
January 10, 2011

T33 for Adult Males by Loverdag

Download at Loverdag's Weird Sims


  1. Considering all these shirts are basically the same thing (same mesh, two are almost the same grapic), wouldn't it have been better to used models of various sizes to show how it looks on them?

    As it is, it looks like it makes these sims look overweight, but for all I know, they could have that half fat, full muscle slider effect that makes them really bulky.

    reglardless, I think it'd be nice to see how this shirt looks on a fat sim, or a slender sim.

    As for the shirts, I don't know what mass effect is. Probably a movie or game, since one of the shirts has a 2, but I don't know who'd wear them. I do kind of like the red pattern, but I dislike the shine on these shirts. EA may make dull clothes, but I've never seen much of their clothing reflect light like this.

  2. lol in the one picture it cuts off to 'ASS EFFECT'.

  3. ^ LOL .. i'm terrified of the models :X

    but love the shirt! thank you!

  4. haha I just noticed that! hehehe

  5. Them is some BEEFY ... SCARY Dudes!

    Cool shirts, but all I could think about was these really scary looking guys! lol

    Mass Effect is an extremely popular video game, soon to have a movie. That's how popular, so I could see plenty of people wanting/using these shirts ^^
