
January 02, 2011

Raon 20 Retexture, Fix, Age Conversion by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob Over My Head

File names:
Robodl95_ Raon 20_ Adult
Robodl95_ Raon 20_ Child
Robodl95_ Raon 20_ Toddler

Raonjena's version here


  1. It's cute but I just feel like the part shows too much scalp :/

  2. look at those sims, they thinks thems people!

  3. It's cute, but the part shows way too much scalp. If the part were smaller, I'd download it.

  4. Omg it's SOO SOO SOO cute. Yes! Thanks!

  5. The grammar displayed among some of you is atrocious.

  6. HeY cAn U aLl pUlL tHe GiAnT tElEfOne PolL sIzE sTiCk OutTa mInEz AsS?

  7. Robodl, you are amazing. I've wanted this hair for ages, but Raon's was much too borked. Thank you!

  8. Oh thanks so much Robodl for changing your control so it's more noticeable what's going on.

    Cute, but that part looks like it weirdly stops on the middle of the head. Might just be the angle though.

  9. This is all kinds of ugly.

  10. Hey everyone, does anyone know where I could get the C.Dollie skin Precious mentions on her site? I can't find it on Google o.O

  11. Thanks! I really appreciate all the fixes you made!

  12. I guess it would be nice for a plain Jane kind of sim, but that part kind of ruins it for me.

  13. You can download the non-default version of Cutthroat Dollie's skin here:

  14. Yeah, that parting is wayy too big. But then again so was the original's. Someone should alpha edit it. ;D

  15. I agree, the parting looks weird and shows too much scalp. But that's Raons fault. Other than that, I like it.

  16. i love the simple style of this hair and i think robo dl's sims dont do it justice.

  17. "Someone should alpha edit it. ;D"

    I think it's part of the mesh, so it would take a mesh modification. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.

  18. so what if the part is showing a little more scalp than you would like, some people actually have hair like this, very thin hair. also it's perfect for old people, lots of old people have thin hair. Not everyone has to have oodles and fuckin oodles of hair.

  19. The grammar displayed among some of you is atrocious.

    Among is not the correct word to use here, as it leads to the impression that the atrocious grammar is simply hanging out displaying itself along with posters. You would do better using "by".

    Perhaps you could consult a good style manual.

  20. Damn grammar, hanging around, committing atrocities by itself!

  21. "I think it's part of the mesh, so it would take a mesh modification. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though."

    Partly, There's a bit in the mesh but it's probably possible to alpha it down a tiny bit, I don't think it would make a huge difference. Still if anyone wanted to alpha then be my guest!

  22. "Robodl, you are amazing. I've wanted this hair for ages, but Raon's was much too borked. Thank you!" - Anonymous

    Whenever I read something like that about a sims 3 download. I picture the person looking at a picture of the download every day, and sighing.

  23. You're wrong, Fender.

  24. "Whenever I read something like that about a sims 3 download. I picture the person looking at a picture of the download every day, and sighing."

    LOL. Maybe you're not far off.
