
January 09, 2011

Maxis Makeover TS3: Mediterranean Town Home

Download at The Vintage Sim


  1. i wonder how they got the floor so shiny.

  2. Looks nice but not a fan of adding furni CC to my game.

  3. Wait.. the floors actually reflect or is that just photoshop?

  4. "Wait.. the floors actually reflect or is that just photoshop?"

    They're a pay item from TSR, available at the booty. They're the set entitled "mirror floors".

  5. You can also get the unfurnished version at her site too.

  6. the shiny wood floor is niceeeee.

  7. I like the house, it's cute. The floors are nice for shots, but I am not a fan of them. Not even for Sims 2.

    I love the dining chairs.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't really like the shiny floors on wood, or in a house, even. Now, in a community lot, like in an art gallery, or a library, with marble floors. Then, the shine would be nice. Or the lobby to a fancy schmancy apartment.

    But this house is really nice. very cute.

  10. Hey why TSR isn't able to put Booty down? not that I want that at all lol just wondering how does Booty manage that

  11. you all hate tsr but why do you use then tsr creations?

  12. Because there are a lot of quality creations at tsr?

    Unfortunately some of the creators and moderators of the site are a few screws loose.

  13. I love the inside of the house but not so much the outside. But I will definitely pick up some decorating tips from the pictures :)

  14. "Hey why TSR isn't able to put Booty down? not that I want that at all lol just wondering how does Booty manage that"

    Have you even read The Booty's main page. It kind of explains everything very plainly. By technicalities in TS3's terms of usage, it's actually paysites that are breaking the rules. The Booty works like an unjust justice, basically stealing from those who are breaking the rules but getting away with it.

    Or something like that, I don't know.

  15. "Hey why TSR isn't able to put Booty down? not that I want that at all lol just wondering how does Booty manage that"

    TSR doesn't use legit methods to "put down" other websites. They use hacking, DDOS attacks, and other shady methods.

    PMBD is aware of this, and very careful. TSR has attempted more than once, but they've never succeeded because they don't have a legal leg to stand on. There's a reason they use illegal means to destroy other sites.
