
December 02, 2010

Andrea by Precious Sims

Download at Precious Sims


  1. ill never truly understand the hatred for her sims.

  2. Its really not her sims...some people just have it out for her.

    The sim is okay though. She's cute and she looks 17.

  3. what are you saying? people are bullying her around just because they can?

  4. I personally love a lot of Precious' Sims. This one is gorgeous, I think she's very unique. I really hate it when people are mean to Precious. She's only doing what she loves :)

  5. ^ I agree. Unfortunately a lot of sim creators cop it here though.

  6. This sim looks INCREDIBLY unique, yet adorable, AND realistic. To accomplish all this is certainly not an easy task. Very nicely done!!

    And I haven't seen anyone give this creator a 'hard time', but if that's true, they're most likely just jealous of her talent. No biggie.

  7. She looks very sweet and innocent, and something about her makes my mind instantly go to Emma Watson as Hermione Granger

  8. Better than Hasel's sim. She's pretty. I won't be downloading though.

  9. "This sim looks INCREDIBLY unique, yet adorable, AND realistic. To accomplish all this is certainly not an easy task. Very nicely done!!"

    Couldn't agree more with all this. And this group of attributes is indeed difficult to accomplish. Few creators can... but Andrea nailed it.

  10. uh huh..... all of a sudden EVERYONE is a supporter. The trolls are obviously sleeping.
    Not that i miss them.

  11. If you don't miss them, why mention them? I think she is very sweet looking.

  12. She looks like a giant glob of pudding. Did Precious give you all oral in exchange for liking her Sims?

  13. "I really hate it when people are mean to Precious. She's only doing what she loves."

    It probably originates from when she used to spam this site frequently. To her credit she's since stopped, but there's a reason it's considered a major faux pas.

    As far as this sim goes, she seems cute. I tend to lean away from sims that need CC to look unique, but that's just a personal thing.

  14. At first glance, I would never guess that this was Precious'. She still looks like a very young girl, but there's a nice, realistic quality about her.

    Oh, and the reason most people dislike her is because she was rather notorious for spamming her sims everywhere, especially at Sims Cave. Bear in mind, she made about five sims a day at one point, and were about the quality you can imagine. She's toned down this behavior a lot recently, but she made her mark as a general pest. I'm still not a fan of her work, but I don't find her nearly as annoying as I did when she popped up everywhere.

  15. The more I look at this sim, especially in comparison to the her last posts, the more I'm beginning to doubt that Precious made her. She doesn't look like a downs syndrome child pageant queen. Her facial anatomy is believable, pleasant to look at, and may even have a fairly unique sculpt under the makeup.

  16. "Oh, and the reason most people dislike her is because she was rather notorious for spamming her sims everywhere, especially at Sims Cave. Bear in mind, she made about five sims a day at one point, and were about the quality you can imagine. She's toned down this behavior a lot recently, but she made her mark as a general pest. I'm still not a fan of her work, but I don't find her nearly as annoying as I did when she popped up everywhere."

    Ok... remind me why people should act as you advise? People don't have to do what you want them. People aren't bad people just because they are enjoying something. If it annoyed you, it annoyed you, but Precious doesn't have to be or do anything you want.

  17. Nice Sim. She does remind me of Hermione Granger as well.

  18. She is a beautiful sim! Thanks!!!

  19. "Ok... remind me why people should act as you advise? People don't have to do what you want them. People aren't bad people just because they are enjoying something. If it annoyed you, it annoyed you, but Precious doesn't have to be or do anything you want."

    By that logic, people are allowed to bash on Precious because they want to. ...I'm not entirely certain what point you're trying to make, but I'm going to address your argument by pretending it can be taken seriously.

    First off, spamming is a no no. In nearly every community, it is considered an annoyance, if not downright rude. When you're taking over an entire page of forum posts to showcase your abundant work, other creators work gets lost and bumped down, thus making it less likely to be seen. Go to the Sims Cave and look through the Sims archive. I stopped going there entirely because Precious made it into her personal gallery. She didn't even wait for feedback on one sims before posting her next dozen or so. It's rude.

    At first, people were polite, informing her that she posted too much, and her work could really benefit from spending more time on it. Rather than listen, she basically retaliated by saying that we were all mean, and that she was just going to post more and there was nothing we could do about it. She kept her word.

    No one is calling her a bad person, but you can certainly make an argument she's a bad creator. It's not about the quality of the product, it's about the attitude. While the community hasn't reacted kindly to her, she brought it on herself. To sum it up "she should act as I advise" because that's simply common courtesy in any community.

    Like I said, she has gotten a lot better about this, and that's a credit to her. However, because of her behavior in the past, her name has become synonymous with spamming and sims bogged down with CC. I hope she can redeem her name, and wish her the best.

  20. "First off, spamming is a no no."

    Awwwwww... it's a no no. Precious really deserves to be treated like shit because she did a 'no no'.

    You sound so fucking holier than now. I agree with what you say - I hope she redeems herself. But seriously... who are you to judge? How fucking dare you all? She was enjoying herself and you all started attacking her. And by 'you all' I mean the people who justify being less than kind to her with 'she's a spammer'. There's a little thing called ignoring what you don't wanna see... They're just sims she's posted up.
    And you have an issue with her attitude? Hah... I have an issue with yours. It's hurtful, isn't it. Just think on that before you reply, think about how hurtful being judged really feels.

  21. I think it´s nearly the best work from her up till now. People were just pissed of cause she had nearly everyday posted a new sim at the cave and most with the newest dl, so other creators havent had a real chance. And it´s true her sims looked very similar in the past. But I think she has grown with every creation, as everybody of us who create sims does. As I think on my first creations I´ve uploaded on TS3, I have to be ashamed about this today. And why not using cc? Does the sims look really better only with EA stuff? I don´t think so. There is a lot of great stuff out and want to be used. Great work precious.

  22. for me, she looks gay.

  23. "Awwwwww... it's a no no. Precious really deserves to be treated like shit because she did a 'no no'.

    You sound so fucking holier than now. I agree with what you say - I hope she redeems herself. But seriously... who are you to judge? How fucking dare you all? She was enjoying herself and you all started attacking her. And by 'you all' I mean the people who justify being less than kind to her with 'she's a spammer'. There's a little thing called ignoring what you don't wanna see... They're just sims she's posted up.
    And you have an issue with her attitude? Hah... I have an issue with yours. It's hurtful, isn't it. Just think on that before you reply, think about how hurtful being judged really feels."

    You are really one to talk about holier than thou attitudes, honey. Think about how hurtful being judged is? Really? Did you come from an after school special?

    Bear in mind, my response wasn't to Precious, but the anon who was having a cryfest over how we're all such senselessly mean bullies to her. They asked why people don't like Precious, and I told them the TL;DR explanation, which wasn't combatively worded. I didn't say a mean thing about her, other than she used to post too much. Said anon pulled a Chris Crocker and asked why was spamming was such a bad thing if she loved doing it. You seem to be in that camp as well.

    She is still creating, obviously. No one is going to her page to flame her, or telling her to stop. The only thing that's changed is that she posts her work at a reasonable rate when outside of her blog, which was the issue. I never made a personal attack. I just explained why she has a bad reputation. Honestly, I don't really understand why you're upset.

    If anything, you should be getting all holier than thou on the people who are saying mean things about her sims. Go bitch at them for a while.


    Oh, and the anon who seems confused about why CC is a bad thing, it's not. I absolutely love CC (hence why I'm here, and why I have about a gig and half of it on my hard drive). This sim is very tasteful, and a great example of how to use it properly. She would probably still be pretty without it.

    CC usage becomes a problem when you stop caring about what the sim underneath the makeup and hair looks like. You can pull any sim out of the bin, and put enough CC on it to make it interesting looking, but it's still a sim out of the bin. Ideally, the sim should come first. If it still looks good bare-faced and bald, you're good.

  24. ^ I was gonna give a retort, but there's no point. You'll just give me another excuse for being a complete bitch. But that's ok. You're just some random on the internet. I can let it go, 'honey' ;)

  25. Sounds good to me, sugartits :)

  26. ^ Wasn't me, for the record. Though it does sound fine. Believe it or not, I don't need internet drama to live.

  27. ^^Doesn't have a comeback and is trying to be funny and sarcastic.

  28. For all the "LOOK HOW MUCH SHE'S GROWN <3" anons, this is what she did this morning

    And last night.

  29. ^^haha, those two sims ae super UGLY!

  30. Gotta love when i ask something some one has to be an asshole about it.
    I appreciate the response. I only go on the simscave to download items and maybe only read in the forums if i am really bored but never to participate.

    Whenever i would see the precious sims links on here i would ignore it but then again ignoring things on ms3b in the comments section is much easier than in a forum you are a regular on.

    Sounds like whoever is getting angry at the polite responder might be a precious sim ally or friend or better yet Kim P. herself.

    No reason to get so highly offended. I'm an adult asking adult things. I like to see the different perspectives of a situation.

    And btw if you are to pop out 5 sims a day. In the end when you place all 5 together they better look like the oddest bunch of motherfuckers you have ever seen or have them be a really unique group of people and not like Precious older sims who all had the same face shape from what i've seen.

    From what i understood that was the main gripe some people had with her sims aside from her spamming.

  31. Btw i think that is the longest response i have ever left on this site. Never again! lol

  32. A cute little virgin :)

  33. All of Precious Sims' Sims have similar features. I understand that it's hard to create different-looking Sims every day, in fact my Sims aren't the bee's knees either. But my point is you should put a lil' more effort into creating Sims, you know?

  34. Also peoples here asked her to please dont upload that much when they look so alike, and she took offence to that, and starting acting all mean and stuff. I bet she is a nice person IRL tho, but she was acting like a child when the flame war was going on.

    To be honest most of us sim makers have sims that looks allot alike, take cathrine at simscave, allot love her sims, and they are indeed pretty, but we can all see that its her sims.My sims tend to have something that shows its my sims to them also. You can see it on manny of the sims on mts also, when creator upload sims they have oh its his/hers sims again. Like they are using the same formula thingy on sims, and just changes some part of them.

    Precious sims have the youth looking sims, often looking like they have gass in their belly,
    Cathrine often has big red lips, simalar nose and strong dark eyebrows.
    Sims on MTS often looks kinda dirty (as in they are not clean)Or even ugly, just because its so hard to get a cute looking sim upthere.
    Lemon leaf, even tho she is not uploading sims looks like porselain dolls
    Mastering has that Japanese game look to his sims.

    My sims looks like dolls, and I cant change that, not that I want to share my sims, they arem mine :p

  35. ^ True. And for Precious Sims it's luscious lips, the similar noses and puppy dog eyes. :P

  36. This is ridiculous,sure these Sims aren't my style,and I would never have them in my game, but it really is nothing to mess your panties up over.

    Sometimes I don't think the children making these comments were ever taught constructive criticism,yikes.

  37. Who is messing up their pants, no one is mean to her now, its just that people tend to react to her sims for the omg they look so much alike, she has a lucky creation now and then, but mostly as I said over, they look to young and they look like they have allot of gass in their belly, just waiting for someone to please let them fart!

  38. ill never truly understand the hatred for her sims.

    me, neither. looking at her blog, she's quite good at making them. wish she'd explore more out of her comfort zone, or she wouldn't get so much shit.

  39. "ill never truly understand the hatred for her sims.

    me, neither."

    Heh. It's not like people just wrote long, novel-length responses explaining their stance on Precious Sims, or anything.

  40. iv always loved her sims. so many in my game. i usually tweek them just a bit like their facial structure and skin tones, but she offers a good variety of nice looking girls

  41. Togekiss is a angry little pokemon, yes you are yes you are.

    On a more serious note. (and no am not the anon between your two posts Togekiss)

    You migt not go to the simscave, but allot of us do. And allot of nice good sims have been overseen due to her spamming, also its hard to find old sims in that big chunck of bunnybite sims spamm. And that is what annoys me the most. Not the look of the sims.

    On another note, why are you attacking poppy in this thread?
    You are making yourself look so duchebaggy. And poppys spam is not bad compaird to the -old- precious sims. And you are making drama her yourself.

    Peoples just commented on why there was allot of hate towards precious sims, and how they looked at the situation. Even if you are not there, there is allot of us that are, and we saw it, we got annoyed, it was annoying to see her sims all over the firt page, not letting anny other creator bee seen there, we could if we where lucky see a sim that was not hers in the mix, but she mostly had the front page and the sims for the sims 3 section all to herself.
    Not all her fault, the mods there should have stopped it.
    So dance your little dramabum over to the simscave and take alook at the sims 3 sections for sims and then see after a few pages, there are maybe 7-8 pages that could be filled up by them sims she made.
    If you cant do that, then you should STFU
    And one last thing just so you know:
    This is the internett, we are cruel.

  42. Going completely off topic, Togekiss, I'm 95$% certain you're a fellow /tr/ainer. It's weird to be reminded that other anons use the rest of the internet too.

  43. I'll be keeping an eye out for your stuff now that I know you're a drawfag. And thankfully, not a furry. I'm mostly just a lurker, but I've been trying to muster up the cajones to drawfag myself.

    See you on /vp/ sometime! Secretly. From the lurker shadows.


  44. "This is the internett, we are cruel."

    I don't agree. People choose to be cruel. We can also choose to be civil. If you know that something you say is going to hurt someone's feelings, why would you say it? I honestly don't understand it.

  45. Togekiss:
    How can I try to bait you, when I was just explaining to you how I looked at the situation, if you took the time to read you would see that. You are the one saying you can't see whats so bad about her, and I told you. We are all allowed to have our own opinions about her, and what she did. You can protect her all you want, but it was not your sims that you worked hard on that got overseen by sims that looked like the same sims with different makeup. It was 3-5 times a day with her uploads.

    And Shyne, I wrote that kinda wrong.

    What I mean is, we have right to have opinions about things, and if someone find them hurtful or offending they most likely should not ask Joe to put them on here.
    Some peoples that are trolls will always just say something hurtfull, just because they can.

  46. Looks nice, a bit pudding and would work well for someone who likes to change the hair, eye, and clothing but not much else.

  47. The fact that most of the comments that are actually favorable are anonymous makes me think that Precious wrote them all.

  48. @anon

    seriously, don't be shy. tbh i was turned off by all know. but if you steer clear of all that, people will definitely identify and appreciate anything you offer in your style.

    best way to get your feet wet is to do pokememes. especially more get!bateman and laughinggirls. /HINTHINT

    to the other anon, give it a rest. when i say i don't care what the hell she did to a few lurkers, i mean it. i only care about what she creates, which is kind of the point of this whole blog, bro.

  49. She kinda looks like the girl who plays Hermione.
