
January 12, 2011

Snow D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R.!!!

Like OMG stock up on water and canned goods.  The world is crumbling because there was a snowstorm in NEW ENGLAND!  We had our first real blizzard of the season last night, continuing throughout today.  Shows have been canceled, delayed, blah, blah, blah, to keep us all updated on every last snowflake that falls.

Last snowstorm, police were assigned to local stores because people were beating the crap out of each other over bottled water...I know (running water in homes, and a convenience store on almost every corner), nothing really can be said about that mentality but anyway.

The 115 year old rosebushes and, I'm guessing pretty old trellis is still holding up with all that heavy snow piled on them, here's one.  I don't know if they are really 115 years old since I wasn't around then, but was told my great, great grandmother planted them the year the house was built in 1896... along with the four pear trees, apple tree, cherry tree and grapevines.  I didn't take a picture of the Madonna of the bathtub, but she's holding up just fine too.  I got the house last year when my grandfather died and he was not into renovating it, so the trellis could be as old as he was.

Now to the real disaster... the damn plows that keep blocking my driveway.  So, that's where I'll be for a big part of the day, clearing out mounds of snow from stupid plows, dreaming that it's legal to throw rocks at them when they come along push more mounds of snow where I just cleared.

That said... YAY snow:)


  1. Ha, I'm already sick of the snow I have here. 3 snowstorms and counting.

    I'm glad you like your snow. :)

  2. I'm in New England also and we got about 2 feet O:

  3. Enough with the snow already in scandinavia...carzy place...

  4. Yea thats how it usually is in Wisconsin. Not surprising to see at all.

  5. isn't it snowing practically everywhere across the US? I hate the snow, I can't wait for spring

  6. Looks like my house this morning and it is still snowing. Yes it is snowing all across the US. Apparently they are even getting some flurries in Hawaii of all places (yes Hawaii does get snow apparently- or at least they do now)

    The one advantage is I have been able to play Sims all day cause I couldn't get to work. The disadvantage was getting up at 6 in the morning to shovel the driveway.

  7. I'll swap your snow for my floods. :P
    I love Australia. One side of the country is flooding, the other side has bushfires. Mmm, summer.

    Seriously, though,I want to see snow. Real snow. I'm so jealous.

  8. I moved to Florida from the midwest years ago and while I don't miss the logistics of snow, I do miss the quiet muffled snowfalls and the silent beauty. Great pictures!

  9. I am glad our snow system headed out of here and went your way! We are still cleaning up the mess... It is lovely to watch from inside all cozy and warm, though!

  10. Wow, I kinda wish! haha. It snowed like less than an inch, and school was out for me :)

    But tomorrow it's probably not going to snow, but oh well. Because I have a biology SOL tomorrow!

    Poor you Joe! Hope everything stays good.

  11. nice to know where you are in the world and now we know. lol

    all i need to know is your age and my curiosity will be quenched. hang in there, it's not any better anywhere else. here in nj it's horrid too.

  12. Ahh Joe I hope you dig yourself out soon! :)

    I haven't gotten any good snow at all this year. we got about 3-4 inches last night but that's the biggest this year (compared to the rest of the country that's not much) I WANT SNOW!

  13. I love living in Florida! Stay warm Joe!

  14. Joe is a 22 year old Italian/Greek boy from Boston. He confirmed this a while ago.

  15. I'm from New England and snow was the reason I left. Sad thing is, it found me in Atlanta where they don't have plows and apparently salt or sand either. I have been stuck home for three days now due to the snow turned ice. Hang in there!

  16. i didn't realize that joe officially confirmed he was

    well at least we know he has a sense of humor. had to re read that post a couple times because it has nothing to do with sims but it made me lmao!

  17. Atlanta has been at a standstill since Monday. I actually ran down the middle of a usually busy street yesterday, as there was NO traffic whatsoever that was going faster than I was! Good times.


  19. This is a ts3 blog you promote creators work, why you post these nonsense, nobody cares for your life, and if you feel like you need to be listened you should be more active on your blog posts yourself!
    Otherwise pay a psychiatrist.

  20. as a swed im used to this
    was some new records with snow set in november here
    it usually affects trains mostly
    thankfully never had our water run out here
    but u never know, weather keeps getting more and more extreame for each year all over the world:(

  21. ^^ either troll

    or 12-yr-old

  22. WOW! Thats alota snow. Im in NY and we got 2 storms already. One was a week ago and it was huggge, the tops of cars were covered and no one could go anywhere. Today we had another that wasnt as severe, about another 7 in to add to the leftovers.

  23. He's mocking people that overreact. Like the ones flipping out over Shivar's totally gay spanking paddles.

  24. ^ That has nothing to do with it. Shut up about that.

  25. same here. so much freakin snow.

  26. I'll never understand people who try to put blog writers in their place in their own blog. If it bothers you so much that Joe is talking about REAL LIFE then , I don't know.... DONT COME ON HIS BLOG!

  27. The snow has been insane! I live in the United States and I've gotten so much snow. I've been out of school for the entire week because of it!

    and I live in Georgia!

  28. I live in Georgia and we've been out of school for four days because the snow won't melt. It's ridiculous.

  29. Why in the world did I think that Joe lived in Georgia? 0.o

    "This is a ts3 blog you promote creators work"
    He can post whatever he wants on his own blog... Personally I despise super serious blogs that never show any personality.

  30. New England here. I went to school in the 70's and 80's. A lot of times we had school til mid July because of all the snow days. Storms were much worse back then.

  31. I almost feel lucky because it's just sheer cold here in North Texas. Though looking at these pics reminds me of that horrid snow storm that knocked my electricity out for two whole weeks. Miserable, miserable, miserable. Hang in there, Joe!

    And with all your electricity. ahem.

    Maybe like some Floridian commenters here, I should visit Orlando when there's a trace of snow flakes coming from the sky.

  32. Here in Portland, Or...........Just Rain, Rain, and more Rain! We thought maybe last night we'd get just a smidgen of snow.........but no, more rain.

  33. nadzicle <3 i wait 4 u legacy

  34. Is new england the northern part of the US, or is it in England somewhere?

  35. Audience, what are you doing commenting on a Sims 3 site, Audience?


  37. ^ Katsu is TOGEKISS

  38. new england is the northeastern U.S. people there are smarter, dress better and have a higher standard/quality of life

  39. ^^lol well I can't disagree fore I too am from new england

  40. o_O
    An Anon went to my legacy thing? Haha. God, I haven't even done more than a draft for it. It's a terrible legacy. Lol.

    Also, fairly certain Togekiss is NOT Katsu.. I don't think I've ever read Katsu writing 'lolwut'. Haha. Maybe he's busy or something. He'll be back.

  41. If you don't like snow move to South-America there never gonna snow!

  42. Every time I think of you, I fart.

  43. katsu is taking a dump. leave him alone!

  44. "This is a ts3 blog you promote creators work, why you post these nonsense, nobody cares for your life, and if you feel like you need to be listened you should be more active on your blog posts yourself!
    Otherwise pay a psychiatrist."

    Why are you posting /this/ nonsense? I don't mind listening /to/ what Joe has to say about stuff in real life. Yes, this is a sims blog, but it's nice to know something about the person behind the blog. The whole world doesn't revolve around the sims...or you. Obviously people do care about his life because lots of people have posted sharing their own stories, wishing Joe luck with all the snow, or how it is nice to know something about him. If you don't like it go find another blog to follow, or just try to find all this awesome content on your own. Better yet just get a life.

    Anyway, we are on our 3rd or 4th storm of the season and if this year's anything like all the years before, we'll get lots more. I've just learned to accept it for what it is, though now that the thought has been put in my head I am extremely tempted to go toss rocks at the plows, or maybe my shovel...with some rather large ice chunks in it. Hmmmm... if only.

    Well hopefully you'll get a break from this nonsense soon Joe. Hopefully everbody who's had to endure it will.

  45. Wow Joe, thank you for sharing the snow photos.

    I live in South Africa and we never get any snow. We are having lots more than usual rain this year with flooding, but not as bad as in Australia.

    Is it possible to post a picture of the sky on the horizon, or is the sky not blue after the snow? Just wondering, what it would look like???

    Keep warm and hydrated, chocolate seems good.

    Doesn't global warming seem ridiculous after so many snow??

    Happy sunshine greetings all the way form the south, I mean the southern hemisphere xoxo

  46. Wow Joe, thank you for sharing the snow photos.

    I live in South Africa and we never get any snow. We are having lots more than usual rain this year with flooding, but not as bad as in Australia.

    Is it possible to post a picture of the sky on the horizon, or is the sky not blue after the snow? Just wondering, what it would look like???

    Keep warm and hydrated, chocolate seems good.

    Doesn't global warming seem ridiculous after so many snow??

    Happy sunshine greetings all the way form the south, I mean the southern hemisphere xoxo

  47. Judging by the pictures you got the same amount of snow I got in my area.

    Also, I love the first part of this post, people are looney with this stuff. Let me get milk, eggs and bread, we will survive!

  48. i canet undersandt how people say much of shit and tell them not to tell about the real life... is that youre blog no so stay a way...
    so no abou other things nice to no were youre from... here is about a week no snow... i am littel bit glad about ii... because i can go to work..

  49. Snow sucks, you can have ours. xD

  50. Joe what happened to your fiancee?

  51. ^just stop it now!

  52. Snow has gone after 6 weeks, I am really happy.
    Greats from germany.

  53. Everyone that has snow is so lucky! I live in Southern Texas, US and I've never seen snow in my life. ;o;

    But even still, play it safe people! :D

  54. I lived in New England back in the early 70's. It was the most beautiful place - lots of trees, and the history of the beginnings of the U.S. is so apparent. My ex was in the Navy, stationed in Groton, CT so we lived in Norwich in an old apartment building that I think has since been torn down. I loved the old buildings and apartment houses. While there, we were able to visit Vermont, Boston and once, we went on a trek to Stockbridge, CT and ate at the famous Alice's Restaurant. I would love to go back to visit again some day. Now I live in the Southwest U.S. Not much snow, but once in a while, but it doesn't stay on the ground long.

  55. Someone asked if global warming seemed rediculous when there is so much snow. Actually, global warming, even though the temps are rising a few degrees every year, the polar region is warming and that pushes colder air down, plus the ice is melting, causing oceans to rise. The oceans have a large affect on weather too. If you Google "how does global warming affect weather?" and start reading, it will explain it much better than I can.

  56. In Poland it's normal ;)

  57. in Portugal the temperature is too low

  58. Why are people fighting over bottled water. water is everywhere! Why don't they just stick a clean bucket outside and get water from the clean snow?

  59. What's kinda funny about this, is that there's been that much snow + some in the place i live. Where I come from (Canada, lolz), it's no big deal to get that much snow xD

  60. Hey Joe,

    Why not flag down the snow plows and tell them they are creating a hazard to you because they keep blocking your driveway?

    Or I'm sure there's someone you could call and say that to. Maybe it would help?

  61. "Why are people fighting over bottled water. water is everywhere! Why don't they just stick a clean bucket outside and get water from the clean snow?"

    You'd be surprised just how "clean" the snow isn't! (And I'm talking about the stuff BEFORE it hits the ground)

  62. Please. There is no global warming. Do your research.

  63. I live in Quebec, Canada. What you got there is an easy snow day for us. Nothing is ever canceled or closed because of snow here...except if it's an ice storm, but those are rare.

  64. I've never seen snow, so I'm jealous that you have it. I want to live in a snowy state. Florida sucks.
