
December 30, 2010

Two Community Lots by Rabiere

Download at RabiereAndCo

Gymnase Oj'suisnaze

Place de la Fontaine


  1. These are darn good and on my wishlist!

  2. i love the second one

  3. I love the gym, but I couldn't figure out how to download. I mean, I found the initial link but it took me to some file download site that isn't in English and I couldn't figure out what to do from there.

  4. Anon above me, to download you need to click on telecharger ce fichier.

  5. Just a warning; do check these files out before you install them. One of the lots I downloaded here had the dreaded doll attached.

  6. Very cute and compact!

  7. Where did the windows come from on Place de la Fontaine? I love the look of this cafe/diner.

  8. Ooo, love the gym. What I was looking for. Since someone got the dreaded doll, I will build one based on that. Darn.

  9. ^Well, it wasn't one of these two lots. And if you use Delphy's Custard, or the existactinator (just drop the package in the library after making sure it's a lot) you won't be installing the doll. Just the lot.

    As a bonus the later method bypasses the launcher completely.

  10. BTW, what I mean by it wasn't one of these two is;

    I didn't download these ones, but I've downloaded 3 other lots from this site, and one had zee doll de doom.

  11. ^Thanks for the info anon.

  12. Oh, okay. I did check with the Custard and didn't see the doll in it. Since this would be someone new (at least to me), I was afraid to trust it. I installed it in my game, so I will be checking it later.

  13. "And if you use Delphy's Custard, or the existactinator (just drop the package in the library after making sure it's a lot) you won't be installing the doll. Just the lot."

    I absolutely love this method of installing lots. Foolproof way of making sure you don't install crap you don't want, and bypasses the launcher completely.

  14. Bonjour à tous et merci de vos commentaires :)

    Pourriez vous me dire quels sont les lots contenant "la poupée maudite" ? Je ne savais pas que certain téléchargement la comportait, je voudrais les supprimer.

    Merci d'avance !

  15. ^ "Les Bananiers Bleus" and "Les Anciens" I know for certain have it.
