
December 20, 2010

Hi~! Miss Sweet - New Lipstick by Luo Chenchen

Download at Luo Chenchen's Blog


  1. Not bad. Perhaps a little under-detailed for me, but a decent dry lip.

  2. sorry but i think it looks like dry lips, like the lipstick is fading. next time perhaps add some shine to it so it doesn't look dry.

  3. ^Some people like dry lips, though. I don't love this lipstick, but if dry lips were what they were going for, shine would kinda ruin that, wouldn't it?

  4. ^ yeah i see your point, but i think EA skin already makes your sims look as if they have dry lips, oh well i wonder who wants dry lips though xD

  5. I like dry lips. Just because EA gives you dry lips, doesn't mean you might not want a different texture for a different look; not all custom skins have dry lips either, so that's another thing to consider. Also, some people like lipstick on males but don't like shine on them, so that's another use for dry lips. Anyway, my point is that just because you don't like a particular style, doesn't mean nobody does. :)

    These particular lips aren't quite high enough detail for me though.

  6. Amnesia: the Dark Decent.

  7. ^It's spelled "descent."

  8. Not a fan of these... oh well

  9. As someone who suffers from chronic dry lips, I can safely say these look nothing like them.

    However, the colouring on it is very weird, and I'm definitly not sure I like it.

  10. ^Nothing like YOURS. This is pretty similar to how mine look dry. A little underdetailed though.

  11. Finally, something that doesn't make my sim look like it has greasy lips.
    Ty op!
