
December 17, 2010

For Christmas some lovely, comfy tunics for girls in 3 variations by buitefr1

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I like the shape, but they'd be cuter without the photoskinned ruffles.

  2. I think the ruffles make it cuter, actually. It's not that bad, compared to some photoskinned things out there.

  3. this kid looks weird. too tall to be a toddler too short to be a kid.

    idk maybe its the way shes standing or something.

  4. Looks a bit sloppy...

  5. Wonderful idea, but the ruffles look terrible. Just a few tweaks to the mesh or, if the creator doesn't do mesh work, a little less rufflage, and this would look infinitely better.

  6. @anon above: funny, opinions about this vary a lot. But it might be quite interesting to see if you can do this better... Looking forward to see your work 'anon'!

  7. ^Chill out. That anon was only trying to give suggestions on how to improve the dress. They even said it was a wonderful idea. If you want nothing but praise, TSR would be better suited for you.

    Some of you are way too sensitive to criticism. It could've been a random nasty anon with a drive-by comment of "this looks terrible! fail! don't ever create again!" But because someone gives valid criticism AND suggests how it could be improved, people like you flip out.

  8. Dear creator,
    If you do not wish to have people criticize, discuss or give accolades about your work then do not post it in a public forum. Create for yourself. Once you submit creations you are subject to reactions from people who may or may not use them. Being defensive about it, to people you expect to dl it, is just illogical.

  9. @ other anon:
    No, actually I´m not ´flipping´ out. I´m merely curious how anon´s work will be/or is. She or he could learn me somebit. Show some examples etc of what he of she means exactely. But hey, there is a forum at MTS to give feedback during the creating process and I will value that very much, because I have still a lot to learn. So lets 'meet' at MTS creater feedback forum next time. I will think of the remarks in a next project. Sorry for slightly ironic tone.

  10. Well, they could start with your grasp of the English language.
    "Learn me"... yes, perhaps you could be taught a few things. Oh, and your tone was not ironic, it was sarcastic.

  11. ^how do you know that english is not their second language? Not everyone speaks english as their primary language around the world you know.

  12. The creator is a call center rep from the Netherlands where a great deal of Ebglish is spoken. I know this because I am also from the Netherlands as are a few other creator friends of mine.
    You can read her profile at MTS.

  13. ^English, sorry, typo. It happens

  14. oh well anons, how is you Dutch

  15. ^Burn? OMG are you in 5th grade? hahahaaaaaa

  16. Someone doesn't have to be a creator to see when an item is photoskinned to hell! I hate the standard go to response from some creators, "Let's see if you can do better." Talk about childish! I swear 12s are showing up in epidemic numbers!

  17. Well much of the criticism IS pretty hateful and totally unncessary. While the first comment here seemed reasonable (to me) it doesn't take too long for the jerks to show up.

    Anyway, I thinks it's adorable!

    Looking for everyday tunics or long shirts for men, btw. That doesn't have any graphics on it.

  18. Hmmm, maybe she doesn't look like a child because she's got makeup on. I never do that to my sim kids -- makes them look older than they are.

  19. I made the comment that apparently offended the creator, and I have to say, I think you reacted a little unfairly. I never said that I create because I don't. I couldn't do better, even if I tried. That doesn't mean that I don't know if I like something, or that I don't know how something could (IN MY OPINION) be improved. I doubt YOU are a gourmet chef, but you probably still know when something has too much salt.

    I didn't insult you or your content. I just said what I thought would make this better. When you release your content to the public, some people out there (like myself) might not 100% love everything you make and throw rose petals at your feet. It's nothing personal and it would be a shame if you took it that way.

    IMO, the best artists out there take criticism well, and learn from it when they feel it is valid. If you don't feel my comment was valid, so be it. That's your prerogative and you have no obligation to make what I like. But please don't get passive aggressive and start demanding that I do better.

    Anyway, no hard feelings intended. Just lighten up, maybe?

  20. ^Oh, and I also appreciate your apology for the "ironic tone" and offer my own apologies if you were offended. But I don't spend time in the MTS creator forums because, as mentioned, I am not a creator and tend not to worry about content until it is actually released. So no, I probably won't ever meet you at MTS, and yes, if you create something I don't like in the future, I might offer my critique in other places like here, be it positive or negative. It's nothing to be insulted by, I promise.


  21. "But hey, there is a forum at MTS to give feedback during the creating process and I will value that very much, because I have still a lot to learn. So lets 'meet' at MTS creater feedback forum next time."

    ...You know, I've never really seen criticism on MTS other than "This doesn't work with the latest EP/Patch! Please update!"

    Also, stop using the "oh, let's see if you can do better" response. Filmmakers do not respond to film critics by saying "Let's see if you can do better," because it is a stupid retort. You don't have to be a creator to have an opinion or suggestions about something.

    And just because someone is anonymous doesn't make them bad at critiquing, by the way. Oftentimes it makes them more honest.

  22. My comment about how you should never say "Let's see if you can do better" got deleted when the troll fart comments pass.


  23. ^^Me again. I meant to add, again to the creator, I appreciate your apology for your tone and I apologize as well if you were insulted.

    But no, I don't frequent the MTS creator forums because I'm not a creator and prefer to wait until content is released to peruse it. And yes, I will still continue to give my opinion when I don't like something. No insult intended. :)

  24. IMO this would have been better without the ruffles on the lower half of the shirt. However I love the mesh, the upper area of the shirt and think its a very good start.

  25. Creator: Sensitive art syndrome. You have it.
