
February 05, 2011

The Bedroom by Lisen801

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Ayaa (Mirrorcle World by Ayumi Hamasaki)February 5, 2011 at 5:24 AM

    LISEN!!!! Hurray! Entire houses! I swear by the time Lisen is done with these fabulous updates, I'll have entire houses made with their stuff!

  2. 3 Comments
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    Anonymous Ayaa (Mirrorcle World by Ayumi Hamasaki) said...

    LISEN!!!! Hurray! Entire houses! I swear by the time Lisen is done with these fabulous updates, I'll have entire houses made with their stuff!

    February 5, 2011 5:24 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    awesome :-)

    February 5, 2011 7:18 AM
    Blogger Sailfindragon said...

    Very nice. Love it.

    February 5, 2011 8:21 AM

    Download at Mod The Sims


    posted by MS3B at 3:57 AM on Feb 5, 2011

  3. we lost thet round but its not over yet get ready for the next one defend the objective cobra on the way

  4. Now I can have entire lots dedicated to Lisen stuff. Wonder if she will do a bathroom? I love this retro furniture.

  5. Where the hell is that dresser :U

  6. I like that dresser. But I'm not gonna download it. You know why? Because I have this thing called self-control, people. That's right! I don't need to download everything I see that I like. Now that I look again, the dresser is cute, but looks like a child's dresser and I won't use it. I don't like the legs and the knobs are too weird for me, after all. Yep, looks like I would have just deleted it anyway. Good thing I'm not a compulsive, unthinking downloader, HUH.

  7. Ayaa (Elmo's Going Potty by Sesame Street Band)February 5, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    I don't have any self-control and neither does my bladder. ;_;

  8. omg THE LIGHT, the light!!

    I thought I had "enough" mid-century stuff, but obviously I was mistaken.

  9. I like the mirror, but it's not included.

  10. The dresser and mirror are here:

  11. Ayaa (Magic Moments by Perry Como)February 5, 2011 at 4:04 PM

    Fake Ayaa, that is totally silly! I have perfect control of my bladder. It's my gang-raped bum I have no control over :P

    And to the Proudly non-compulsive downloader, congratulations on that. I actually DO think before I download. And sometimes it's best to download first, see in game second, and then decide whether to keep or delete. If it's not to your style, then that's great. But that doesn't mean those of us who downoaded it are thoughtly downloaders who never think for more than a milisecond.

  12. Why would self-control keep someone with the space and computing power to use something from downloading something they like?

    I don't think that word means what you think it does.

    If you like it, and have the space to have it and the computer to use it, then the only thing keeping you from downloading it is some need to feel self-righteous, which is not what real self-control is.

    For instance, I love this set, and I am going to download it. It's not going to make me fat or harm my kid, it's not going to have kittens all over the back closet or steal from my rainy day fund to support its drug habit, it's going to do nothing harmful at all. I don't have to exert any actual self-control like I would in not eating more ice cream than I should, not adopting unfixed adorable cats, not sleeping with some superhot douchebag just because he or she is awesome in bed.

    It's not a self-control issue to download or not download this set.

    If you want a real reason to feel superior, you're actually going to have to put some effort into it.

  13. I was joking, Fender. LOL


    Apparently nothing can stop me from going full pedant! My apologies. :)
