
February 23, 2011

Aminali Ibari by Honey32

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. this sim is really cute. She looks like she has a lot of attitude. I think I have the perfect neighbourhood for her, actually.

    I'm downloading!

  2. A black sim that actually LOOKS BLACK. Well, there have been a couple others, but I think you get the point.

    She's so pretty.

  3. gorgeous! Love her top, too

  4. Christ, a black sim done well. No overexaggerations or any of that. Good job! I'll def. give her a twirl.

  5. ^ go away

    also, ayaa: attitude is so unattractive

  6. ^Go away

    Also, Anon: Attractiveness is 100% subjective.

  7. If this had been a white "unique" Sim, there would've already been 20+ comments instead of the 8 here where people gushed about how "quirky" she was. Yet someone makes a REALISTIC African Sim and only a few people can appreciate it.

    It's clear where the priorities of posters here lie. They only want uniqueness as long as the Sim is a race of the majority. Anything else gets majorly overlooked even if well done--just like this one did. If you don't believe me, check out the comments for MissLochness compared to when she did Sims who were white and when she made a gorgeous one who was black...the comments for the white ones always outnumbered her.

    That doesn't mean posters are racist, but it does mean that they just don't care about stuff that doesn't suit their own personal tastes and that they really don't care about diversity and "uniqueness" as much as they claim...

  8. ^^ LMAO @ 2 posts up. People like you are why we'll never have peace in the world. Take off your tin foil hat, quit reading into evil racist conspiracies when there isn't any, ease up on the anti-depressants, and actually THINK logically before you comment.

    Anyway, bravo Honey32! She really is BLACK if I've ever seen a black sim ever before. Perfectly crafted face, and just... a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing! :)

  9. ^^^ lol nice ownage.

    gotta agree... she's about as realistic (and beautiful) as they get (which is very difficult to accomplish with dark skinned sims). well done.
