
February 05, 2011

Art Attack! by Gillian Ivy

Download at The Rejected


  1. Ayaa (The Shining Sea by Peggy Lee)February 5, 2011 at 5:47 AM

    Does anyone else think that painting of a woman looks like a young Lainie Kazan?

    These are all very pretty.

  2. Thanks. I had to look up to see who Lainie Kazan is. I suppose I see some resemblances. The woman pictured is from a Frederick's of Hollywood magazine. The hair is painted on. Can't really remember what she looked like before I doodled all over her XD. I didn't look up young pics of Lainie. Though I do recognize her face, I'm sure I've seen her in something before.

  3. These look great, I really like the pictures you used!
