
December 14, 2010

Ripped and Torn by RD

Download at Garden of Shadows


  1. The only thing I would of done different with the wall damage collection would of been to add a bit of an inner shadow as to add depth to them.

  2. "It really isn't all that creative."

    Well the concept of things being ripped up and torn isn't that creative, no, but there is a lot of 'creativity' from GOS. Don't ever suggest that the people there aren't creative and full of great new ideas and talent :)

  3. I guess graffiti is not your thing?
    Thanks RD <3 These look fabolous, adds some spice to my walls. ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "It really isn't all that creative"

    And what are you doing that's so much more creative I wonder.

  6. I like it all. :( .. And grunge>super spotless modern. Grunge has character. That modern stuff is just soulless.

  7. ^ I really don't think your statement is at all correct.

  8. I love it. while you may have a point jubes i think it comes down to personal taste, this stuff ads a rough urban feel as opposed to the impossibly perfect sims lots we get alot of. I like both, but the best stuff, is stuff that we can identify as somewhere in between, not to grunge, but not to refined

  9. For anyone that actually liked the doodles and already downloaded them I uploaded the wrong file. Fixed it now in case you want to re-download to get the one's pictured in all the previews.

  10. "The best stuff" is whatever a person considers it to be. Opinion isn't fact. Beauty exists in different forms for all.

  11. Thanks RD. I'll be redownloading. ^^

  12. I find it odd that the people who don't want it, feel they have to comment and tell everyone else they don't want it. Well I suppose HATERS GONNA HATE!

  13. Ive been reading the comments on the past few updates, Jubes your just a constant downer huh?

  14. I wish Jubes would go away. She's worse than Claeric and makes Rohina @ MATY look like your favorite grandmother. X_X


  16. Anyone who wants to make a name on the internet and be e-famous is lame, no matter who.

    And some people here like to make grungy lots. Cause as far as I know, not everything in this world is spotless and new. So why not add a little realism to the game.

  17. "Having a bunch of random torn crap on a wall doesn't make it cool or interesting. It just seems douchey."

    Talking about douchey...

  18. "Throwing a bunch of random insults on a sims site doesn't make ME cool or interesting. It just seems douchey."

    There, fixed.

  19. ^ All you anons are the same, you're all jealous of anyone who makes a name for themselves on this blog. Whether it be a notable blogger commentator or a whether it be an up and coming creator. You all get intimidated and jealous. Stay pressed haters, we're doin' for ourselves.

  20. I love the grunge as well as the regular clean looking lots. I do however find it's takes more creativity to make a proper looking dilapidated, needs repair and care, lot. Clean, new builds are regular and numerous in comparison.

  21. "Stay pressed haters, we're doin' for ourselves."

    You are hating on the others anon too, dear. You are no different.

  22. ^ Are you talking the anon who said "stay pressed" or the anon who said "you are no different"?

  23. *All you anons are the same, you're all jealous of anyone who makes a name for themselves on this blog. Whether it be a notable blogger commentator or a whether it be an up and coming creator. You all get intimidated and jealous. Stay pressed haters, we're doin' for ourselves. *

    Haha, I don't think that's like it at all. I have blog here too, but I comment stuff sometimes as a anon being lazy to log in or some other stupid reason, so it has nothing to do with jealousity etc.

  24. ^ Rofl, k bitch. That doesn't really prove your point at all. You have a blog? Cool story bro. I don't care unless you're someone with a big name or at the very least, a big distinct personality.

  25. I love these! I can see myself using these quite a bit. <3

  26. I miss Katsu to be honest. He was such a diva.

  27. These are amazing, I love the CAStable decals.

  28. Like them too, I've always loved the vintage and Grunge type stuff (or how ever grunge was spelled) Anyhow very good job :)

  29. I like these and have use for them in certain parts of my game. Thank you for your creations. :)

  30. RANDOM: I love how RD spells Aikea's name wrong repeatedly. It's not a huge deal. Just personally fucking hilarious.

    And these are loverly, esp. the scribbles set being CASTable, as'fjhfj; ♥

    Damnit, I want to participate in this event sfm.

  31. ^^ obsessively paying attention to the way she spells things is personally fucking hilarious.

  32. its trolling when its done to you but not when you do it to someone else?

  33. its trolling when its done to you but not when you do it to someone else?

    SIGH. There are many, many fucking times RD spells her name wrong when borrowing her meshes (even down to the filename, bro). Not obsession when it's blaring right there when she shares a modified Aikea mesh. The fact that you think I'm being "obsessive" about it makes me think you are trolling. Hence, my mocking reply.

    Spelled it out for you, clearer now yeah?

  34. ^ It's funny you're obsessed with a minor spelling error you're obviously trolling as no one else has said anything about it.

    I also find it rather amusing that the troll is too scared to say which creator they are @ TSR on their blogger account.

  35. ^'re a bright one.

    And who said I was a troll? :38

  36. These are fantastic RD! Thank you.

  37. I'd say if Aikea herself hasn't made a point to laugh hilariously right in RD's face for a mistake she probably doesn't even realize she is making then a smart person would be able to contain their urge to do the same.

  38. yayy i love this kinda stuff, thanks!
