of hairs and clothing because for some reason this kind of sounds useless. I only bought fast lane because of the cars.

  3. I missed "Stuff" in the title and felt really disappointed as I read the list and didn't see any major features.

    I thought it was an expansion announcement, haha.

  4. Oh this expansion pack sounds even better than late night!

  5. I think the Stuff packs are pretty useless so I never buy them. I'm more excited to know what might be the next real expansion.

  6. ^ It's gonna be outer space. Think space station worlds.

  7. Sounds good, maybe the first SP i'll buy ;)

    Thanks :)

  8. As a general rule, I never buy SPs. I'll see if I break the rule with this one :P

  9. Meh.. Don't care THAT much about gardens. Would have preferred a toddler/child or teen themed pack. They need more stuff.

  10. I have no SPs so far but I might get this one. I love outdoors. :)

  11. My idea of outdoor living: deer, pheasants and a shotgun.

  12. "It's gonna be outer space. Think space station worlds."

    I have heard that too, they cant really mean that I mean where is peeeets or weather :(

  13. I was hoping for gardening equipment and more plants. I hope the next expansion will bring this and weather.

  14. I like the sound of this SP... def will get it.

  15. "It's gonna be outer space. Think space station worlds."

    It is not. Stop spreading false information.

  16. I usually don't get SP's, but I like the way this one sounds.

  17. Atleast it's something RIGHT?
    It wont be released until February that's 2 months away... Looks to me that the next Expansion will be towards Seasons/Weather

  18. Sounds better than the other two stuff packs. There's very little I use from HELS, and not much more I use from FLS.

    Here's hoping they have greenhouse and rooftop garden type stuff too?

  19. All i thought was diving boards.
    I will most likely buy even if they havent included them though, love the hot tubs, could do with some more variety x

  20. " Martine said...
    Meh.. Don't care THAT much about gardens. Would have preferred a toddler/child or teen themed pack. They need more stuff."


  21. I hope the next EP is weather or pets.

    The game isn't the same without pets and weather in it.

  22. I'm ONLY getting this is there is brand-new functionality with multiple objects.

    Diving boards would be a good place to start...

  23. "I'm ONLY getting this is there is brand-new functionality with multiple objects."

    Exactly. If this weren't included, I probably wouldn't be getting it either. I have never bought a stuff pack before.

  24. Well, there is a countertop grill, so that's one new functional object.

  25. The cover on Amazon has a little kiddie pool, but there's some speculation that it's a fake cover.

  26. It doesn't sound like anything spectacular. You can already download tons of amazing outdoor sets from CC sites, but then again most of the objects there are decor only so it's pretty pointless. The counter top grill sounds awesome, and I'm always one for new hair and clothes, but I'll have to wait and see if it will be worth the money. Usually stuff packs aren't.

  27. They had me with "several uniquely styled hot tubs". But I'll have to see whether they really are UNIQUELY and SEVERAL before buying.

  28. This stuff pack sounds interesting this might be the first stuff pack I buy for TS3.

  29. I dont give a SHIT about this kind of stuff pack but Im still buying cuz I cant help it; i must have every single SP and EP for sims 3 no matter how unappealing...

  30. New hot tubs? SOLD,I'm also an idiot that usually ends up buying each and every Sims related item released though.

  31. It seems kinda silly to buy tons of store stuff when there's so much gorgous user-made items available.

    I wish they would include a few new animations, then it would be worth it. Heh, include spiral stairs and they couldn't keep me away.

    And the only Fast Lane car I wanted is now at TSR for free.

  32. ^So says the person with 30 dollars worth of simpoints bought especially for Cyber Monday. LOL

    In my defense, I've never bought any EA items, but the absence of a few sets in my game is driving me crazy. NEED Storybook though I have no idea what I'll use it for yet.

  33. we've already got outdoor living furniture sets, grills, fireplaces, fountains etc

  34. Cool i Will definately get this as i get every sims expansion and stuff pack (this is probably a bit like TS2 Mansion and Garden Stuff)

  35. This is great! I hope there will be a new way to garden for apartment dwellers :D my sims would love to have some functional plants on their balconies :D
