
December 16, 2010

SiManhattan by SimFansDE

Download at SimsFans



  1. I've been playing a large world that's just been a pain to play after a while. This looks like it could be a nice break. It's not tiny, but it's not massive...I'll probably give this a download.

  2. This looks like a 'movie-set' version an island city. In other words, everything looks extremely artificial and awkwardly placed.

    Passing on this one.

  3. ^ Yep... pretty much what I was about to say. After watching that trailer, AWKWARD is the only word that comes to mind.

  4. ha, the movie was a good idea.
    i'm debating on whether or not to try this one out as i don't download worlds often.

  5. Yeeahhh, it almost looks like literally EVERYTHING was planned-out by a blind person. Some lots look fine by themselves, but there's no rhyme or reason as to what is next to each one. The road system is the worst I've ever seen in CAW.

    If you're debating on trying this one, certainly **AVOID**.

  6. I can't help thinking it looks very much like a city on an ocean liner. Very Doctor Who to me and I think I need to have it....Wish I could make it floating in the sky.

  7. I'm going to assume the creator was planning on something fantastically monumental, but then realized that'd take way too much time, so they gave up and put water around anything that was finished.

    Gotta give them credit though... thinking up the name "SiManhattan" to make it sound like this strange appearance was done on purpose was clever! :)

  8. ^ LMAO. After observing the obviously unfinished awkwardness in the trailer, the above is a hilarious, yet extremely believable theory!

  9. "i'm debating on whether or not to try this one out as i don't download worlds often."

    Do NOT waste your time with this world. It's an absolute mess, and there are sooooo many fantastic worlds out there. Just look around to see what fits your taste.

    And bravo to the brilliant theory posted above this comment. That's the only story that could ever explain the strange appearance of this world.

  10. There's a thread on Modthesims of this guy doing an extremely realistic NY

  11. Well I for one LOVE the logo.

    That's about it though.

  12. Doesn't look like "Manhattan" in the least so they should really find a new name for this.

  13. Honestly this doesn't look like much effort was put into it. It's down right Atrocious, and to whoever did it. Shame on you.

  14. wtf cleopatra's needle was put in the middle of the street haha. irl it's in the middle of central park. this person has obviously never been to manhattan and i'm offended by this attempt as a new yorker >:(

  15. least you tried.

  16. If any creator was going to do Manhattan, I wouldn't trust it to anyone but Coasterboi or Pyronium3.

  17. I've never been to Manhattan so I can't speak on the authenticity of the world. However, I've been needing a new mini world to play in because the big massive ones make my computer sad.

  18. "Well I for one LOVE the logo.

    That's about it though."

    You know what, I was thinking about too. And it really IS the best thing about this world.

  19. Some people never have anything good to write. They're downers for life.

  20. ^Thanks for your incredibly useful post about the content!

    /ironically useless post

  21. I downloaded it and played with it. The main problem is that it was a ghost town for a whole week. I don't know if I needed to do something else but beside neighbors in my apartment there was NOBODY LOL
