
December 14, 2010

The Broken Mansion Set Part 2 by SR

Download at SR's Deep Thoughts


  1. This stuff is very cool for those who like to build aftermath houses and crap like that. But unless it's interactable it is pretty much completely useless to the average simmer.

  2. Its intractable but obviously not custom animations so it looks weird.

    Its for decoration and storytelling..

    @JUBES:I love aftermath crap. lol

  3. i actually really like it....i just have no real use for it even in story telling

  4. I really like the sofa and the dresser. They should have changed the bookshelf a little, there are books defying gravity there.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh this is cool! I can't see how I personally would use it in my game, but I bet alot of story tellers or aftermath people will love this!

  6. Guys, here's the thing. Being negative is not the same thing as trolling. They're right- these things are, in fact (yes, fact), useless for the average player. Why? Because a very small number of players make lots with broken and overturned objects in them!

    And you know what?

    Saying that does not say a thing about the quality of the objects, the creator, or your personal opinion.

  7. These'd be neat for, say, a tomb or something inside an abandoned mansion. I have a few lots that are 'abandoned', and have usable items next to nonusuable ones. Perfect for my dark, unstable, or simply bumming sims!

  8. maybe they are in Los Aniegos and there was an earthquake?

  9. These would be great for a surreal house. I'll have to keep them in mind.

  10. These are hilarious and thanks for the "Broken" tag. I too will keep them in mind...

    Was decorating a tomb in Barnacle Bay last night, and was wanting some ghoulish halloween type items, but didn't have any. So the tags are quite helpful.

  11. Your opinion is not fact Shivar.

    Where is the poll you did of how the "average" simmer plays their game? How did you collect the data to make what you just said "fact"?

    Because you and a few other loud mouths find it useless doesn't make it so

  12. Jubes said...
    This stuff is very cool for those who like to build aftermath houses and crap like that. But unless it's interactable it is pretty much completely useless to the average simmer.

    Well, duh. Nothing like pointing out the painfully obvious.

  13. Anonymous said...

    Because you and a few other loud mouths find it useless doesn't make it so.

    It's clear to me he's speaking for himself and others who do not use broken furniture. So yes it does make it so for HIM.

    He is also right about it not being a personal reflection on the creator.

    But given these objects are obviously meant for people who DO use broken furniture the only problem I see is that there is no problem.

  14. Jubes said...
    This stuff is very cool for those who like to build aftermath houses and crap like that. But unless it's interactable it is pretty much completely useless to the average simmer.

    ...and? Isn't that pretty obvious? Why do we need someone to point that out to us.

  15. I couldn't disagree more about these being useless to the average simmer. Maybe I've just been exposed to far too much CC over the years, but to me clutter and deco items are just as important as functional stuff in terms of creating a realistic, fun-looking game.
