
January 28, 2011

Ultimate Realism eyes - as contacts and defaults! by Arisuka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. wonderful I really needed very small eyes cause when making sim with really small eyes normal eyeballs look too big. Thanks Arisuka!

  2. Where's the hair from on the second picture?

  3. ^

    It's free...

  4. Its kinda gross looking. Sorry.

  5. wow, best i have seen in a while!

  6. I know Katsu is the flava of the moment and u stupid asses love him but I prefer sofa. So mysterious and hot.

  7. ^you're just one of those that get anti loving towards someone who gets too much "lovers"
    anyway your comment of that sofa anon was really hilarious hahaha.

  8. I like them because they are small, but I found them a little flat, like the eyes have no life.

  9. ^ My thoughts when I saw them... They look flat from these screens. It looks like the texture gets sort of lost on the brighter colors.

    But the fact that they apparently can be inherited like default eyes is neat. I didn't know you could do that. I don't know if others have done that before... but I might actually start using contacts if more people made them like that.

  10. I don't think they look flat at all, they look very realistic! Great work!

  11. They're not really realistic and there's nothing interesting about these. Shynes are better.

  12. I don't like realism at all but these look good for those who do.

  13. Not as good as Escand's.

  14. What the hell is with the 'sofa' comments?

  15. THESE do NOT look good on toddlers! They do in CAS but not in game. That sucks because these look really good in the preview...

  16. Ooooh, no bloodshot effects when the Sim looks in a different direction sounds fantastic. I think these are worth a try for that reason.

  17. yes there is a blood shot affect, look at the second picture.

  18. I think that the vein effect changes with recoloring the whites

  19. Anonymous said...

    "They're not really realistic and there's nothing interesting about these. Shynes are better."

    January 28, 2011

    Seriously STFU Shyne/Briddy!

    As for these, I like them but I do think I am going to stick with Escand's.

  20. I tried these in-game. They are sort of odd looking on certain eye shapes, like if you can see more of the top of the eye than you can in the previews here for them.

    I guess these are like most defaults/contacts out there. They look good on certain Sims (like Arisuka's), but not all Sims (like mine).

    I tried testing the fact that the contacts are supposed to be genetic by running a quick test as well, with both test Sims wearing the contacts. But none of the offspring (four of them) inherited the contacts. *shrug*
