
January 15, 2011

Anderson Window Set by Sailfindragon

Download at SailfinSims - Registration required


  1. I am going to point out before anyone feels the need to complain about registering for the site - We have Facebook Connect,Twitter OpenID, and Windows Live registration.

    Process is simple

    1. Log in with your username from one of these sites, Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live, any site like Dreamwidth or Livejournal that uses OpenID

    2. Enter whatever password goes with that username.

    3. You are registered for Sailfinsims- whenever you want to post comments, download/upload content, or enter contents just use that usnername/password combo anad you can do whatever you want on the site.

    I know this is not as good as not having to register at all- but we discussed it at Sailfinsims and hope that it is decision that will allow easier registration for prospective site members (since you are basically extending your membership at one of the listed sites to Sailfinsims)



  2. Hm. I'll give it a try, then. When I realized it was openID, that did change things a bit.

  3. We'd love to have you there- makes it easy for people to download and participate in stuff- and helps us increase forum participation which is what we want to do.
