
January 28, 2011

New Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff Screens


  1. i like the gangsta gnome lol

  2. Thats not very much.

    It looks nice for what it is though.

    they have already showed all this in other pictures. When they show new pictures, it should include DIFFERENT stuff.

    Oh well, its EA. I should know this.

  3. I wasnt gonna buy this before but its growing on me.

  4. IS that a functioning water fountain?


  5. I like the stuff, but there isnt enough in it.

  6. They had me at the speaker rock. <3

    It should be coming out pretty soon, right? February release?

  7. Am I the only one who thinks they should of added a little more?

  8. "they have already showed all this in other pictures. When they show new pictures, it should include DIFFERENT stuff."

    All but the first couple are screenshots from a Simmer who actually got her game early.

  9. Just more crappy items you don't need.

  10. They are not crappy items. I really REALLY like them, but its a waste of money. The good part about it, is that it comes with a new music station like all SP's.

  11. I received my copy 2 days ago, was that not supposed to happen?

  12. I like it because outdoor stuffs really miss in the game.. With this kit, there's a great chances that the new EP will include Seasons, which is a very good news..

  13. ^I am pretty sure it will have weather because Grant Rodiek said they wanted to include it in Late Night but they wanted to make it better and more polished first, which is a very good thing.

  14. but we need pets too.

  15. "I am pretty sure it will have weather because Grant Rodiek said they wanted to include it in Late Night but they wanted to make it better and more polished first, which is a very good thing."

    a good thing...

    we are speaking of EA in here my dear anon.

  16. Look at those poor little unfashionable nerds in the pics. Having a good time, are ya? *snort*

  17. ^Looks more usable than ANY of the HELS clothing. And most of the FLS clothing.

    I wish the OP of that EA Forum thread were more competent, and didn't find it necessary to show us 'different colors' of the same bloody objects.

    Also, pictures without distracting items in the background and a visible grid would be nice, as well as images of the CAS crap.

  18. ^^ @ Anon just so you know it seems like the op is not a regular on the forum just yet. She didn't know how to post pics and myself along with a few other forum members walked her through the process. She's obviously not a professional picture displayer. (Not that that exists...i think).
    But she did her best and she is giving us way more than EA did within the past couple months. We didn't even get a trailer. Just a couple of screenshots. Talk about lousy advertising. I hope the promotion for the next ep is better than this.

  19. I like those objects, but I also think it's a waste of money.

  20. I dont think the people at EA work very hard.
    They seem to throw together little things like this. Now, everything in this stuff pack looks nice, but honestly, it could have had way more objects.

  21. I'm just happy there was more pictures of the content. EA hardly showed us anything this time around. :/

  22. I'm not going to buy it!

  23. I like some of the objects, but I cannot see spending 20 bucks for it, EA stuff packs seem to be becoming crappier by the minute.

  24. I'm not buying it either. xD I prefer HELS to whatever this is. xP My sims don't hang out on their patios all that much. XD They like going out clubbing. >_<"

  25. I absolutely love this!!! Can't wait to get it. It's way better than FLS which I did not get, and looks like it might be better than HELS which I did get.

  26. It's ok not that great but may be the items could be used to make a out door camp ground. Like in Bustin Out the sims console version.

  27. I'm in for the outdoor cooking, but is...that an outdoor tv? D:

  28. "EA stuff packs seem to be becoming crappier by the minute."

    HELS - "Futuristic" furniture (lights everywhere), I only like the bathroom items, the electric guitar and the aquarium.

    FLS - Cars mostly (and Sims teleport in and out of them), some decent decoration items for the garage and a few clothing items, more things I would use that I do would from HELS.

    OLS - New kitchen items, even if outdoor themed along with some summer clothing.

    Are they becoming "crappier"? HELS was very much miss as FLS pretty much offered cars ... OLS seems to be AT LEAST better since its not if the previous ones were much better.

    Stuff packs are about 3 store complete sets on a disk, cheaper considering no way in hell they would cost 2000 Sim Points if they were available on the Store.

  29. Come on, EA. You can do better than this, make me want this game will you?! Because right now i couldn't care less about it.

  30. I wasn't expecting much from this stuff pack, but the stuff is ok. Not worth what it costs, but you can always arr' it.

  31. When are people going to realise that a stuff pack doesn't add features to a game, like WEATHER. That is the kind of thing that is in an Expansion pack. Stuff packs (weirdly)just contain stuff, not gameplay.

    I think this looks not too bad at all. I have mine on pre order but the UK release date isn't till the 4th Feb. Looking forward to getting that outdoor fire.

    Makes me think though that weather could be our next EP.

  32. i can get OLS for £7.99 so im getting it, i cant wait for the new clothes and outdoor items, but i have one complaint about EA's clothing, since when do tops flair out at the bottom and not touch the skin? Looks strange

  33. I like the objects but it seems too little for the money.

    And what is that open case on the table, behind the gnome in the last pic? Is it a backgammon game or something? New animations are always appreciated!

  34. ^sorry to disappoint you, but I'm pretty sure that's a case full of gardening tools. Which of course, will not be usable.
