
January 24, 2011

CAW Criquette's Ocean Liner from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 by Moria

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Sweet baby jesus--this is awesome!!! :^) *desperately searches for link*

  2. This is absolutely beautiful! I was hoping someone would convert these sets.

  3. Holy crap that thing is amazing

  4. zomglmao@!@!!11!!!!! try and make me next lolz!!!!!!!!!!1omg

  5. More of this please, I loved those sets in sims 2!

  6. I loved using this in Bluewater. Glad someone converted them for CAW, just wish I could use CAW.

  7. Fucking awesome!
    It's a shame it's just a decor though. :(
    And I will wait until someone make a world with this already in it, I suck in the create a world tool and this seems to much work.
    But awesome is awesome.

    BTW, is there a tutorial for dummies for the create a world tool? I really need something to beginners.

  8. It would be awesome if we at some point could be able to use real boats in the game, our sims could navigate through the seas! Hey, EA, make this possible, please!
    This reminded me some much of GTA 4 somehow! haha
    So cool!

  9. This is beautiful. MUCH better than the ship a certain member I won't name released with horrible one-tone textures and no quality whatsoever.

  10. Ayaa...let's see your stuff. I really don't get people who complain about something because its not what they want. Why not let it go. Do you really obsess about this that much? Geesh.

  11. Er, did you even READ what I said? I LOVE this ship. I was just praising the maker for releasing something that is QUALITY, since someone else made ships that were one tone with plastic texture.

    And I really hate when people use the old "You make something better" retort. It is stupid and really immature. Just because I don't make CC myself does not mean I'm forbidden from critiquing the work of others.

  12. I mean, I KNOW how annoying I am, but I don't have the money to visit a shrink.

  13. t's pretty cool until you notice the scale is completely utterly wrong like crazy.

  14. ^ STOP IT! ;_; You are so mean! I am gonna be up all night crying now! ;_;

  15. ^Fake Ayaa is really cute, maybe I should let it do ALL of my commenting for me <3

    No, but I'd never be up all night crying. My eyebags are bad enough without all that swelling and redness.

  16. Ayaa, I know I can't be the only one who actually doesn't give a fuck about your eyebags. Shut up nobody cares.

    Wow, this is pretty cool and looks very impressive, but I really can't think how it'd come in useful in my game. Thanks to the creator though, always nice to have some variety.

  17. Really incredible work.

  18. Ayaa is obviously person with good smart head on her shoulders. Trolls just wanted to bother someone like always. And giving good and bad qritique is great thing to do so the CC makers can learn better or get praised of well done job.

  19. lol. Anyone? its the ship from Castaway stories???? :-P

  20. Ayaa is someone who has to insult people who are not even involved in this thread to make herself look cool and one of the clique. Middle school behavior does not make someone smart. Critiquing this item is smart, having to smash someone else to do so is just rude and immature.

  21. If Ayaa was referring to Carlos's crappy work in her above comment, I hate to say it, but she's right. Carlos couldn't touch this level of quality work in his entire lifetime no matter how hard he tried.

  22. ^ you've got a point there.

    although it's not very fair comparing this glorious creation to one of the least talented creators ever featured on MS3B.
