
January 25, 2011

Nouk's Out of Fashion Ponytail ~ Converted for Teen-to-Elder by Anubis360

Download at Mod The Sims

File names:



    It's perfect in every way. ^-^

  2. of course must have it :D

  3. Can you convert some male hair for a change.

  4. ^He has converted male hair in the past.

  5. ^ I'm well aware of that, thank you.

  6. Those models look odd

  7. Although I love the style, it looks really odd, specially how the root is really far from the ear. I just hope it doesn't look much high forehead on my sims.

  8. Nice! As always XD! And I love your models

  9. This isn't that great for an Anubis hair...

  10. Don't you complain about Anubis's work...go and complain to original creator of the mesh.

  11. It's because the sims ears are small. Btw, pull back your own hair and see where it starts.

  12. I love this, am gonna try both. Thanks so much!!! :D

  13. Gives my sim a bit of a fivehead, but other than that is looks nice in game.

  14. Glad to know Nouk thinks it's out of fashion too.

  15. Yes! :D
    I were waiting for this a long time!
    Thanks Anubis! ♥

  16. Don't feed the race-baiting trolls, thanks.

  17. Love it Anubis, it's great as usual!

    And nice to know you think brazilians are trolls, annon. I'm a brazilian too and I don't enjoy that kind of treatment towards people of my country. I know a lot of brazilians act like a dick, but not everyone, so please don't generalize.


  19. ^ As should you, as should you.

  20. "^ As should you, as should you."
    For what exactly?

  21. Shhhh, you guys, you're scaring off the creators. Where's Savio? Where's Nandonalt? I wish they still were around, but, i can understand them for not sharing their creations anymore.
    It's sad it's a children's playground in here. Nothing to be proud of. When is this blog gonna improve? :(

  22. I'm a light bay in color.

    Helaene also packed up and left. :(

  23. ^ Oh fucking well. If these pussy creators can't handle the pressure that comes along with being in the public eye, then so long! Make way for better and stronger creators.

  24. That's all fine and dandy, but as soon as a creator comes up and uses the same language and attitude flamers present them with, they are told exactly the same thing (get the fuck out if you can't handle critique).
    So basically creators are supposed to deliver, take flames and shut up. Otherwise they can fuck off.
    This is now normal I guess.

  25. Evie.... She left too :/

  26. First I love the hair.
    Second I think Brazilians are hot, I mean look at all those super models.
    And third, to say that you are pigmently challenged because you are black is just hilariously stupid. Unless you are albino you are not pigmently challenged.

    Now back to this hair. Maybe its not in fashion anymore, idk...I don't live in a high fashion area, so this style is still really popular where I live, and I am glad and thankful to have this style to choose from in my game. thank you Nubie <3

  27. Evie left? When you say the creators are leaving, are they not releasing any creations anymore, or do they just not want their stuff featured on this blog?

  28. I don't know about Evie - but Helaene removed everything but a post about leaving from her blog, and blamed trolls.

    My impression of Helaene's departure is that she was trolled in her own space.

    That's not just a creator issue, that's anyone online ever, really. I don't know if she simply didn't have the capability to block people she didn't want commenting or not. I am sorry to see her go, I liked a lot of her stuff, but I don't understand leaving something you enjoy because of trolls.

    I have a very personal site unrelated to the Sims online (no, not Grog), and I definitely have had problems with trolls there, and there they're not trolling about things I've made but about deeply personal things about me. Usually I ignore it, sometimes I engage, sometimes I block. In the end I know that my journal matters to who I hoped it would matter to (it's related to specific medical stuff), and the rest of it just doesn't matter.

    I do understand being worn out, but I don't understand letting people you don't like chase you out of anything that matters to you.

    On the other hand I can't say something like new and better creators will now arise. Some of the people leaving may be more emotionally fragile, but that doesn't mean they weren't (and aren't) very creative or talented people who benefited this community.

  29. Evie still creates on her own blog. However, there are still many others who have stopped creating altogether. Helaene got tired of the idiot trolls, so now a great creator ever since Sims 2 has been run away:

    However, the posters before me are right. The TROLLS on here who have nothing better to do than be nasty to creators (and I'm NOT talking about constructive criticism) have run a lot of good creators off. If you say "good riddance" and think that their leaving makes way for the "stronger" and better creators, then you are sorely mistaken. Do not take Anubis and the other great creators still here for granted because you never know when they will finally get fed up and leave as well. Everyone has their breaking point and you don't know what a creator has going on in his or her life on top of Sims stuff. As I said, Helaene was around since Sims 2 and she's gone now.

    "^ Oh fucking well. If these pussy creators can't handle the pressure that comes along with being in the public eye, then so long! Make way for better and stronger creators."

    You act like these creators are celebrities. They are HUMAN BEINGS with feelings and unlike celebrities, most of them are NOT getting paid for this. I agree that if a creator can't handle CONSTRUCTIVE criticism then perhaps they shouldn't release stuff for the public, but there are many of you here who aren't here to help a creator improve, you're only here to flame and you know it.

    With your "pussy creators" comment, I already know you're one who just attacks and insults them just because you can hide behind an anonymous tag to sling as much dirt as you want. So if you want to call them pussies, so are you.

  30. "On the other hand I can't say something like new and better creators will now arise. Some of the people leaving may be more emotionally fragile, but that doesn't mean they weren't (and aren't) very creative or talented people who benefited this community."

    Exactly, Fender. Just because someone may not be as emotionally strong as someone else doesn't mean they aren't one of the best creators. The trolls who make themselves feel good by pretending to be big and bad on the internet are nothing but cowardly little girls and boys on the inside who aren't nearly as tough as they make themselves out to be... It's nothing but a facade.

    As for not understanding why people would let trolls drive them away from something they love, everyone is different. I tend to let stuff roll off my shoulders, but someone else may take it to heart. As I said in my long post above, people never know what someone is going through. They may be creating to get their mind off some sorrows in their lives and they want to share to make others happy, and when you're in a very vulnerable state, perhaps things that would not have bothered you before will get to you then.

    I think creators need constructive criticism, but all this flaming that goes on is getting out of hand. People need to decide what is more important to them - a creator not being a "pussy" or you getting the best content you came to receive. I choose the latter. The trolls choose the former.

  31. I dont often venture into the comments section but I always thought this was a generally happy place. Obviously not :|

    Come on guys. From what I have seen in the past few weeks creators (or their fans) are having hissy fits about a few stupid comments. Guess what? Counter trolling and bitching about (anonymously or not)it only makes them laugh harder, post more and worse.

    However, really loving the hair. Its nice to have something simple and not very over the top :)

    It probably will give them a big forehead but nothing a few sliders cant fix. I shall need to give it a go first.

  32. Where are the days where people would just say "nice try, thanks for sharing, maybe you can change this and that, then it would be better" and that would be plenty encouragement. And simply not download if it's no good.

    Right now some people treat their fellow sims 3 players as shit that needs to be scraped off of their shoes. Some seem to see it as a personal insult and are infuriated when they see something uploaded that they don't like or that is not up to par.
    How hard is it to treat someone normally.

  33. Disable anonymous comments, 'nuff said.

    That should smoke out the majority of the trolls, even though there are likely more than a few who are willing to register to troll, at least this might catch and humiliate the majority of them.

    I haven't registered because I'm afraid of being attacked by the trolls, it seems like whenever you post positive feedback or constructive criticism you get called an ass kisser by the 50 trolls waiting in the wings.

  34. "I don't however like all the racial commentary toward us pigmently-challenged folk. " <----LOL, sounds like you have a personal identity issue. Like one of those people who hate their race and desperately wish to change it.

    N-T-Hoos, I'm not a personal fan of this hairstyle but I know a few sims who could rock it. Thanks, Nubie :D

  35. Love, love, love this hair. Thanks Nouk and Anubis!

  36. I haven't registered because I'm afraid of being attacked by the trolls
    Why let them make your decisions for you? Register under an assumed name if you're worried they'll follow you from site to site. That kind of troll is very rare though.
    The trolling here is relatively mild, honestly. Much milder than you'll find in a lot of places. Here it's generally ill-mannered tempermonkeys blowing up at everything that moves (and why take that seriously?) or regulars poking at each other with far less rancor than it might seem.

  37. -tries to ignore the side chatter-
    Am I the only one who thinks this looks like one of the hairs released with Apartment Life?

  38. You're so correct Fender, it's idiotic to run from trolls, so I decided to register an account.

    And to the last Anon, I guess you could say the hair is a little like the Apartment Life ponytail, this version could be seen as a creator's remake/take on the hairstyle.
