
November 07, 2010

Updated Camera Hack by Aikea Guinea

Aikea Guinea's Camera hack has been updated for Late Night

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. Thanks Aikea! This is the first in the long list of updates I need to finally install Late Night.

  2. Important question:

    How does this camera hack differ from the one released a week ago by HystericalParoxysm?

  3. ^^ I cannot find an answer to this either... not for the life of me!

    I'd also like to know if there is one clear superior choice between these two, or is it more a "depends on your preference" type of thing? If it depends, how so?

  4. For all I know, there could be no difference as I personally didn't install HP's version. The only change I made to mine was to make it work with Late Night (it wasn't working correctly in high rise buildings); other than that, it's no different than it was when I released it with the base game, and still works with all the EPs. :)
