
January 10, 2011

Late Night - Plain Tees - Jacket & Blazer for Adult Males by Rusty Nail

Download at Rusty Nail


  1. I don't know why this wasn't an option in the first place.

  2. I was hoping for the jacket and the blazer is a nice bonus.

  3. Love this! Rusty's clothes always look great in game. And I hate when people put the 'we' thing in what they don't like. The models don't bother me as I'm looking at the clothing. Thanks for sharing Rusty!<3

  4. I am happy to see this. Much love.

  5. great stuff rusty ,thanks

  6. ^If you'll notice, I complimented the clothing and DID say I liked it. I just find the sim used to showcase the clothing to behorrible at his job, since he doesn't do anything to show how this will look on non-deformed sims.

  7. does this require late night?

  8. I can't look at her previews without laughing. They just look so ridiculous that I can't help but laugh uncontrollably everytime I see them.

  9. ^^ Anon, considering that this is basically an edit of clothing FROM late night, and that sharing meshes from EA content is a big no-no, I think it's safe to say that yes, this does require late night.

  10. I really like the changes to the t-shirts. I love the blazer/tee combination but the cross-hatch pattern that comes on the tee really had to go. I never liked the shape of the top one, though. Looks perfect for an 80's retro sim but too short and boxy with exaggerated shoulders for my liking.

    So long as the sims are being discussed, I really like the faces. I don't like the overmuscularization. I think all her sims have had an unfortunate visit from the pissed-off witch doctor from Beetlejuice.

  11. Claps! I hate EA stencils, and they keep putting the crap on everything. Maybe I will use this jacket now.

    Thank you Rusty.

  12. the thing I dont like about her sims is that they look like giants. Its really scary and their heads are extremely small. Its weird.

  13. WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS COMMENT ON THE MODELS!? Are you downloading the model? No! So shut your damn holes! Either that, or upload some of your fucking ugly pudding Sims so we can criticize the living hell out of them.

    Every single time Rusty makes something FOR FREE and puts it on her site, you ungrateful assholes have to come here and bitch about her models, as if she's doing you some sort of personal harm by using models she clearly likes. Here's a thought- if you hate her models so much, kill yourself and donate your organs to someone who's not going to use them to bitch and complain about free content on a Sims fansite.

    You people are disgusting.

  14. I too would love to see these clothes on a normal Sim. I have downloaded his/her stuff and it looked horrible in the game. Sometimes the folds and wrinkles are way out of scale, which might explain why she/he uses giant Sims to hide the scale of the clothes. I really like these because they are EA clothes without the stencils so maybe they won't be so out of scale. But it would be nice to actually see them on a normal body. I absolutely disagree with the person above who says all his/her clothing items look good in the game. Many of them look bad enough that I end up deleting them.

  15. My sims are normal sized and the clothes Rusty posted lately have been nice on them. With this being an EA mesh, it shouldn't be stretched or look odd. The wrinkles are nice too, not too prominent.

    Prefer the clothes have depth and not lay flat. Looks like EA has caught on to this too.

  16. Normally, I am one of those people who HATES when people whine about the models; you aren't downloading the models so get over it.

    HOWEVER, in this case, I think it's justified because the models s/he uses are so out of proportion that it's impossible to tell how they would look on normally-proportioned Sims. As the poster above me said, sometimes the folds and wrinkles are out of scale and you don't know this until you get this crap in your game. I don't have time to download and test every piece of custom content out there (and I doubt others do as well), so showing how your clothing looks on NORMAL size Sims would be greatly beneficial.

  17. Freak looking model.

  18. OMG...thank-you. I always wondered why we couldn't just have the plain shirts in the first place.

    Who gives a crap what the model looks like the point is the shirts not the model. I barely even look at the models. I don't mind trying this to see how it looks on a normal's only like a couple minutes out of my day.

  19. GUYS. I think this was a joke. Like, on purpose. You all have been complaining about his sims, and the sims weren't really that bad to begin with. Suddenly they're increasingly more huge bodied.

    I think its a joke.

  20. Big body, small head


    Hes like an opposite Mr. Mackey.

  21. Give the trolls a special looking thing and they are like maggots on a dead body.

  22. "Way too many yapping vaginas play this game."

    Your crude insult shows your ignorance. A vagina is a birth canal. It is on the inside of the body, not the outside.

  23. Those boys been eating their Wheaties.

  24. absolutely love this in-game. thanks, rust. ♥

  25. People comment on models because they are NOT supposed to be the focal point. The item (say clothing) is.

    So when a model is either distracting from the item or does not showcase the item well people see it. They stick out.

    Aka GET OVER IT. Damn.
