
December 15, 2010

Starter Shacks by Century Eyes

Download at Garden of Shadows


  1. i love these. i know just where i want to put them in bridgeport. hope they dont require WA

  2. I guess they had to make something...

  3. ^^^It says Base-game compatible.

  4. I really like the 4th one. I'll probably use different furnishings and turn the loft into a studio though.

  5. It's called motherlode people. Who the hell wants there sim to live in squaller like this. The game is supposed to be make believe not like real life!

  6. ^Some of us choose not to play with cheats. It's just a matter of personal preference.

  7. LOVE!! :) I always love making 4x4 houses for Sims... since Sims 1! I don't know why.. These are perfect! :)

  8. @Motherloader, who needs motherload? Its easy enough to earn cash in game. But the game is more fun (to me) with less cash. I use awesomemod's 'money' cheat to make my sims poorer all the time.

    And one could make the 4th one an unsuspected mansion if one chose to. Add basement levels, fill it with riches, ect.

  9. Living in squalor is "real Life" for that Anonymous. LOL

  10. Hmph, these crap shacks look like they're from the slums.

  11. ^Perfect for you and collagen habit then.

  12. ^Quite the opposite actually. I prefer my house to be a little less grotesque.

  13. oh wow, have we got some snobs on board this time...

  14. ^No kidding! To the snobs: for fuck's sake, haven't you ever heard of variety? I personally like to have homes of every type in my game, to fit with sims of every type. If everyone is rich and perfect and living in a perfect home...where's the realism?

    And btw, lol at the motherlode are clearly not very good at this game.

  15. "Hmph, these crap shacks look like they're from the slums."

    Well, that was the look I was going for, so I'd call it a success!

    @ the anon who asked if they require WA - no, they shouldn't. I do have all the EPs/SPs, but I was pretty careful not to use anything from them.

  16. ^ agreed

    Well if you were going for the depressing alcoholic crack shack then you hit the nail on the head. Good for you. :/

    Btw anon above, it's motherlode, you douchebag.

  17. despite most of my sims being well off, i like them for variety in game
