
December 06, 2010

Hi guys

It's Brandon

I just wanted you to know Joe texted me a little while ago and asked me to take over again.

He is pretty sick with that 2, 3, 4, or 5 week flu going around and had a relapse in the chest and lungs a week after getting over the first part of the flu.

He will be in the hospital for the next two to three days just to be sure the bronchitis clears and it doesn't become pneumonia.

I will be updating until he's back.


  1. get better, joe. ):

  2. Poor guy. :/ .. Hope he gets better soon.

  3. Yay! I love Brandon!
    Get better Joe!

    Joe x Brandon slash is my fave. They're my OTP!

  4. Oh no, that's awful! Is he on antibiotics? Tell him to stay in bed and drink lots of alcohol - I'm a nurse, I give him express permission ;)

  5. Aw, nnooo. I hope he gets all better soon.

  6. Shyne, make a self-Sim and dress her in the Lemon Leaf sexy nurse stuff, and send it to Joe!!

    Joe, I hope you feel better soon! Don't sweat the blog, we'll be here when you get back :)

  7. Alcohol? Ya ok Shyne, we're not all alcoholics like you.

  8. "Alcohol? Ya ok Shyne, we're not all alcoholics like you."

    LOL point taken ;)

  9. "Shyne, make a self-Sim and dress her in the Lemon Leaf sexy nurse stuff, and send it to Joe!!"

    Hahahahaha I'm sure he'd appreciate that :P

  10. Awww.. get well soon Joe :(

  11. Tell him to take it easy!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that! I had the flu for eight days last flu season so I can only imagine what he's going through.

  13. I truly hope he get well soon :)

  14. it's hilarious that some people click "must have"... Anyways, Joe get better!!

  15. Get well soon, Joe!

  16. i ship joe/brandon
    They're so in love, i can tell

  17. Get well soon! Lots of chicken soup and good thoughts!

  18. Joe hopefully heal we will pay attention to updates

  19. Gawd, I think I have that flu-- it's so f***ing gross and scary. I'm on week 2. I'm glad he can go to the hospital.

    I'm battling my mine with cough drops, thera-flu, and gin.

    Get well, Joe.

  20. I hope you get well soon, Joe!
    And thanks for updating the blog in the meantime, Brandon.

  21. Hope he gets better fast! Hi Brandon!

  22. oh my gosh that's horrible! i really hope he gets better soon!

  23. Get well soon Joe! Thank you for the update Brandon!

  24. Aww Joe, feel better! *hugs and virtual flowers for your bedside*

    Brandon, thanks for letting us know. :)

  25. Yikes, Hope he makes a speedy recovery.


    I hope you get well soon...
    I am on week 3 and the bronchitis doesn't look like it's gonna go away any time soon.....

    I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope that we both get better!

  27. Holy crap there's a lot of sickies on this blog! Orange juice people, orange juice!

  28. That's awful, Joe! I hope you get better soon. We'll miss you! ♥

  29. Get well soon Joe! They said this year was going to be a beast regarding the flu! Going to get my shot next week! Thoughts are with you and thank goodness for friends like Brandon! <3

  30. I clicked must have because we MUST HAVE JOE BACK AND WELL SOON!

  31. Oh! get better Joe!

  32. Wow, that's horrible. I hope everything improves quickly!

  33. Good, now lets spam with fart comments.

    lol, jk. Get better soon Joe. And hello brandon. Are you his partner?

  34. Sadness. Get well soon!

  35. Get well soon, Joe! Thanks for everything!

  36. scary stuff. get better soon joe!

  37. Who the heck is clicking on "Must Have?"

  38. Awww, poor Joe. I hope you get better soon : )

    Bronchitis sucks.

  39. "Who the heck is clicking on "Must Have?"

    Lol I totally didn't notice that this had 9 of those until I read your comment.

  40. Someone said they said "must have" because we "must have" Joe get better. Nice sentiment.

  41. Get well soon, Joe.

  42. Oooh, that damn flu. Caught it last year and was bed-ridden for days. Sorry you're feeling so poor, Joe! Get well soon!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hope you get better Joe.

    And alcohol DOES help with the flu/cold. I don't suggest drinking till your piss drunk but I put it in hot tea.

    I took 5000mg of vitamin c and 4000mg of garlic. Starting to get the beginning signs of a flu/cold so helping my body out a bit.

  45. Dear Joe, sorry to hear you are sick, will pray that you get better soon. Take lots of fluids and rinse it out. Meanwhile allow yourself just to rest. All the way from sunny South Africa. xxooxx.

  46. Brandon,

    I'm sorry to hear he's going to be in the hospital for two or three days. It's so sweet of him to worry about the blog when he's so sick. Thanks for taking over, and give our best wishes to our friend.

  47. Hope you feel better soon Joe! my grandfather also just got hospitalised this morning....What a day... :(


    A message like that deserves to be shouted, hope you're back on your feet soon xx

  49. Brandon is Joe's boyfriend, btw.

    And brandon, im sorry to hear about your loved one, he will be back with you soon! :)

  50. Anonymous said...
    Brandon is Joe's boyfriend, btw.

    Seriously, that is so hot. Almost as hot as Pescado x Delphy.

  51. Get well soon, Joe! I will be including you in my prayers. Stay strong!

  52. new update please.

  53. Get well soon! You will be missed here until your glorious return.

  54. It's nice to see so many comments and for ONCE, not one lame butthurt-fight broke out yet. Anyway, my wishes go out to you Joe!

    Although I hope I didn't just jinx the lame-fight thing... :(

  55. Get well soon Joe! :)
    *gives virtual flowers*

  56. Joe - hope you get better soon. Brandon - Thanks for stepping in.


  58. ^ too soon, troll. too soon...

  59. The hospital can be an awful place to be stuck in. My wishes go out to you Joe!! :)

  60. im serious, i want a new update whats taking so long? :/ AND NONE OF SHYNES STUPID RETEXTURES

  61. Get better soon joe. My daughter had pneumonia in September and now she already has bronchitis again. I know how you feel now!

  62. Geez, everybody I know lately has got the sick. I hope you're feeling better soon! This year is looking to end on a nasty note.

  63. Get better soon Joe! And thank you Brandon for taking over.

  64. I hope you get better Joe!


  65. GOD bless you Joe. You will be in my prayers :)

  66. Hope he gets better soon.

  67. Flu by definition is a viral infection( requires only supportive treatment and no antibiotics).But in our part of the world it gets complicated soon by bacterial infection since the imuune system gets totally compromised....hence the need for antibiotics.For a simple viral infection to progress to pneumonia the person needs to be exposed to a source with heavy infective load.

    Shyne....please dont advise him to drink lots of alcohol.Being a nurse you should very well know about the side effects of its hepatotoxic effects which may interact with the pharmacodynamics of the antibiotic.Instead please ask him to take lots of MULTIVITAMIN capsules and high volume of FLUIDS because the body gets dehydrated fast.

    Sometimes a Doctor does know better than a nurse.

  68. Aw, I hope Joe gets better soon! ^_^ Thanks for taking over the helm, Brandon, and for letting us know what's going on!

  69. "Flu by definition is a viral infection( requires only supportive treatment and no antibiotics).But in our part of the world it gets complicated soon by bacterial infection since the imuune system gets totally compromised....hence the need for antibiotics.For a simple viral infection to progress to pneumonia the person needs to be exposed to a source with heavy infective load.

    Shyne....please dont advise him to drink lots of alcohol.Being a nurse you should very well know about the side effects of its hepatotoxic effects which may interact with the pharmacodynamics of the antibiotic.Instead please ask him to take lots of MULTIVITAMIN capsules and high volume of FLUIDS because the body gets dehydrated fast.

    Sometimes a Doctor does know better than a nurse."

    You'd certainly hope so, you do go to medical school longer than I do ;)

    I did, however, know what you just mentioned. Perhaps not in such big words, but I understand that there could be a drug reaction and that a large amount of alcohol can decrease the absorption of antibiotics... My suggestion that he drink LOTS of alcohol was only a joke, although alcohol in moderation has a mild, to no effect on antibiotic use. He is in hospital, as well, so where is he going to get access to the amounts of alcohol I am prescribing? lol

  70. Is Brandon Joe's boyfriend?

  71. Bonjour,

    On est tous avec toi, bon rétablissement et bon courage...

  72. hello, I'm sorry for your friend! I really hope he will heal quickly and that it will not be too serious. I am French, I "met" there 's no time!
    Wish him my best wishes for recovery.

  73. A-get-well-wishes to your dear friend Joe. Hope he gets better soon. Flowers and healthy fruits for him...Hugs...

  74. "Is Brandon Joe's boyfriend?"

    Yes he is, a couple posters mentioned that above.

  75. Aw! Well, if Brandon is Joe's boyfriend, that is adorable for him to be taking over but if he is a friend it's the same thing. Adorable! It's very sweet to take over this blog until Joe gets better, Brandon. I just want you to know that.

    And Joe, get well soon!

  76. Joe, relax,sleep,drink fluids(all of which you are most likely doing) and know we all appreciate you and Brandon and send you both our very best wishes. Hope you are soon well enough to enjoy the holiday season....and cough it up, better out than in :)

  77. Hope you feel better very soon. Take care.

  78. Aw, poor Joe. Get better soon! :)

  79. I hope he gets better soon!!!

  80. Hope Joe gets better soon so it doesn't ruin the holidays for him. =(
    I appreciate everything Joe has done for this blog, it is great. Thanks Brandon for updating in the meantime! <3

  81. Well that certainly makes my little sniffles pale into insignificance!

    Get well soon, Joe! x

  82. Can we do something for Joe? In which hospital he is?

  83. Oh my... Wish the best for you, Joe. Take your time.

    And many thanks to you, Brandon, for updating his blog all the while:)


  84. Get well soon Joe, and thanks for updating the blog Brandon.

  85. Welcome back Brandon, albeit temporarily. Great to see you here updating the blog :)

    Joe get better soon!! Being sick over the holidays is just yucky :)

  86. Ohh I have flu 2! This is soo bad..
    Hope u get better soon Joe!

  87. the fact that this has 35 "must have's" is making the whole situation sad and creepy.

    BUT GET BETTER JOE. the flu is nothing to fucking play with (.....hoping it's just that by the way it's been described).

  88. Hope you get better soon, Joe :)

  89. Sorry to here you're sick Joe....Maybe you'll have a hot nurse. You never know. Thanks for updating Brandon.

  90. "Flu by definition is a viral infection( requires only supportive treatment and no antibiotics).But in our part of the world it gets complicated soon by bacterial infection since the imuune system gets totally compromised....hence the need for antibiotics.For a simple viral infection to progress to pneumonia the person needs to be exposed to a source with heavy infective load.

    Shyne....please dont advise him to drink lots of alcohol.Being a nurse you should very well know about the side effects of its hepatotoxic effects which may interact with the pharmacodynamics of the antibiotic.Instead please ask him to take lots of MULTIVITAMIN capsules and high volume of FLUIDS because the body gets dehydrated fast.

    Sometimes a Doctor does know better than a nurse."

    seriously? you are using someone's misfortune to brag about your knowledge. not cool. as is the use of big(but nonspecific and unhelpful) terms to explain to laymen what would seem to be very common-sensical advice (for anyone who has done bio or genetics at a freshman level). improve your bedside manner. also best specify 'lots' and 'multivitamins' as i am sure (or hope) that you are well aware of the ill and unnecessary effects of overdosage.

    get well soon joe, who is presumably at a real hospital treated by real doctors :)

  91. Get well soon. Love you Blog. Thankyou Brandon for helping out.

  92. Poor Joe. Hope you get well soon! Pnemonia is to be taking serious, good to hear that you're in the hospital. And thanks Brandon, for updating.

  93. Awwahh, thank you Brandon, for looking after the blog for Joe. I hope he gets better soon. : )

  94. "seriously? you are using someone's misfortune to brag about your knowledge. not cool. as is the use of big(but nonspecific and unhelpful) terms to explain to laymen what would seem to be very common-sensical advice (for anyone who has done bio or genetics at a freshman level). improve your bedside manner. also best specify 'lots' and 'multivitamins' as i am sure (or hope) that you are well aware of the ill and unnecessary effects of overdosage."

    Hahaahaha it's ok Anon, they're not a REAL doctor. A real doctor wouldn't bother trying to correct Shyne, a real doctor would know she was joking.

  95. Awww... if Joe and Brandon are boyfriends, then I would love to see a picture of them together!

  96. Lol @ all the crazy speculation here!

    Hope you get better soon Joe! <3

  97. "Hahaahaha it's ok Anon, they're not a REAL doctor. A real doctor wouldn't bother trying to correct Shyne, a real doctor would know she was joking."

    More importantly, a real doctor wouldn't waste their time to go on a 'sims blog' to give medical advice in the first place; they already get paid to do it all day long. Trust me.

  98. your love will be back into your arms soon enough, Brandon! (:

  99. Stop making me barf, please.

  100. "Stop making me barf, please."

    You're not even funny anymore, what happened? :(

  101. The Doctor anon here.........
    I do get paid a whole lot to give advice all day long.So U see i
    I can't seem to stop doing that even on my off days.

    Let me tell you Multivitamin capsules rarely cause any toxicity.They do have relatively large therapeutic range.As opposed to alcohol whose overdose can kill people quite easily.I was offended by the idea of a medical person prescribing someone lots of alcohol even jokingly.

    And i intentionally used non-specific terms because if I used specific ones nobody would understand.

    And I am a real doctor and i spent 6 years in Medical school.

  102. Why am I a fool?

  103. Everybody knows that brandon is dating joe. so what, let them be!

  104. "The Doctor anon here.........
    I do get paid a whole lot to give advice all day long.So U see i
    I can't seem to stop doing that even on my off days.

    Let me tell you Multivitamin capsules rarely cause any toxicity.They do have relatively large therapeutic range.As opposed to alcohol whose overdose can kill people quite easily.I was offended by the idea of a medical person prescribing someone lots of alcohol even jokingly.

    And i intentionally used non-specific terms because if I used specific ones nobody would understand.

    And I am a real doctor and i spent 6 years in Medical school."

    Hahahahaha no you didn't, everyone knows you didn't. GOLDEN ;)

  105. That's awful, Joe. Hope you get well, my best wishes for you and take a good rest! ~
    And thanks for letting us know Brandon. ;}

  106. He's dating me.

  107. "Doctor" anon:

    Nobody with a brain is going to believe a word of what you say. Either way, nobody is impressed. NOBODY CARES.

  108. lol the fake doctor anon is a great new addition to the MS3B wackpack.

  109. The most important question is... why on earth does this post have 41 "Must Have's"???

  110. Joe, poor thing :(
    Hope he gets better soon!
