
January 02, 2011

Newsea Elisabeth Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Imo it looks pretty pretty on adults :--)

  2. This better not be Queen Elizabeth I inspired!

  3. wtf are you gonna do if it is QE I inspired, cry?

  4. On adults it looks good, but for childs and toddlers no. The bangs are too weird then.

  5. I don't think it's based on Queen Elizabeth I, because the hair is titled eliSabeth, not eliZabeth.

    I have to agree with the general opinion. good on adults, not as good on children and toddlers.

    Actually, I'd like to see Newsea tackle Elisabeth of Austria's famous hairstyle, the one with the stars in it.

  6. I'm pretty sure this is based on Elizabeth Swann from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

  7. What a messy bedhead

  8. It looks messy and the texure makes it look greasy too. What I don't like about this hair is the hair line, it's kinda wig-like.

  9. Do not like. Newsea hairs are always too ... stringy, I guess the word is for it.. Like, there are bits here, bits there. I don't know, I just know I'm not really a fan of Newsea hair unless it's been fixed up. This hair isn't so bad, though.

  10. Ew. EW. I'm sorry but there's naturally wavy then their's this.

    Gah, if only hairs could be like Katsu, fun, durable and pretty. <3

  11. What I have a problem with is the roots (obviously), and the part and front hairline -- they're a bit weird.

  12. Strange stringy "curls" ruin it for me... they look malformed

  13. The part on the head looks like an old style of Newsea ( "Frizzy" ) and the curls are too ugly.And the black roots,EEEWWW!!!
    But if somebody like,and I'll find the link to it, I'll post it ;)

  14. I have to disagree with the majority here and say that I absolutely LOVE this!

  15. I love it too!! Very pretty and casual, not high fashion, but something that someone could actually do themselves. Thank you.

  16. I find it to be quite lovely :D Definitely a hairstyle I like. For once it doesn't look like someone took several cans of hairspray to give the sim a ginormously swollen head.

  17. I love this hairstyle!!! I used to wear my hair like this alot when I was younger, like early teen. I actually like the partline, a too defined part would look less natural with this hairstyle in IMO. The reason I say this is because when you have wavy/curly hair and you pull your hair back in this way but its not pulled back tightly, then because of the wave pattern of the hair, you are left with the part being well sorta there and sorta hidden, like it is here.

    I do wish someone would retexture this though. But on the other hand when I did used to wear my hair like this I would have so much gel in my hair to keep it from frizzing out of control that it would look darker than it really way, so in this way I can see maybe she too has gone hair gel overload :)

  18. I generally like Newsea's hairs, but I think this one is ugly. Maybe it would look better with a retexture, but as it is...eesh.

  19. It's a nice wavy hair! But I find those curls at the front a little weird. Maybe with a retexture it would look better :)

  20. sorry but i cant stand newseas hair.

  21. This hair is really nice! I wouldn't use it on a modern sim but I think it would go perfectly on a queen.

  22. Anubis, will you be retexturing it? I'd definitely download your version over that one.

  23. maybe Lotus will retexture it, then we won't have to have anything in overrides

  24. WOW, this was one hard mesh to pull off.
    The volume, the way it curls around flowing along the head, wish someday I can mesh like that! *_*

    I agree the front planes look a bit off within the hairstyle, maybe if NewSea separated them in the UV we can remove them.

  25. "WOW, this was one hard mesh to pull off.
    The volume, the way it curls around flowing along the head, wish someday I can mesh like that! *_*"

    I agree. I don't think I'll be downloading the style because I don't care for the front curls over the shoulders, but I can still appreciate how incredibly difficult this was to mesh...moreso than most other hairs and I have to give Newsea props for having that kind of talent.

  26. I like this. I would definitely download a retexture.

  27. I would like this if the hairline was more natural. It looks odd to me. Overall, the hair would be nice, but I am not feeling it.

    Wish the curls were not over the shoulders either. Yuck.

  28. I WANT this!! Love it!!!

  29. the curls in front are weird, but it is still a very nice style.

    The hairline isn't that bad. My hairline often looks a bit like that. Then again my hair is pretty messed up...

  30. I really like it. Would work really well as a period-piece hairstyle also. Plenty of possibilities, and though I don't know a thing about meshing, I can tell it took some serious hard work.

  31. It's a goatfuck of a hairstyle.... but it's still awesome. Alright, I must confess: I really like this hair.

  32. I think this is a particularly pretty hair by Newsea- perhaps it is because I love anything which looks slightly period-style... But would definitely look good on period sims, and I think so far these are something the sims are missing!

  33. I love this hair XD


  35. Hmmmmm...It's quite nice but not something i'd pay for!Also, it's not something i would looks like it has a lot of issues...lets just hope someone sorts it out soon.. ;)

  36. Lisa, thank you so much for the link.
