
January 17, 2011

Thick Lipgloss by Shyne

Download at Shyne's Blog


  1. Ugly! Fish lips :/

  2. I like it, Shyne! I'll have to try it out in game. There are some lipglosses that are overly glossy. Or have the teeth thing. Argh, I hate the teeth thing. Especially if they open their mouth, it's like they have two sets of top teeth. xD

    The point is that I like this! Haha.

  3. I actually tried to make my own toothy lipstick but it really does look retarded.
    Fish lips? LOL Never thought of that XD

  4. really nice lips :) and I wish those Trolls would stop that annoying trolling everytime something is from shyne, it's getting irritating.

  5. It might not be trolling, they might genuinely think they look like fish lips :) But I do agree, it gets annoying when people try to attack shyne. i don't see that as an attack.

  6. i like it, but the lips (top lip) are to thick. loos really unrealistic!

  7. Sorry... that would be my Sims lol I like big lips these days... :)

  8. This one is better than the previous one, I really like it a lot. Thanks shyne.

  9. "i like it, but the lips (top lip) are to thick. loos really unrealistic!"

    Just because you have thin lips doesn't mean everyone does. There are plenty of people with lips that thick in real life. I am one of them and no, I don't have collagen.

  10. nah, it looks more like A.S.S. 3~*
    New A.S.S Lip Gloss N3 by Shyne

  11. Like the Anon above said, not everyone has thin lips. I personally think the lips look great, they look full.

    Great gloss, BTW, Shyne!

  12. "Just because you have thin lips doesn't mean everyone does. There are plenty of people with lips that thick in real life. I am one of them and no, I don't have collagen."

    my lips aren't thin, but normally the lower lip is fuller and not the top lip. it looks weird! have u ever seen someone with a fat top lip and a lot thinner lower lip?

  13. Thank god. I'm tired of Lemonleaf and Tifa releasing those overly shiny creepy lipsticks and glosses. Shyne, I don't care for your hair, but your lipstick is top notch. You should do a lot more of them!

  14. Perhaps the anon who complained about the lips lives in a very very small world? I've seen lips of all shapes in and sizes on different ethnicities no less. I love the lip gloss Shyne!

  15. I like the size of the lips. I just wish the top lip had more shine to it. Other than that, this is a great job Shyne.

  16. hot babes, I'd kiss those juicy lips

  17. Love these, just the right amount of shine to them

  18. I love this. Sweet and everyday sort of lip gloss.

  19. I don't usually download any lip glosses from anyone other than Yami and Lemonleaf but I HAD to have this. It's definitely a must have.

  20. The thick lip hatin anon is just jealous, of all us thick lipped babes ;)

    I love your makeups Shyne. The few pieces of makeup you have released are the most used pieces in my game. Never stop!

  21. What eyes/contacts are the ones used on the models?

  22. my lips aren't thin, but normally the lower lip is fuller and not the top lip. it looks weird! have u ever seen someone with a fat top lip and a lot thinner lower lip?

    Yes. On every third civilian and celebrity who has had Collagen lip injections.

  23. My lips are like these and yes, I was called fish lips in grade school. Later in high school, the guys sure did love looking at them and constantly complimented them. I guess with maturity comes appreciation?

    I really like this Shyne. I like the textured ones too, but use it mostly on males, this one my females will look lovely in. Thank you for sharing.

  24. Shyne, I have been looking at the eyeliner on your models. Are they from the game, or CC? Would love to have that.

  25. NOT BAD! but i guess look better in the pictures than in the game!

  26. NOT BAD! but i guess look better in the pictures than in the game!

  27. NOT BAD! but i guess look better in the pictures than in the game!

  28. Shyne said...
    Sorry... that would be my Sims lol I like big lips these days... :)

    I'm really liking the lip gloss and the lips (fuller suits me too). Just enough gloss to look like lip gloss without being too glossy and artificial. Really good work.

    Thing is, I always use glosses and lipsticks on other Sim lips without a problem, even after *I* change the lip shape myself once the lip stain is on. So, unless I'm missing something, why would the size of your models lips even be an issue?

  29. Hehe I love the gloss & your fat lipped sims. Big lips are hot :)

  30. I either use Subaxi's eyeliner K or the base-game eyeliner :)
    And the size of my Sims' lips is not an issue, but explains the effect the ligloss gives in these pictures. Perhaps in the future I should take some thinner lipped pictures as well :)
    I'm glad you like it, guys, and I think my makeup is much nicer than my hair retextures. Thanks for the feedback.

  31. B said...
    My lips are like these and yes, I was called fish lips in grade school.

    Because most people suck. Thank Gawd I'm not most people. :-)

    Later in high school, the guys sure did love looking at them and constantly complimented them. I guess with maturity comes appreciation?

    Exactly. Part maturity and part hormones kicking in. And the reason why people get the injections to begin with. The "bee sting" look is sexy on legs. :-)

    Look at Angelina Jolie for example. Hers are natural too and could she get more gorgeous?

  32. I like it, thanks.

  33. Rhiannon said...
    Look at Angelina Jolie for example. Hers are natural too and could she get more gorgeous?

    That statement is very true.

    Thanks for answering Shyne. Going to Subaxi's site to check it out.

  34. Shyne said...
    I'm glad you like it, guys, and I think my makeup is much nicer than my hair retextures. Thanks for the feedback.

    Far be it for me to tell you how to feel about your own work, but imho you do both exceptionally well. Between polycounts, transparency issues and mucked up file assignments, I am very careful to download only quality hairs. I learned that lesson the hard way. Not only have I never had a problem with your retextures, your hairs look amazing in game.

  35. lips and models are beautiful. angelina is not, though. :]

  36. My Sims have always had big lips and big eyes... they look more glamorous that way. :)

  37. The lipgloss is top notch and I think your model is beautiful, she has lovely lips :P

    Looking forward to seeing more of your makeup!!! :)

  38. Shyne! I tested these in game. There's a problem. Color. You can't make the color much different than all red without it looking strange.

    I really love this lip gloss but maybe you could fix that in your next try? Just try playing with color in game and you'll see what I mean.

  39. What colour are you trying to achieve? You see, you need to keep the (I think it's the bottom) bottom colour in white, and use the top two swatches to change the overall colour. Anything is possible. As long as you keep the bottom one white, because that controls the shiny bit :) If it's still an issue please let me know, I'll try it out in future glosses.

  40. I played with it for a while and noticed that changing the overall color uses the channel that also controls the shine. That's why it was a problem for me to use, because it easily became a bit matte when I tried to change it.

    Definitely looking forward to any fixes or new glosses. I fell in love with this one as soon as I saw it.

  41. "have u ever seen someone with a fat top lip and a lot thinner lower lip?"

    Many, many times, and not just on collagen-filled celebs.
