
December 13, 2010

Newsea Cynthia Overhaul by Robodl95

Download at Look It's a Plumbob Over My Head

File name:
Robodl95_Newsea Cynthia

Newsea's version here




  1. Nice! It doesn't look like a mullet anymore!

  2. looks so much better with out those bangs. actually looks normal now

  3. Somehow, you managed to make it worse.

  4. And jubes knows a thing or two about making things worse.

  5. Looks a million times better.

  6. wow...definitely looked better before, thanks anyway.

  7. Those bangs were horrible and only suitable for crack whores so thanks. This is much better.

  8. Rob has better taste than the actual hair creator who easily could have done this. Nice job!

  9. Thanks for removing the tarantula fangs.

  10. How is this better?
    It looks so dull and crappy, the alpha edit makes it even worse!
    Sorry Robodl95, but nice try!

  11. Strangely enough I know (well "has witnessed" might be a better term) a girl at my school who has hair exactly like this it's really funny....

    Thanks guys :)

    Oh and Joe (Brandon?) I think you forgot to mark this as 'Female Hair'. ;)

  12. Meh... it looked horrible in the first place. Rob's looks more "normal" around the top, but also more boring and the texture is awful and completely washed out now.

    Overall, this one is worse.

  13. Still looks like shit.

    And the toddler?

    Do you know of any 2 year olds who have hair like this?

    I sure as hell dont.

  14. Lotus should retexture this alpha edit. I would make it a bit better.

  15. I liked it better with bangs. :/ .. Texture here looks nicer, but why all the hate on the lunatic fringe?

  16. for once i agree with Jubes. i just think it was a very awful hair to begin with.
    thanks for trying though.

  17. oh wow an anon liked the bangs O_____O

  18. Dont make newsea mad.

    He will hack you.

  19. Or as somebody else commented, I guess newseas name is Rob.

    Do not make rob mad.

    He will hack you.

  20. Oh wait, nevermind, rob is the guy who changed the hair. Ok then...

    Do not make newsea mad.

    He will hack you.

  21. " oh wow an anon liked the bangs O_____O"

    I didn't read the comments on the original. But I like bangs on things... especially overgrown side-swept bangs.

    My main gripe with the hair, apart from being pay/super-high-poly/newsea texture ... which is a problem with every newsea hair... is that I don't like how the hair is pulled to the front. It doesn't seem natural to me especially since it doesn't move. Soooooo many long hairs for TS3 are like that. And with hair like that you need to add morphs or you can only use the hair on sims of a specific size. I don't think newsea adds morphs. The longer the hair is, the more ridiculous the 'frontal hair' looks. And TS3 hair looks odd when it gets longer than lower-back, because of lack of animations and stuff.

    I am waiting for... long (to-lower back), straight hair, with nice bangs, and no random accessories or frou-frou, that doesn't have half the hair pulled in front, and isn't ZOMG!!!! High poly!!!

    And it looks like I'm going to be waiting a very long time for such a simple, boring hair.

  22. To be honest I'm not very happy with the texture either, I tried using a shinier texture but it's not a very big difference in game :/

    I'll get there eventually :) whatever anyone says the only thing that matters to me is what I think since I do my work for myself.

  23. Oh wow...

    This retexture just further accentuates the flaws the original mesh had. Nothing could save this one.

  24. "I'll get there eventually :) whatever anyone says the only thing that matters to me is what I think since I do my work for myself."

    I agree, you're growing more and more every day :)

  25. This is a huge improvement, and the texture is not bad. I only have a question, does it has morphs states or it flies like newsea's?

  26. the poor toddler is high!

  27. Crayola colors make it hard for me to judge...

  28. How does Jubes make anything worse? Is it her fault that you're all butthurt because she expresses her opinion?

  29. how hard is it to alpha edit hair?

  30. "This is a huge improvement, and the texture is not bad. I only have a question, does it has morphs states or it flies like newsea's?"

    I didn't touch the mesh so no morphs.

  31. "how hard is it to alpha edit hair?"

    You need to open the Diffuse Map file in a graphics editor program. Remove the white parts of the picture to remove parts of the hair that show up in game. Rob deleted the white parts of the picture that represented the fringe. I really like your version Rob, without the fringe :D

  32. "how hard is it to alpha edit hair?"

    The act is very simple (as shyne explained) but it depends on the hair, some hairs are UV'd weird so if you delete the bangs for instance you might also delete the back of the scalp. Or sometimes it's not very obvious what is where.

  33. I like this alpha edit and retexture, looks much better than the original, thank you!

  34. It definitely looks better without that ugly fringe. Next time, why don't you use a brighter Specular? And if you can change the Halo, that would help too :)

  35. What does the halo do?

  36. The Halo controls the shine applied to the hair. Something like the Specular. Did you see that shiny effect EA hairs have in CAS? Well, that's the Halo effect. If it's well used, it can make wonders for the hair in-game. :)

  37. I also actually liked the bangs, but this texture looks much better than Newsea's.

  38. Without the fringe, it looks almost identical to Newsea 16:

    I guess that's why Newsea added the it wouldn't appear that he was recycling hairs.

  39. This looks lovely! I don't think the texture is that bad... It's honestly an improvement from Newsea's.

  40. I like the hair in both case, but this one for toddler is just so adorable!

    I'm personally not too fond of the texture, but it's still nice. The alpha edit, however, is quite great!

  41. I like the Alpha edit, now can someone please retexture this.

  42. This one just show how much people have so different tastes, I like the texture but dislike the alpha edit. Would be nice if you do one without the alpha edit.. Please?

  43. I'm usually irritated at Jubed constant negativeness, but in this case I totally agree with her. Sorry Rob but you really did make it worse.

  44. ffs need maty answers. Tried everything and even smartass answers.

  45. Looks better now, thank you) But if NewSea's hair is free, it means it's almost impossible to save em))) Still very good work, Rob)

  46. wow you got rid off the ugly fringe:)the hairstyle is much better but the texture is not that great looks dull,sorry :(

  47. "I didn't touch the mesh so no morphs."

    Aw, oh well. I won't be downloading then. The floating hair gets on my nerves.

    Thanks anyway, you did a good job.

  48. "Wow, if Jubes is an idiot then what does that make you?"

    wow, what a long did it take you to think of that one, Einstein?

  49. I'm not overly fond of the texture, but removing those awful bangs was wonderful :D Makes it look a lot more natural in that particular part.

  50. How bizarre, I like the high shine original version much better. The no-shine looks flat and lacks depth.

  51. My sims use conditioner, so they have really shiny healthy hair. LOL :)

  52. Now that I think about it, the dreads and afro styles could use some conditioner as well. :)

  53. Jubes's White KnightDecember 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    "wow, what a long did it take you to think of that one, Einstein?"

    Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

  54. ^Me? Really? With a name like "Jubes's White Knight" I'm surprised you've found a way to pull your lips out of her ass long enough to tell me what's embarrassing and what's not.

  55. The textures Rob uses don't look good at all. Hair that is dull and lifeless like that usually is a sign that it's damaged and unhealthy. You don't need a bucket of grease textures to achieve nice hair, but you also shouldn't go with these textures because the hair looks like it's been stripped of any and all nutrients. Healthy, clean hair has a natural shine to it.

  56. The textures Rob uses don't look good at all. Hair that is dull and lifeless like that usually is a sign that it's damaged and unhealthy. You don't need a bucket of grease textures to achieve nice hair, but you also shouldn't go with these textures because the hair looks like it's been stripped of any and all nutrients. Healthy, clean hair has a natural shine to it.
