
December 23, 2010

Japanese Windows by Snake Legs

Download at Snake Legs


  1. :/ the windows look broken, its not even a circle it has too many edgy corners in it.

  2. ^I agree it looks wonky to me

  3. These would of been nice had the mesh been more refined.

  4. ^Have, Katsu.

    You say "would have" and "should have" and not "would of" and "should of" because the contractions "would've" and "should've" don't stand for "of."

  5. ^ Sheesh what are you my English teacher? Everyone slips up once in a while. @ lest e no talk TaLk ike dizz!

  6. srsly... gafl this is a blog, not a term paper.

  7. "^ Sheesh what are you my English teacher? Everyone slips up once in a while. @ lest e no talk TaLk ike dizz!"

    You seem to pride yourself on correcting others all the time, Katsu. If you weren't like that, I never would've said anything to you.

  8. ^THIS. Speaking of term papers, Katsu is the one who writes term papers trying to put others in check on almost every single post. Someone calling him out like he tries to do to others is well deserved.

  9. ^ I never replied to you 'til just now, anon. If I slipped up then thank you for correcting me. Give a guy a break. Save your vendettas for something more important, not my grammar.

  10. @last anon: Dude, why are you so hell bent on catching some sort of slip up with me? I'm a nice guy when I'm treated nice in return.

  11. Katsu, let it go.

    I like the windows despite their flaws, but I tend to prefer symmetry most of the time, at least when it comes to things like windows.

  12. I don't get why you said "let it go", when I wasn't holding on to anything from this post.

  13. ^Just a guess, but they were probably referring to your tendency to FEED THE TROLLS, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. God damn, you don't need to post 18 times in every thread. You also don't have to defend yourself against people when their opinions really aren't worth a bucket of crap. That is WHY trolls go after you in the first place.

    I don't dislike you, man, but whenever you post more than once (which you often if not usually do), my first thought is "uh-oh, troll magnet released."

  14. ^This, Katsu. The main reason people give you a hard time is that you react. Every. Time.
