
December 12, 2010

Jimi Hendrix: THE LEGEND by monca533

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. It looks just like him. LOVE it. And I will be downloading.

  2. Hahaha! I love it! Very well done!

  3. Sorry, but you should have made his eyes more red. ;)

  4. Nice. I just always picture him with his bigger, more wild hairstyle. Easily changed though. :) Good job.

  5. Mmm I like it alot. Manly man for the sims. Well done job!

  6. Jimi Hendrix has an afro... why did they use straight hair on the Sim? An easy fix, but still an odd choice.

  7. ^^ Not true. Jimi wore his hair straight a lot too. All it takes is google images to see that.

  8. wow you learn something new everyday. i didn't know he was black

  9. l m f a o ^ you just made my day ! (:

  10. You call this guy a manly man?
    look at him!

  11. Hmm, so I looked at google images and did not see any pictures of him with straight hair. I didn't go through many pages of the search results however. I am not doubting you, I'm just saying it seems like one of his less common looks.

  12. Nothing to do with Jimi, it's a big fail

  13. You can say that the creator put a lot of work and thus hats off, but this sim doesn't look Jimi at all.
    Not easy to do, actually this project is one of the most difficult, but the result even if good is a sim who can't be named Jimi.

  14. Considering the limitations in the game, I say this guy looks just like the late Jimi Hendrix. You did a bang up job!

    As for people who are judging Jimi on his past deeds...Get off it! None of us here knew him personally and none of us can even fathom what it was like during that time or any of the shit that he might have went through. But if you have any shred of decency in your so-called productive existence, just leave the dead alone and live your life instead of judging others. That's the problem with society, we're so quick to judge others that it's sickening, really. Yet, we don't look at ourselves for some of the stupidity and arrogance we throw around as well.

    However, Jimi made a mistake. People make mistakes. Unfortunately it cost Jimi is life. And I'm not going to say it's okay because he was talented. I'm just going to say that people need to stop flinging guilt at him because he's human. Any one of us can go down hill with enough stress. Trust me, I've seen it with the most influential and positive people I've ever heard about/met so far.

  15. Sire he had talent, its sad that he had to ruin his life with drugs though. I agree that the above anon should not have said he was an idiot for it, but doing drugs is what killed him anyways. Its sad people don't seem to get that doing drugs is not the way to go. It wont get you anywhere, and it will fuck you up. Just like it did him. Its sad that he killed himself by overdosing. Poor jimi. If he came back, id say he needed rehab. Either way, he does have talent. Too bad he killed himself at age 27.

  16. well, you're all saying the same thing actually. stop getting all butthurt.

  17. i didn't know he was black b/c i thought he was one of the beetles lol

  18. "Anonymous said...
    i didn't know he was black b/c i thought he was one of the beetles lol"

    Anonymous said...
    wow you learn something new everyday. i didn't know he was black


  19. wow you learn something new everyday. i didn't know he was black


  20. The comments are made of lulz once more, gotta love these trolls. Give us more you little critters!
