
November 15, 2010

Too Much?

I'm not really sure how I feel about the "Top Posts" thing.  I kind of like the idea but having three different ones for "week", "month" and "all time" seems a bit repetitive.  Anyway, let me know what you probably will grow on me.

The new "Broken Links, etc" tab at the top is for just that - broken links, dead sites, etc.  You can report anything you want in there and I'll definitely see it, since the posts get buried in no time.  I deleted a bunch of posts today, but could have missed some things.

The dead sites removed

Adelyne Sims
Aarin's Spectacles
Sim National

The rest of Sims Art Gallery old posts

And a few others:)


  1. Top Posts will probably work better if you limit it to, say, 5 posts for each of the 3 categories. Maybe make it so only the name shows up, not the description?

  2. I can't believe Peggy's nasty vein skin is the top post of all time.

  3. Shivar makes sense! omg! lol

    I agree with what he says

  4. Whatever you decide will be great, honey.

  5. Joe's Fiancee troll = worst troll EVERRRRRRRRR!!!

  6. MS3B -SailfinSims is not dead- we are still going strong- Sailfindragon has just been in the process of re-designing our site at the moment- we will be doing an Advent Calendar this year and both myself and Sailfindragon will be uploading new TS3 stuff

  7. ^You my dear need to learn the meaning of troll.

  8. Is that really Joe's Fiancée?

  9. ^ No, that's actually a troll. I would know. I'm from the internet police.

    I like the top posts, but do wonder how they're determined. I agree with Shivar's solution for keeping it less cluttered. I think it's a cool idea.

    I also love the new broken links tab! I've ran across quite a few in my CC hunts, but can't remember them for the life of me. I'll be sure to report when I see them!

  10. Is there a way to make the 'top posts' category not repeat something that's already posted in some other category?

    Also, what about a list (with images or descriptions, just links) of the top 'Must Haves'?

  11. what happened to aarin?!

  12. Aarin is still obsessed with knitting and WoW, and blogs about it on tumblr. She got bored with TS3, and it didn't live up to her expectations.

  13. "SailfinSims is not dead- we are still going strong- Sailfindragon has just been in the process of re-designing our site at the moment- we will be doing an Advent Calendar this year and both myself and Sailfindragon will be uploading new TS3 stuff"

    Will Nouk's hair be reuploaded? I've been trying to find it and the TS3 section keeps coming up empty. :(

  14. I don't like the idea of removing dead stuff because if I am looking for something specific then I want to be able to find it (dead or not), if a site is dead it's usually not too difficult to track down a missing item.

    Maybe you could create a "dead link" category and move the dead stuff there that way they wouldn't be crowding active stuff but still findable.

  15. Nouks hair will not be reuploaded since she has left Sailfinsims. She has new site at NoukieSims2.Net and I don't know if she will upload it there either.

    We have gone to creator mini-sites instead of a general download format. So you will just need to click on the sidebar that says Creator Minisites and choose the creator whose content you want to download. Downloads section is only for members now

  16. "Aarin is still obsessed with knitting and WoW, and blogs about it on tumblr. She got bored with TS3, and it didn't live up to her expectations."

    Aaron, on the other hand, is still said to be lurking about and still owes numerous people money.

  17. I think that the way the top posts section is now is making the blog too cluttered and too heavy. I really think that all that is necessary is what you had before. Things should stay simple and clean, so when I visit here I don't feel like I'm going to one of those sites with a million pieces of info on them. The more info you add, the more it will detract from more important things.

    Just my opinion.

  18. "No, that's actually a troll. I would know. I'm from the internet police."

    I see no trolling, therefore no troll.

  19. "Nouks hair will not be reuploaded since she has left Sailfinsims."

    Dammit. This is what I get for not backing up my game.

  20. She may have it on her own site- I have not gone into her archives section since I don't have Ts2 anymore, or you could try pm'ing her at MTS to see if she will upload it somewhere for you. The double ponytails set is still up at Wicked Nouk in the forums Aspiration Archives under "The Forgotten Ones" though

  21. I like how people clicked on 'must have' for this.

    How the hell can you must have this post?

  22. Yeah, I removed the all time one since it probably won't change much. I wish there was a random posts option. I could have sworn there used to be. I'll have to look through the options again.

    Thanks, Deestar:) The site hasn't worked for me in months. I figured it was gone.

    There's no way to customize which posts display.

    And the posts are determined by direct entry page views, mostly from Google searches.

    And I didn't remove the hair of course in case the file names were needed.

  23. I will make sure that myself or one of the other staff posts in updates when we have new stuff go up for Sims 3. We have all been busy with RL lately and trying to get the new site format operational. New url is no https

  24. I really like the top posts idea. And the pictures are a nice touch.


  25. I like them, it highlights what people want and that's got to be good :-)

  26. I don't care about a Top List (Newsea's Lemon Grass is "top", just because people like spamming the comment section) and wish for the Blog Archive to be moved back up to the top of the page.

  27. Why do we need any other posts apart from the main one which shows the stuff and where to download it . Usually top posts are where people either redownload their own items just to bounce it up and hope otheres will then download it OR people bump the post just to keep it in top posts so they can brag

  28. Jordys site, well, links are dead therefor making it useless.

  29. The top list will show variety the longer it goes on so I say keep it for now. The only problem with it would be trolls and people "advertising" by clicking a lot.

    I would put it on its own page though if possible to help keep the main page from cluttering.

  30. I never even noticed there was a "top post" catagory.

    I mostly just use the front page and occassionaly use the tags if I'm in the market for a specific category (kitchen or hair, for example). Tags are very useful, thanks!!
