
January 30, 2011

Wardrobe Melissa by Astra

Download at Astra Sims 3


  1. All I can see is 3Ds Max cloth sim. Way, way, way too high poly to be worth it.

  2. my eyes just fell out

  3. Wow, this is all GORGEOUS!

  4. As someone else said, this all seems to be very very high poly, and though it all looks so very beautiful, I'm terrified to risk putting this in my game, as I can imagine the consequences would be game-breaking.

    So beautiful, but please think of those who cannot afford such excessive computer-related grandiosity.

  5. Can anyone get the polycount for some of the items? I'm interested in the arch, the clothes rack, the dress, and the mirror.

  6. Ok, so I clicked to download it and it is 78.90 MB.

    That is insane. It shouldn't be anymore than 8 or 9 MB, at the most. The poly count on these must be insane and I have a good computer, but no way am I downloading a set of stuff that is almost 80 MB. I thought Lemon Leaf was the most excessive with her poly counts...but Astra, you've beat her.

    Reduce your polycount, please. I love this set.

  7. Wow ...78.90MB....that must be a record....

  8. lol :) My computer just shrieked and hid behind the couch.

  9. Almost 80 MB? isn't that bigger than Riverview? no thanks, and it's ugly.

  10. 78.90 MB. Jesus. As nice as I think these are, I have to pass. The last world I downloaded was about 70 MB and came with more content than this.

  11. 78.90 poly? That is just irresponsible...

  12. My eyes started hurting when I looked at this. It's so distasteful. D:

  13. I could use this stuff in a high end bridal shop. Especially that lovely dress!

  14. ^If you download it, daluved, can you reduce the polycount and compress the JPGs and then reupload it in a link here?

  15. Looks really tacky to me, like plastic furniture with gold spray paint that's going to start flaking off before you get it in the house

  16. I don't think it looks that bad, the file size terrifies me more though, your computer may have hidden behind a couch, Anon, but I think mine just commited itself to an asylum! HA!

  17. oh my God, my eyes. I think it could've worked if done differently, but it looks like someone used spray-on glue on furniture and then attacked it with gold glitter.

    I kind of liked the dress for mid-evil shit, but damn.

  18. This is really gaudy IMO. =/
