
December 19, 2010

Skintones and Faces by Araenna

Download at Garden of Shadows


  1. This skin makes her buttcrack look weird. Other than that, its pretty much just like EA's skin.

  2. ... well at least for the most part.

  3. This person really has no sense of presentation do they? Is this really the best way to show off your custom skin? I don't think so.

  4. These are not bad but with so many other great ones available, I will have to pass.

  5. I downloaded them all and examined them for myself. Her 'pale blend' is worth looking at. I believe I will keep it for myself, and it actually IS quite a bit different from the EA skin.

    Her Enalya conversions are not. The latter are face only a few have perma-blush, and they all just.. don't work so well for TS3. They're kindof.. fuzzy. As if the textures were resized awkwardly. They also don't match the base skintone colors.

  6. The faces look pretty cute from farther off, but I don't think I like them closer up. Plus, the skin blend she used makes the body lose a lot of detail, and we don't even see the male one. Obligatory bitching about the preview shots.

    I'm usually excited to see new skins, but I'm not a big fan.

  7. If the butt crack wasn't... veering to the left, I wouldn't have a complaint about the body skin.

    Gotta agree that the presentation is pretty bad.

  8. The presentation is bad, but not as bad as the other one. And the buttcrack just looks strange.

  9. I think the butt looks strange because the Sim is shifting her weight to one side. She's not standing straight. Maybe that's why, anyway.

    Not too bad from what I can tell, but I'm happy with the skins I have now.

  10. and we don't even see the male one

    That's because the skins are teen-adutl female ONLY. You should read a little before typing.

  11. I see a male model on the previews posted here, and don't see a male body. It's not a hard conclusion to come to. I will admit I missed it while skimming, but you should be less of a bitch about it.

  12. Specifically... the Enalya skins are face only male/female. The blend skin which is full body is female only.

  13. well she says she is going to work on the Enayla conversions, when she gets a chance to do them right. I for one can't wait to see the improved version. I used to love these skins in TS2

  14. well the pale is nice but i wonder how the darker tones look? So either this creator is stupid for not putting up different skin tones or has sum kind of prejudice against em.

  15. ^Probably just neglected to do it. I think jumping to the idea of a prejudice is a little excessive.

  16. Yeah, I agree, these skins just don't look right. o__o"

  17. Yeah, I put the Enayla ones up in case anyone wanted one, but I know they're not good. Hence why
    I said that in the post.
    The pale ones I didn't do an actual dark for, because the point is it's for pale sims. The darker version isn't terrible, but I don't know why you'd want to use a skintone made specifically for a pale sim on a darker sim. The body is mostly Cutthroat dolly, with the breasts taken from Lady Frontbum's Busty St Clair, because I like my sims to have some cleavage if I use a breast slider.
    Sorry if the presentation isn't great, I've never really done preview pics for a skin before, and I also didn't have a lot of time to work on the previews. Enayla are faces only, fyi, hence the body being EA or whatever you use as a default. I do plan on fixing those at some point. Like I said, they're not great, but I posted as an extra in case anyone liked them. *shurg*

  18. "So either this creator is stupid for not putting up different skin tones or has sum kind of prejudice against em."

    Um, what? You do realize the originals were made by Enayla, yes? I'm not sure how that makes Araenna racist, or even Enayla.

    She made a skintone that works specifically for pale sims. Do you accuse the people who make green and blue skins of being racist, too?

  19. ^yes, of course I do, like any normal constituted person !

    oh, wait...

  20. it's a shame her faces aren't default, they're beautiful ingame
